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Zach grabbed Ella’s arm and stopped her from entering the clinic. “Wait in the car. You’ll be safer there. I want to check inside to make sure no one’s lying in wait.”

Her eyes widened. “You think the attacker from last night came back?”

“He wanted something he didn’t find. Any idea what that could be?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. I...I thought he was after Mary Kate.”

“Which might be the case. What about the children’s medical records? Could there be something in their charts that he doesn’t want revealed?”


Zach stared at Ella for a long moment and then pointed to the car. “Stay in my vehicle and keep the doors locked while I search the clinic.”

Thankfully, she complied with his instructions and hurried there. She slipped into the passenger seat, hit the lock button and nodded to him when she was securely inside.

Zach pulled out his phone and called Sergeant Abrams. “I’m at the Children’s Care Clinic. Looks like the perpetrator from last night came back. I’m going in to do a search. The doc is outside in my car. I’d appreciate a couple of your people to process the scene. We might find a print that matches something from last night.”

Disconnecting, he tugged back his jacket and slipped his SIG Sauer from its holster. He doubted the perp was still on-site, yet he didn’t want to go in unprepared. The guy wanted something, or perhaps he’d left something behind and returned to retrieve whatever he’d lost.

Cautiously, Zach entered the clinic, his eyes scanning the room, left to right. He hugged the wall and stepped through the waiting area. The door to the office hung open. Zach stared through the doorway, searching for anything amiss.

The perp had been thorough. The drawers of the doctor’s desk hung open, and the contents lay scattered on the floor. Manila folders from the file cabinet were strewn helter-skelter about the room.

Had he been hunting for a certain patient’s records? If so, who and why?

Zach checked the closets, where someone could be hiding. The medication cabinet was locked. From all appearances, drugs hadn’t been the reason for the break-in.

After moving into the hallway, Zach searched the two treatment rooms, then headed to the door that opened into Ella’s residence.

He entered the kitchen, a warm and welcoming room with a round table positioned in front of a bay window. A yellow print tablecloth matched the valances that hung at the windows, and a bouquet of fall flowers adorned the middle of the table.

Zach remembered his home when his mother was still alive. She’d loved flowers and always had them in the house.

They bring God’s beautiful nature indoors, he recalled her saying as she’d arranged a bouquet in a crystal vase that had been passed down from her mother. The memory made him pause and stare at the mums on the doc’s table. His mother had been a woman of faith, but God didn’t play favorites. Or so it seemed.

Shaking off those thoughts, he moved quickly through the living room, then checked the master bedroom with an attached bath and the guest room with its own bath. A third room served as an office. Unlike the clinic, this one had pictures of children on the wall. Zach stepped closer.

A few of the girls wore long dresses, and some boys had dark trousers and hats that covered their bobbed hair. Amish children. From what he knew of the sect, they didn’t like photographs. Evidently the doc had gotten special permission to snap the shots.

Diplomas from a number of universities hung near the pictures, along with a picture of Ella and a slender man of medium height with deep-set eyes. He was frowning, as if the photographer had surprised him when he didn’t want his photo taken.

Ella stood awkwardly at his side, her hand reaching for his. Had the stoic husband rejected his wife’s attempt at closeness, or was that merely Zach’s imagination adding a dramatic spin to the reality of what Ella’s life had been?

He liked to think he could read people, but the doc was a closed book. Her husband appeared to be equally hard to read.

Turning from the photos, Zach backtracked through the clinic and hurried outside to where Ella waited in his car.

“Did you find anything?” She opened the door as he neared.

“Nothing except a lot of chaos in your office. The treatment area and your residence seem untouched, but the guy was looking for something. Patient records are scattered on the floor. Any ideas?”

“None at all. You tell me what someone might want.”

“Information. He attacked Mary Kate. Perhaps he followed her to your clinic, then cut the electricity so he could enter in the dark. He attacks her, probably thought he had killed her, which may have been his goal.”

