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While Evelyn busied herself in the kitchen, Colleen hurriedly ate a bowl of homemade soup and a slice of homemade bread slathered with butter.

“A friend is stopping by shortly.” Evelyn wiped the counter and then rinsed the sponge in the sink. “He’s a retired teacher and works with the hospitality committee at church. Ron’s organizing a meal for the displaced folks and the rescue workers.”

A timer dinged. She opened the oven and pulled out two green bean casseroles and a baked ham.

“The Amish want to take care of their own, but with so many homes destroyed they’ll need help. Thankfully, I had a ham and fresh vegetables in the fridge, many grown by my Amish neighbors. They also baked the bread you’re eating.”

“It’s delicious.”

Finishing the last of the soup, Colleen scooted back from the table and headed to the sink. “I was hungrier than I thought. I’m sure the homeless will appreciate the food.” She rinsed her dishes and silverware and loaded them in the dishwasher.

“I’d invite you to join us, but you look worn-out,” Evelyn said. “Better to get a good night’s sleep. There will be plenty of ways to get involved in the days ahead.”

“I’m going back to Atlanta.”

Evelyn nodded. “That’s right. I didn’t mean to change your plans, but if you decide to stay longer, you know you’re welcome.”

A knock sounded. She hurried to open the front door and invited a man inside. Returning to the kitchen, she introduced Ron Malone. He was of medium build and height but had expressive eyes and a warm smile, especially when he looked at Evelyn.

For an instant, Colleen had a sense of déjà vu.

Shaking it off, she tried to focus on what Evelyn was saying. Something about organizing the food.

“Colleen was driving through the area when the tornado hit,” Evelyn explained. “Her car was damaged. She hopes to get back to Atlanta in a day or two.”


“I’m amazed at the immediate response from so many who want to help.” Colleen shook Ron’s outstretched hand. “I doubt the same would happen in Atlanta.”

“I think you’d be surprised about the number of caring people even in the city.”

Colleen didn’t share his opinion, but Evelyn’s friend had an engaging manner, and from the way Evelyn was smiling, she must think so, as well.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll say good-night and head to my room.”

Evelyn gave her a quick hug. “Hope you sleep well.”

Colleen didn’t plan to sleep. She planned to do something else, something she didn’t want Evelyn to know about.

Timing would be important. She needed to be back at the house before Frank came home. He was the last person she wanted to see tonight.

Once the front door closed and Ron had backed out of the driveway, Colleen left the house through the French doors and scurried across the yard to the path in the woods. Gingerly, she picked her way down the hill.

A large military tent had been erected since she’d left the triage area. It was located close to the Amish Craft Shoppe and well away from the barn.

Staying in the shadows, she inched forward, grateful that her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. All along Amish Road, flashing lights illuminated the ongoing rescue effort.

Glancing back, she saw the glow in Evelyn’s kitchen window like a beacon of hope in the midst of the destruction. The sincere welcome and concern she had read in her hostess’s gaze had brought comfort.

If only she could sense a bit of welcome from Frank. He revealed little except a mix of fatigue and frustration. The only time she’d seen his expression brighten was when he’d talked to his sister. Other than that, he’d seemed closed, as if holding himself in check.

Judging by his appearance, he must have either been sick or sustained an injury. Her heart softened for an instant before she caught herself and reeled in her emotions. She didn’t want to delve into his past or any pain he carried. She had enough of her own.

Her eyes burned as she thought of her sister. Too often, Briana had called begging for money to buy more drugs. Colleen had adopted a tough-love attitude that had backfired. She had hoped going after Trey would ease the burden of guilt that weighed her down. Now Vivian was injured, and the evidence she had planned to give Colleen was buried in the rubble.

Squinting into the night, Colleen saw the outline of her Honda, partially covered with debris. The passenger door was still open. Using her cell phone for light, she approached the car and leaned inside.

Working her hand across the floorboard, she searched for two purses, one of which contained the evidence Vivian had promised. The other—her own handbag—held the tiny memory card filled with digital photos.

Trying to recall the series of events when she pulled into the roadside park, Colleen bent lower. Vivian had dropped her purse at her feet as soon as she’d climbed into the car. Colleen extended her arm under the seat and then stretched down even farther.

