The Spanish Brothers

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Deborah Alcock. The Spanish Brothers
I. Boyhood
II. The Monk's Letter
III. Sword and Cassock
IV. Alcala de Henarez
V. Don Carlos Forgets Himself
VI. Don Carlos Forgets Himself Still Further
VII. The Desengaño
VIII. The Muleteer
IX. El Dorado Found
X. Dolores
XI. The Light Enjoyed
XII. The Light Divided from the Darkness
XIII. Seville
XIV. The Monks of San Esodro
XV. The Great Sanbenito
XVI. Welcome Home
XVII. Disclosures
XVIII. The Aged Monk
XIX. Truth and Freedom
XX. The First Drop of a Thunder Shower
XXI. By the Guadalquivir
XXII. The Flood-Gates Opened
XXIII. The Reign of Terror
XXIV. A Gleam of Light
XXV. Waiting
XXVI. Don Gonsalvo's Revenge
XXVII. My Brother's Keeper
XXVIII. Reaping the Whirlwind
XXIX. A Friend at Court
XXX. The Captive
XXXI. Ministering Angels
XXXII. The Valley of the Shadow of Death
XXXIII. On the Other Side
XXXIV. Fray Sebastian's Trouble
XXXV. The Eve of the Auto
XXXVI "The Horrible and Tremendous Spectacle."29
XXXVII. Something Ended and Something Begun
XXXVIII. Nuera Again
XXXIX. Left Behind
XL "A Satisfactory Penitent."
XLI. More about the Penitent
XLII. Quiet Days
XLIII. El Dorado Found Again
XLIV. One Prisoner Set Free
XLV. Triumphant
XLVI. Is it too Late?
XLVII. The Dominican Prior
XLVIII. San Isodro Once More
XLIX. Farewell
Отрывок из книги
Fray Sebastian Gomez, to the Honourable Señor Felipe de Santa Maria, Licentiate of Theology, residing at Alcala de Henarez, commonly called Complutum.
Thus, with averted face, or head shaken doubtfully, or murmured "Ay de mi," the world spoke of him, of whom his own children, happy at least in this, knew scarce anything, save words that seemed like a cry of joy.
"Are you then a heretic?" Carlos exclaimed, recoiling involuntarily, as one who suddenly sees the plague spot on the forehead of a friend whose hand he has been grasping.
"That depends upon your notion of a heretic, señor. Many a better man than I has been branded with the name. Even the great preacher Don Fray Constantino, whom all the fine lords and ladies in Seville flock to hear, has often been called heretic by his enemies."