Читать книгу Bayou Shadow Protector - Debbie Herbert - Страница 10
ОглавлениеEven in the early whisper of evening, stepping into the bar was stepping into night and mystery and a winding-down from the day’s work and worries. A dark, velvet smokiness settled on Chulah like a balm.
All heads, mostly male, turned their way. And stayed turned. April’s unusual hair color practically glowed like quicksilver in the dim lighting.
They slipped into a booth and Chulah signaled Karlee over. She approached, eyeing April with a jaded once-over stare.
“Hey, sweetie. That’s some kind of dye job ya got there.” She lifted a thick strand of April’s hair and leaned in, squinting. “Blond and silver and lavender. Who’d have guessed that combo worked?” She smiled, not unkindly. “I like it.”
Women and their hair. Chulah stifled a sigh. “I’ll have a whiskey double. Neat.”
Karlee whistled. “Tough day, huh?”
He recalled the pity in Tallulah’s eyes as she said he was like a brother. “You could say that.”
“What about you, sweetie?” Karlee asked, turning to April.
“Water?” she said, uncertainly.
Karlee frowned. “That’s it? Just plain ole water?”
“What flavors do you have? I prefer floral nectar, but I like orange water, too.”
Karlee exchanged a what’s-her-deal look with him. Chulah shrugged. “Maybe she means orange juice?”
“Yes, that’s it,” April said in a rush, pink flushing her cheeks. “Orange juice.”
“How about I spike it with brandy?”
April drummed her fingers on the worn tabletop. “I guess. Sure.”
Interesting. She wasn’t afraid of roaming the woods alone, yet ordering a drink appeared to make her nervous. He needed to know more about this unusual woman. “Where are you from?” he asked. “You’re new here or we’d have crossed paths before now.”
“I used to live in Tillman’s Corner, about thirty miles east of here.”
“I know where it is. I have a cousin who grew up there. You know Drew Lattimore?”
She tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips, thinking. “No. The name isn’t familiar.”
Chulah studied her, a niggling unease prickling his skin. Something about her seemed familiar, but surely he’d remember such an unusual woman if they’d met before. “What brings you to Bayou La Siryna?”
“I’m opening a store. You saw it.”
The woman wasn’t very forthcoming. Most business owners he knew had a passionate entrepreneurial spirit. She mentioned her store as if it were as exciting as eating a piece of toast. “I know. But why here, why now?”
“Seemed like a good idea.” She squirmed in her seat. “What got you interested in repairing motorcycles?”
“How did you know that?”
She blinked. “You mentioned it.”
Her lie didn’t sit well with him. He was a man of few words, so it was easy to remember them. And he hadn’t said a word about his bike shop.
Karlee returned, setting down their drinks. “Here ya go. Enjoy.”
Chulah swallowed a mouthful of stiff whiskey, watching April, trying to figure her out. The woman had a secret.
She took a tentative sip of her drink and licked her full lips, testing it. An unexpected volt of pure sexual desire speared his gut, more potent than the alcohol. She took another, longer sip and nodded her head. “It’s good. Strange, though, like a fire going down your throat to your belly.”
“About my repair shop—”
“—I want another one.” She downed the entire glass and gave him a lopsided grin.
“Whoa. Maybe you should slow down. Pace yourself.”
But she was already waving at Karlee and pointing to her empty glass.
Although a complete stranger, Chulah suspected this wasn’t her normal behavior. After all, she’d ordered water to start with. Unless she was a recovering alcoholic and he was responsible for tempting her beyond her control. The thought made his skin draw up tight. “Do you drink often?”
“First time.” She set her elbow on the table and put her chin in one palm, giggling.
It occurred to him that now would be a good time to press her a bit, discover what made her tick. “So what brings you to this town?” he asked again.
“I’m on a mission.” She wagged a finger in front of his face. “And when I make up my mind, I can’t be stopped.”
“What kind of mission?”
“To save the world.”
“From what?”
She stopped smiling. “Evil. There’s so much evil.”
Didn’t he know it. Had battled against it for years with his fellow shadow hunters. But, at least in this corner of the universe, the evil was now contained. They had stopped Nalusa Falaya, the supreme evil being, although a few wisps and other nefarious creatures still remained to be hunted. There would always be some around. Their Choctaw ancestors were testimony to that cold fact.
