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To my amazing husband Perry, and our three incredible children, April, Jess, and Nic. Your love, encouragement, and support, mean the world to me. I love you very much.

To my mom, my sister, and brother, for their enthusiastic support. No one could ask for better cheerleaders. I love you.

To Ludvica, my adopted daughter, for being the best reader a writer could ever hope for.

To my friends and mentors in ORWA. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you, especially Coreene, Vanessa, Teresa, and Joyce.

A special thanks to my dear friend and critique partner Lucy.

To my agent Pamela Hardy for believing in me, and making my dreams come true. You’re the best!

To my editor John Scognamiglio for taking a chance on me, and for your patience while guiding me through the publishing process. You’ve been a pleasure to work with.

To my many family and friends. I can’t name you all, but you have my deepest gratitude and love.

Lord of The Isles

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