A hand touched her shoulder.

She jerked. Her head knocked against the console, hitting near the spot injured earlier in the storm. The pain made her gasp for air. Rubbing the initial knot that was still noticeable, she turned to stare into Frank’s dark eyes.

“Looking for something?” His voice was laced with accusation.

“My...my carry-on bag,” she stammered.

He gripped her upper arm and pulled her from the car.

“What are you doing?” Her voice cracked, making her sound like a petulant child when she wanted to be forceful and self-assured.

“Let go of my arm,” she demanded, more satisfied with the intensity of her command.

“Promise me you won’t run.”

She straightened her back. As if she could outrun Frank.

“I was searching for my own luggage in my own car. That doesn’t warrant being manhandled.”

His head tilted. He released his hold on her.

She rubbed her arm. He hadn’t hurt her, but he had been aggressive.

Dark shadows played over his steely gaze. “What were you really looking for, Colleen?”

Refusing to be intimidated, she held her ground. “I just told you. My carry-on.”

“Which I found in the trunk of your car.” He held up the shoulder bag Vivian had carried. “Was this what you wanted?”

“That’s Vivian’s purse. She dropped it on the floor when she slipped into the car.”

“Then maybe you were looking for her cell.” He held up the iPhone.

“Should I have been?”

He leaned closer. “You tell me.”

“Look, Frank, we’re not getting anywhere fast. I’m sure Vivian would like her purse and phone back. As for me, I’m not interested in either item.”

“Did Vivian tell you about the video? The near-field communication function was turned on. Had she planned to send a copy of the video to your phone?”

“I don’t know anything about a video.”

Vivian had evidence she’d wanted to share. A chill ran down Colleen’s spine. Frank had found what Vivian had promised to provide.

He tapped Vivian’s phone. A picture appeared on the screen of a rectangular object wrapped in plastic.

Colleen leaned in to view the screen. “What’s in the shrink wrap?”

“Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what the package contains.”

She pulled back, frustrated by the hostility in his voice.

When she didn’t respond, he took a step closer, too close.

“Coke. Crack. Crystal.” He glared down at her. “You get the message?”

His eyes narrowed even more. “Were you and Vivian working for the guy in the video, only maybe Vivian was dealing on the side? Maybe she wanted to rip him off? He got angry and followed her.”

Frank hesitated for half a heartbeat. “Or was he following you? Did you and Vivian plan to blackmail him? Maybe you wanted payment for the video. Did you ask for cash, or did you want the payoff in drugs?”

Anger swelled within her. Frank was just like the cops in Atlanta.

“Do you always jump to the wrong conclusion?” she threw back at him. “Must not bode well for your law enforcement career.”

Fire flashed from his eyes. She had struck a sore spot. He took a step back and pursed his lips.

“We need to talk.” He glanced up the hill. “At Evelyn’s house.”

“You mean you’re not going to haul me off to jail?”

“Tell me the truth, Colleen. That’s all I want. Why did you meet Vivian at the roadside park? Who’s the guy in the video? Was he the shooter? If so, why’d he come after you? If you’ll answer those questions, then I’ll listen. If you’re unwilling, I’ll transport you to CID Headquarters tonight.”

She raised her chin with determination and stood her ground. “I’m not military. You don’t have jurisdiction over me.”

A muscle in his neck twitched. “Then I’ll contact the local authorities.”

“They’re busy, tied up with the aftermath of the storm. I doubt they’d be interested.”

“You’re wrong. A woman was shot. She was in a video and appears to have been dealing drugs. The local authorities may be busy, but they’re not that busy.”

Colleen breathed out a deep sigh of resignation. She didn’t have a choice. “You’re right, Frank. We need to talk.”

“I’ve got my truck.” He pointed to where it was parked on the far side of the Amish store.

If only she had noticed the vehicle earlier. She would have turned around and returned to Evelyn’s house and not attempted to search her car while Frank was in the area.

Hindsight wouldn’t help her now.

She walked purposefully toward the pickup with Frank following close behind.