He leaned in close to April. She smelled like flowers and something...earthy, like moss or a freshly mown lawn. Her face was heart-shaped and her complexion a peachy pale color with dots of freckles sprinkled across her nose, and her full lips were rosy. Her eyes were an impossible purple-blue color. Contacts, perhaps? Altogether, she looked innocent and fresh.
But looks could be deceiving. “What would you know of evil?” he asked softly.
She matched his low tone. “It’s out there. Deep in the woods.” She raised a slender finger to her lips. “Shhh...it’s a secret.”
His entire body flushed hot, then chilled. Who was this mysterious woman who appeared out of nowhere and was no stranger to the danger in the woods? She’d deliberately sought him out and knew entirely too much about him.
“I can keep a secret.” He pushed the spiked OJ into her hands. “Does this evil have a name?”
April raised the glass to her lips and took a healthy slug. “Mustn’t tell.” She burped—a tiny effervescent bubble burst that was more charming than vulgar.
“Sure you can. You came to tell me something. Go ahead.”
Blue eyes widened and she shook her head. “You are so smart. And handsome. And kind. Tallulah must be the biggest fool in the world.”
He clasped her arm. “How could you possibly—”
“Hey, man, what’s up? Who’s your new friend?”
Leman Jones kept his gaze on April, even though his words were addressed to Chulah.
Irritation flashed through Chulah as he released April’s arm and made the introductions. His old friend had no right to leer at her like that, even if she was the prettiest woman in the place. He shifted his gaze past Leman’s shoulder and saw four other males approaching their table.
“You’ll have to excuse us—we were just leaving.” Chulah slapped a handful of bills on the table to cover the drinks, plus a hefty tip for Karlee.
“But I haven’t finished my drink,” April complained.
“You heard the lady.” Leman grinned at Chulah and turned to April. “If you want to stay and finish your drink, I’ll see you home.”
Chulah helped a wobbly April to her feet. “Thanks. We’re good here.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying. She’s hot,” Leman whispered in his ear.
Chulah guided April past the sea of men with disappointed faces. Outside, the breeze was refreshing. “Doing all right there?” he asked.
She nodded. “A little dizzy, but okay.”
“Do two drinks always affect you so much?” he asked, trying to trap her in a lie.
She walked slowly, considering. “I don’t know. This is the first time I’ve had alcohol. I’m not sure it agrees with me.”
“I would say not.”
Hiccup. April covered her mouth with her hand. “’Scuse me.” Hiccup.
She momentarily seemed to rise a few inches on the sidewalk and then lower down. He blinked. Must have been some kind of optical illusion. Chulah inwardly sighed as he took her arm and slowly led her down the sidewalk toward her place. Seemed he was always rescuing women and children. He’d had a spectacularly crappy day and could use a little rescuing himself. At least April was an interesting diversion; he’d grant her that.
In fact, she was so diverting he’d almost forgotten to quiz her about her warning of evil. Chulah straightened his shoulders. He couldn’t have questioned her with a flock of men hanging around; much better to get her alone. Yeah, that was the only reason he’d scuttled her out of the bar so quickly. It had nothing to do with jealousy.
At the Pixie Land shop door, April fumbled with the keys. Before Chulah could offer assistance, Steven opened the door.
“What’s this?” he asked sharply, nostrils twitching. “You’ve been drinking?” He whisked April inside and frowned at Chulah.
“Only a little.” April’s demure response was ruined by a tiny hiccup.
Her face rose from his chin level to eye level. Just as quickly as before, she slipped down again.
Chulah shook his head to clear it. Last time he’d ever order a double dose of whiskey. He faced Steven and held up a hand. “I didn’t twist her arm. How was I supposed to know she’d never had alcohol before?”
Steven stuck his nose in the air. “Should have chaperoned the likes of you both.” He scowled at April. “I’ll fix you a strong herbal brew. Get you right in no time. Where’s your head at, missy?”
No need to be so gruff. Chulah stepped between them. “I’ll fix her a cup of coffee. Didn’t you say earlier you were about to quit work?”
His scowl deepened. “I’m not leaving until I see she’s good and sober.”
Chulah rubbed his chin. The man seemed entirely too proprietary to be a mere employee. Perhaps a brother? But their coloring and build and mannerisms were so different, that seemed unlikely.