Ella’s hand rose to her throat. “I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do her harm.”

“What information could he be searching for in your patient files? Tell me about the girls’ condition.”

She shrugged. “Childhood enzyme deficiency is a newly emerging condition. There’s a symposium this coming Friday in Atlanta that will focus on a number of conditions, including CED, followed by a charity dinner that will celebrate the research center’s success. The proceeds raised will help Amish families with their medical bills and also fund the clinic to ensure the research continues.”

“The research center is where your husband worked?”

“That’s right. The Harrisburg Genetic Research Center.” She pointed to her clinic. “Now if you don’t mind, I need to go inside and assess the damage.”

Zach held up his hand. “Not yet. The local authorities have to process the crime scene first. You wouldn’t want to contaminate the evidence.”

“Contamination is something found on a petri dish,” she groused.

He tried not to smile, knowing she didn’t think waiting on the porch was humorous. Nor did he, but her nose wiggled sometimes when she was upset, which he found amusing, if not charming.

“Does anyone else have a key to your office?”

“Just my nurse and nurse-receptionist, but I trust them completely. I’m more inclined to think someone didn’t secure the doors last night. Who was the last one here?”

“We’ll ask the officers when they arrive. Sergeant Abrams is on the way.”

Ella rubbed her forehead. “Everything still seems so foggy about the attack. I lost consciousness briefly. Short-term memory loss sometimes follows, which seems to be the case.”

“Have you remembered anything else?”

She shook her head. “Only my surprise in finding someone standing by my desk. He raised the light he was carrying, and I was caught in its glare. I couldn’t see his face. Then...”

Zach saw the anguish in her eyes.

“I...I remember his kicks. The pain. I couldn’t breathe.”

“You fought back.”

“Did I?”

Zach reached for her hand. “Look at your nails and the scratches on your skin.”

She glanced down at her broken fingernails and scraped knuckles.

“Does that surprise you?” he asked.

“A little, but it makes me glad. Quin...” She hesitated before adding, “My husband claimed I never stood up for myself.”

“Maybe you didn’t need to assert yourself when he was around.”

“You mean because Quin kept me safe?”

Zach nodded. “That sounds logical to me.”

“From what I’ve seen of you, Special Agent Swain, you are a protector. My husband? Not so much.”

Her comment about being a protector gave him pause. He hadn’t been able to protect his mother, and while that was long ago and he’d been a young boy, the memory troubled him still.

“You’re a doctor,” he said, hoping to deflect the conversation away from himself. “You save lives. That’s a big responsibility.”

“I like children. Being a pediatrician seemed like a good fit, but you’re giving me more credit than I deserve.”

Before Zach could reply, a patrol car raced along Amish Road and turned into the clinic drive. Sergeant Abrams stepped from the car and nodded as he approached.

“Doctor.” He glanced at Zach. “Long time no see, Special Agent Swain.”

“Sorry to call you out again.” Zach extended his hand. In short, clipped sentences he explained the chain of events that had them hanging out on the porch of her clinic.

“I’d like to go inside as soon as possible to assess any damage that may have occurred,” Ella said.

“Yes, ma’am. Just as soon as we take some photos and make a sketch of what we find.”

“We?” She glanced into his car, then raised her gaze as another police sedan approached the clinic and turned into the parking lot.

“Officer Taylor,” Abrams said by way of an introduction as the driver came forward.

“Sir.” The younger cop nodded respectfully before shaking Ella’s and Zach’s hands.

“We met last night,” Zach said with a smile.

“You brought your camera?” the sergeant asked.

“Yes, sir. I’ll take pictures inside. Shouldn’t be too long.”

“I don’t see why I can’t enter my own clinic,” Ella complained.

“Let us get the photos first. Then I’ll want to talk to you,” Abrams explained.

“More questions?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The two officers entered the clinic. Ella turned to Zach. “You don’t have to babysit me.”