Duke stared at her from inside the cab. Frank reached around her and opened the passenger door. “Down, boy.”

The dog jumped onto the gravel driveway. Colleen slipped into the passenger seat.

Once Duke was secured in the back of the pickup, Frank returned to the barn and stretched crime scene tape around her car. Her heart skittered in her chest. The yellow tape made everything that had happened today even more real. She raked fingers through her thick curls. What had she been thinking, trying to cover up information from the authorities?

Her eyes burned. She clenched her fists, blinking back the tears. She needed to be strong. If she broke down, Frank would think she had something to hide.

Walking back to his truck, he raised his cell phone to his ear. Was he answering a call or making one? To local law enforcement perhaps?

Would the police be waiting for her at Evelyn’s house? She bit her lip and looked into the darkness. How had she gotten into this predicament when all she wanted was to talk sense into Vivian and gather more evidence against Trey?

Frank rounded the car and slid into the driver’s seat. His long, lean body hardly fit in the confined space. She tried to imagine him bulked up. Perhaps he wouldn’t seem as menacing then. Somehow his pensive expression and hollowed cheeks gave him a frosty appearance that was less than approachable.

He turned the key in the ignition. Colleen was glad for the rumble of the engine and the sound of the wheels on the gravel drive as he backed away from the Amish store.

She didn’t want to talk to Frank, yet that’s what would happen shortly. Colleen wouldn’t lie, but she couldn’t tell him everything. He’d be like the other law enforcement officers she had approached.

They hadn’t believed her.

Frank wouldn’t believe her either.

* * *

Instead of driving up the mountain, Frank headed to where the rescue crews were working farther south along Amish Road.

Colleen didn’t question the change of direction. Instead she gazed out the passenger window as if distancing herself from Frank.

Through the rearview mirror, he saw Duke balanced in the truck bed, his nose sniffing the wind. The dog had an innate ability to read people. Duke had taken to Colleen from the onset, yet Frank wouldn’t make a judgment about Colleen based on his canine’s desire for attention.

Nearing the rescue activity, he pulled to the side of the road and cut the engine. “I’ll just be a minute.”

She nodded but didn’t question the stop.

Duke whined to get down.

“Stay and guard the truck.” Guard Colleen, as well.

Huge generators operated the emergency lights and rumbled in the night. Frank’s eyes adjusted to the brightness, and he quickly searched for a familiar face in the wash of rescue personnel.

Spying Colby near one of the medical vehicles, Frank hurried forward. The other agent held up both hands and shrugged with regret.

“Frank, I’m sorry. I got caught up in a problem with the Amish and never made it to the barn. Did you find what you were looking for?”

“I found Colleen.” Frank glanced back at the truck. She held her head high and stared straight ahead. If only he could tap into that defensive shell she wore as protection.

He turned back to Colby. “Any chance you can spare an hour or two?”

“We’re in good shape here. What do you need?”

“Colleen was rummaging through her car. Supposedly she was searching for her carry-on bag. Earlier I had found Vivian’s phone with a video showing what appeared to be a drug exchange.”

“You know we’re not allowed to search a suspect’s cell phone without a warrant.”

Frank nodded. “I was checking to see if it still had power. The video came up on the screen. I didn’t have to search for anything, and I didn’t access her call log, much as I would have liked that information, as well.”

“You think both women were dealing?”

“I’m not sure what to think, but Colleen’s ready to answer questions, and I want you there since I’m not officially on duty.”

“You could take her into post.”

Frank nodded. “That’s an option, but Fort Rickman’s digging out from the storm. I doubt anyone wants to stop that effort to question a witness when we can handle it here.”

“Good point. I’d be glad to serve as another set of eyes and ears. Give me a minute to let the captain know that I’ll be away from the area for a bit. I’ll meet you at Evelyn’s house.”

Frank appreciated having another CID agent present when he questioned Colleen. She seemed legit, but even pretty young things with red hair popped pills and dealt drugs. Better to be cautious instead of making another mistake. Frank hadn’t seen Audrey for who she really was. He needed to be right about Colleen.

Was she a deceptive drug dealer or an innocent woman caught in the wrong place at the wrong time?


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