He suppressed his irritation. He barely knew either of them. Yet it didn’t sit well to simply leave April in this condition with such an irritable man. “Go on and fix whatever it is you’re making. We’ll be upstairs.”
Steven opened his mouth as if to object.
“We’ll be fine,” April assured him, patting his shoulder before heading to the back.
Chulah followed, eyeing the myriad glass shelves lined with pastel-colored figurines. There were winged fairies, ballerinas in tutus, mermaids with glistening tails and other magical beings. “You have a sense of whimsy,” he noted.
“They are pretty, aren’t they?” She stopped and traced her fingers over one of the winged fairy statues. “What do you think of this one?”
The fairy sported silver-and-purple hair, alabaster skin, sort of like April. He examined it closer. There were even...yep, a few tiny freckles on the fairy’s nose. “Favors you.”
A mysterious smile blossomed on her lips. “I’d like you to have it.” She lifted it, and Chulah braced his hand under her unsteady ones, afraid she’d send the delicate figurine crashing to the floor.
Her skin was so soft, so delicate and pale above his calloused, dark hand. A sensual ache coursed through his body. He hadn’t felt this way in years about any woman besides Tallulah. He took the sculpture and returned it to the shelf. “We’ll talk about the figurine later. Let’s get you seated while we wait on Steven to bring your tea or whatever it is he’s brewing.”
Her full lower lip pouted a bit, which should have irritated him, but instead, he found it adorable.
They climbed a narrow set of stairs and entered her room. The tiny studio apartment was immaculate, but sparse and utilitarian, featuring a bed, a kitchenette, a leather sofa and two chairs with a coffee table between. None of the whimsical shop figures decorated the room. It had a masculine vibe without a trace of feminine softness. It didn’t fit her at all.
April plopped on the sofa and patted the spot next to her.
“Doesn’t look like you’ve had time to decorate yet,” he said, sitting beside her. “I would have thought you’d have a pink ruffled bedspread at least,” he teased.
She gazed about the room, as if seeing it for the first time. “It’ll do for now.” Her head rested on the back of the sofa and she reached out and placed a hand on his chest.
His heart thundered under her gentle touch. April’s mysterious, womanly smile returned, playing on her lips, desire darkening her indigo eyes. Passion crackled and flowed between his heart and her hand. A moment of tension, of inevitability, sparked the air. As if guided by a magnet, his hand reached up and touched the quicksilver hair that charged like velvet lightning between his fingers.
April was fire and ice. Pale coolness on the outside that burned like dry ice and winter’s frost upon contact.
But a good burn. A very good burn that left him craving more heat. Their lips found their own way to each other, his arms encircled her slim, lithe waist, and his exploring fingers raced up and down her spine.
And he was lost. Nothing existed but skin and heat and the fire of desire that glowed around their fevered bodies like an electrical corona.
Bam bam bam. It took his brain a moment to register that someone—presumably Steven—was pounding on the door. Chulah drew back from April, wondering if his face reflected the stunned surprise in her own. She licked her lips and he was almost a goner once again. Abruptly, Chulah left the couch and went to the door.
“About time.” Steven scowled and held up a steaming mug. “For April.”
An herbal scent wafted upward. “I’ll take it.” He tried to remove the mug from Steven’s hand but the little man held fast.
“Can I trust you—or are you the kind of man who would be taking advantage of an innocent woman’s compromised condition?”
Warmth flooded his cheeks. Had that been where he was heading with April? He’d never been overly impulsive before, had never let passion override his common sense. Hell, he barely knew the woman.
But that kiss.
That mind-blowing-body-lit-up kiss had completely possessed him.
“Who is it?” April called from the den.
Even the sound of her voice sent blood rushing to his loins. Perhaps some distance was in order. He needed to get away and think on all that had happened, unencumbered by lust. “I was just leaving.”
Before he could change his mind, Chulah brushed past Steven and scurried down the stairs, out of the glass menagerie of the shop and into the fresh air outside.
Time for that long motorcycle ride he’d started to take earlier, intending to banish the sting of Tallulah’s rejection. But the image of the dark-haired, fierce Tallulah had been replaced by that of a silver-blonde graced with gentle curves and soft lips.
Who knew way too damn much about him.