He didn’t need to hear the frustration in her voice or see the firm set of her jaw to know the doc was upset. “This is all SOP—standard operating procedure—with law enforcement. It’s not personal, Ella.”

“Remind me to tell you the same thing when your office is trashed.”

Perhaps he needed to be more considerate. Getting her mind on something other than her clinic might help.

Zach pointed to the small house on the property next door. “Tell me about your neighbor.”

Ella followed his gaze. “Levi Miller and his wife, Sarah, are a nice young couple. They’re expecting their first child. Sarah is a patient.”

“You deliver babies, too?”

“I can. The Amish hesitate going to large medical facilities and prefer to have Amish midwives or other local medical personnel assist with their deliveries.”

“You’ve been here five months, and it seems you have a good number of patients from the charts strewn about the office.”

“I had trouble at first. After the first couple of families sought my help when their children were sick, word spread. Cash can be a problem for the Amish. Sometimes I’m paid in produce or baked goods, sometimes homemade sausage and milk and cheese.”

“That hardly covers your mortgage.”

“No, but I get by.”

“What’d you do before this?” Zach asked.

“You mean in Pennsylvania?”

He nodded. “You talked about your husband, but you haven’t mentioned what you did.”

“Quin worked for a research clinic that was headquartered in Harrisburg, as I probably told you last night.” She raked her hand through her hair. “I’m still fuzzy on a lot of things.”

“I thought the Amish were in Lancaster County.”

“That’s the largest community, but Amish live near Carlisle, as well. Besides, a well-known clinic handles the area around the towns of Intercourse and Bird-in-Hand. Quin’s group covered some of the other areas.”

“And you?” Zach asked.

“I had a pediatric clinic in Carlisle.”

“Where the Army War College is located.”

“You’ve been there?” she asked.

“A few years back. Carlisle seemed like a nice place. Dickinson College is located there.”

“That’s right.”

“What made you move South?” he asked.

She tilted her head and shrugged. “I needed a change. I would always be Quin Jacobsen’s widow if I stayed there. I wanted to make my own way.” She smiled weakly. “That sounds self-serving, but I don’t mean it in that way. Quin was a larger-than-life type of guy, speaking academically. Sometimes I felt dwarfed by his presence.”

From the short time Zach had known Ella, she seemed down-to-earth and committed to her patients. Thinking of the picture he’d seen of her in the office, he could understand what she was saying.

She rubbed her hands together and glanced at her clinic. “What’s taking so long?”

“I’ll check.” Zach hurried inside and found Abrams. “The doc wants to assess the damage. Have you gotten all the photos you need?”

“Almost. Taylor needs to take a couple of her desk and then we’ll be finished.”

“What about fingerprints?”

“We lifted a few from the file cabinet and the folders strewn over the floor. Two or three look promising. I’ll run them when I get back to headquarters.”

“You’ll let me know?”

“As soon as I hear anything.”

As Taylor snapped shots of the desk, Zach stepped closer. He leaned over the engraved invitation he’d seen the night before.

Abrams glanced over his shoulder. “From the looks of that, the event appears to be a snazzy gathering. The doc seems more like a country girl.”

“I’m sure she would fit in no matter the environment.”

“You’re probably right.” The older officer looked around the clinic. “Looks like we’ve got what we need for now. Tell the doc she can come inside.”

When Zach opened the door, he was surprised to see a young man standing on the porch with her.

Ella introduced him as he neared. “Special Agent Swain, this is my neighbor, Levi Miller.”

The neighbor was dressed in the typical dark slacks held up with suspenders. A wide-brimmed hat sat atop his blond hair, and he wore a cotton shirt probably sewn by his wife.

“You live in the next house?” Zach pointed to the small one-story home.

“Yah. My wife and I live there.”

“Did you hear anything last night, Mr. Miller?”

“I heard the storm.”

“Did you hear sirens or see the police here?”

The man’s face clouded. “My wife glanced from the window. She was worried about Dr. Jacobsen.”

“But you didn’t check on her last night,” Zach pressed.

“That’s why I came today.” The Amish man turned to Ella. “You are all right?”

“Someone broke into the clinic. He shot Mary Kate Powers.”

Levi’s face blanched. “She was hurt?”

Ella touched the Amish man’s arm. “Quite seriously, I’m afraid. She’s at the hospital on post and is in critical condition.”

“May Gott’s will be done.”

Zach didn’t understand the comment. “You know Mary Kate?”

“Her parents have a home not far from here. We knew each other as children.”

Zach wondered if that friendship had continued into adulthood.

“What about the twins?” Levi asked. The concern in his voice was clearly obvious.

“They’re fine,” Ella assured him. “Thankfully, they were asleep in the treatment room, and the attacker left through the front door after accosting their mother.”

Levi let out a ragged breath. “I am relieved.”

“You know the twins?” Zach asked.

The Amish man steeled his gaze. “Twins are easy to recognize, Special Agent Swain. They have been getting treatments at the Children’s Care Clinic for some months now. I have a farm and work outside. Of course I have seen them.”

“What would you call your relationship with their mother?” Zach remembered the grandfather’s words about the Amish man who seemed much too attentive to his daughter.

“There is no relationship.”

“You haven’t tried to reconnect with Mary Kate?” Zach asked.

“A married man has eyes only for his wife.” He looked at Ella. “If you need my help, let me know.”

“Thank you, Levi.”

With a nod, he turned and walked back to his property.

Zach watched him enter his house. “There’s something Levi’s not telling us.”

Ella lowered her gaze, as if she, too, had something to hide.

Zach stared down at her. “Is there something about Levi that I need to know?”

“Of course not.” After an abrupt about-face, Ella pushed open the door to her clinic and stepped inside.

Zach glanced back at the Miller farm. A cold wind whipped across the expansive pasture area and along the road, picking up dust and blowing it in the air.

What was the truth about this Amish community and the doctor who had left her practice in Pennsylvania to move South? Was she being less than forthright? If so, why?

* * *

All her work had seemingly been for naught. Standing at the entrance to her clinic, Ella was overcome with despair. She had tried to create an environment where Amish children, used to the simple basics in their own homes, could be comfortable even when they were sick and upset. Surrounded by medical instrumentation and equipment, they could easily become wide-eyed and fearful, which only made their parents more on edge. The adults were often torn between their concern for their sick children and their own hesitation to trust the new doctor.

As she gazed at the disarray, Ella wondered what they would think if they saw the place in such a state of chaos. Her hard work up to this point and her dreams of what the clinic could be in the future had been all but dashed by the hand of a madman.

“Who would do this?” she asked, struggling to articulate even that brief question. Wrapping her arms around her chest, she glanced at the officers, who had stopped processing the crime scene and were staring at her.

Did they think she was becoming hysterical?

Zach entered the clinic behind her and touched her arm. Was he offering comfort or was he, too, afraid she might be ready for a breakdown?

“Who was the last person in here last night?” Ella demanded, feeling a swell of anger. She stared at Abrams. “Did you lock the door? Did you secure my clinic or did you leave the door open and vulnerable to the madman, who returned to find what he’d wanted the first time?”

They continued to look at her as if she were crazed, and perhaps she was—crazed with frustration at all that had happened.

Abrams stepped forward. “I asked one of my officers to make sure your clinic was secure. I trust he did as I directed.”

Officer Taylor moved closer. “The assailant could have had a key. You know he cut your power, ma’am. It wasn’t the storm that caused your outage. Someone tampered with your wiring. We got it working last night, and I checked your generator. The spark plug had been unscrewed. No wonder it wouldn’t engage.”

“So someone was prowling around here before the storm?” She shivered at the thought of the assailant stalking her and her clinic.

“Seems that way. Is there anyone who’d want to do you harm?”

“No, not that I know of.” She glanced at Zach, hoping he would offer some other reason for the attack.