* * *
Note to self: never, ever drink alcohol again, April thought. Ever. She’d almost blown it tonight. April danced her fingertips over her lips. That kiss...
Steven waved a hand in front of her face. “How’s the tea workin’?”
“Like a charm.” The delightful, but dangerous, fuzzy feeling had faded, leaving her bemused.
“Good. Now we can talk. Did you tell him you were Fae?”
“No.” But she remembered telling him she was on a mission to save the world. She’d also slipped up mentioning Tallulah, something she should know nothing about. She’d think of an excuse for that later. For now, she wanted to relive every moment of their brief kiss.
“Perfect. It’s too early. Gradually weave a web of enchantment for a few days until he’s besotted with you and willing to do anything you ask.”
April sipped more tea. If he took her silence to mean agreement, that was all on him.
“The tea might have reversed the alcohol’s effects, but it’s clear that this Chulah has affected you much the same as strong drink. Physical contact with a human can be...most pleasant. Especially your first time.”
She didn’t want to have this conversation. “So I’ve been told.” Hiccup.
Her stomach rose to her throat and her body lifted and dropped back down on the sofa.
Steven let out a low whistle. “You just levitated. Must be some glitch in the Fae glamour.”
“Is that it? Whenever I drink liquid it makes me hiccup.”
“Then be sure not to partake around humans. And don’t forget you’re only here temporarily,” Steven warned. “Take a few days, enthrall the shadow hunter and then warn him of the danger. If we’re lucky, he and the other hunters can take care of Hoklonote on their own, without our assistance. If that doesn’t work, then petition Chulah to form a mutually beneficial alliance with us to defeat our common enemy.”
“I know my duty,” she snapped, setting down the mug. April paced the room. It galled her that her own kind cared so little for Chulah or any other human. She didn’t want Chulah fighting Hoklonote without help from the Fae. It wasn’t right to ask him to fight their battles for them. The Fae saw Chulah and the other shadow hunters only as a means to an end. Whereas she...she wanted Chulah to see the real April Meadows. To come to care for her as she did for him.
But Steven couldn’t know that. No one could. It was her own secret wish.
A fairy could dream.
Steven arched a brow. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” she lied. “Just restless. A little tired.”
“And starving, I bet. Have you eaten human food today?”
“No. I forgot.”
“I’ve made a pot of chili. Come downstairs and eat with me. You’ll feel lots better. While in human form, you need to consume what they call calories. It fuels your body, gives you energy.” He grinned. “Tastes surprisingly good, too.”
“If you say so. Let me wash up and I’ll be down in a minute.”
With a nod, he left. Finally, she was alone. April covered her face in her hands, felt Chulah’s lips and hands again on her body. She’d never experienced anything like that from the few Fae kisses she’d stolen from Fae lads while hidden among the lily pads or behind the wild azaleas.
Had it been the same for him? She hoped he found her as desirable as Tallulah. Guilt twisted her gut. When they’d been sitting close together on the sofa, she’d accidentally flung a little fairy pheromone his way.
Okay. So it wasn’t entirely accidental. She’d given Chulah the tiniest nudge for him to kiss her. But he’d wanted to, she could tell.
Never again, she vowed. It meant more if he kissed her without the influence of magic.
Curious as to how her human form appeared, April went to the bathroom and stared in the mirror. The Council had told her that this form would manifest her fairy nature, and she saw that truth in the mirror.
Dismay clouded her eyes. She looked nothing like his true love, Tallulah. The white of her skin was the pale of the white bearded iris she slept under. Her eyes were the bluish purple of the wild violets she nibbled on for nourishment, and her hair was moon-bathed in silver, as night was the time she loved to flit about. She slept during the day after a bath in the dew of the early morn. She was thin and lithe as the stalks of sea oats, and the pale purple streaks in her hair were the whisper of eggplant behind a cloud at sunset.
The Council had assured her the human form would be pleasing to the male human species. But April would have traded everything for Tallulah’s olive skin, black silky hair and muscular frame. She was like an Amazon warrior of old—the only female shadow hunter in the history of Bayou La Siryna.
No doubt the Council would laugh at her jealousy if they learned of it. “Use your enchantment,” they’d advise. “No man can resist your Fae charm while under your spell.” But April was determined to do this her own way—on her own terms.
She would succeed where her mother had failed.