“The young mother, Mary Kate Powers, might have some bearing on the case,” he volunteered. “Her husband recently returned from the Middle East. Her father is concerned about the Amish man who lives next door.”

“You mean Levi Miller?” Abrams asked.

“Levi wouldn’t have done anything to harm Mary Kate,” Ella was quick to point out.

“Why do you say that, ma’am?” the sergeant asked.

“He and Mary Kate knew each other in their youth. I believe they were close friends.”

The cop looked puzzled. “Amish and English, as they call us, make for an unusual friendship.”

“They were young, Sergeant Abrams. That hardly seems strange to me.”

“Yes, ma’am, but Mary Kate would have gone to Freemont High,” the sergeant said. “Levi Miller would have received his instruction at the Amish schoolhouse.”

“They could still be friends even if they didn’t go to school together,” she insisted. “The Landerses live in this area. Amish children roam the fields and think nothing of walking great distances. They don’t have the fear that keeps some of the town children from wandering far from their homes.”

Ella looked at Zach and then back to the Freemont officer. “As you probably know, the Amish children work hard, but when their chores are finished they’re free spirits. I can see Mary Kate getting to know Levi as a youngster.”

“Yet her father seems to harbor a grudge against Levi,” Zach interjected.

“Landers holds a grudge against a number of people in the local community,” Abrams volunteered. “He’s known as a grumpy old man.”

“Are you saying his animosity toward Levi should be ignored?” Zach asked.

“Hardly.” The sergeant shook his head. “We’ll take everything into consideration, but I’m not going to falsely accuse anyone based on what a crusty old codger has to say.”

As Zach and he continued to discuss the case, Ella rubbed her neck. Her head pounded and her body ached from the attack last night. Ibuprofen would help, but she didn’t want medication, she wanted to breathe in fresh air and feel the sunshine on her face. A more holistic approach to healing.

“If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I’ve got a patio out back,” she said. “I just need some air.”

Rubbing her temple, she hurried into her kitchen and out the back door. She had expected warm sunshine, but was instantly chilled by a stiff wind that blew from the west. Wrapping her arms around herself, she stared into the wooded area behind her house, seeing the fall colors and the branches swaying in the breeze. Overhead, geese honked, flying in a V formation. If only she could fly away from the chaos like them and find a peaceful spot to land that would calm her troubled spirit.

Movement caught her eye and she glanced again at the woods. What had she seen? An animal foraging in the underbrush?


Ella narrowed her gaze and took a step back as if subconsciously recognizing danger. Her heart lurched. She turned and ran for the protection of her house. Tripping, she fell on the steps.

A sound exploded in the quiet of the day.

A ceramic flowerpot shattered at her feet.

Another shot was fired and then another.

She screamed, stumbled up the porch stairs and reached for the door.

Zach was there, pulling her inside to safety. He shoved her to the floor and slammed the door. “Stay down.”

“A man,” she gasped, her pulse racing, a roar filling her ears. “In the woods. He—he had a rifle...”

Zach lifted the curtain ever so slightly and stared through the window.

The two policemen raced into the kitchen. “Gunfire?”

Zach pointed. “The doc saw a man at the edge of the forest.”

“A dirt road runs parallel to the tree line.” Sergeant Abrams motioned to the younger officer. “We’ll head there from opposite directions.”

Abrams radioed for more squad cars. “There’s a shooter in the woods behind the Children’s Care Clinic. We need to search the area and set up roadblocks. Someone needs to check the wooden bridge that’s along that road, as well.”

Zach locked the doors when the two officers had left, racing away in their squad cars. The sound of sirens filled the air as more Freemont police responded to the call.

Ella huddled against the wall in the corner, while Zach kept watch at the windows. The tension that lined his face spoke volumes about the danger, but she didn’t need to look at him to know that the situation had escalated.

What she realized made her tremble with fear. Last night, the police were looking for an assailant who had broken into her clinic and attacked two women.

Today that assailant had become a killer.

And the person he wanted to kill was her.

Plain Truth

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