Читать книгу Tempted By The Badge - Deborah Fletcher Mello - Страница 13

Chapter 2


Mingus shifted into fourth gear, his Nissan 370Z Coupe picking up speed. He’d kept straight instead of turning right when his sister did, Simone believing the shortcut through downtown would shave some ten minutes off her travel time. He knew they’d arrive at their destination within minutes of each other, Mingus parked in the lot when she pulled in. It would irritate her to no end and that gave him the slightest bit of satisfaction.

The Chicago Lawn district police station was on West 63rd Street, around the corner from the West Communities YMCA. The surrounding neighborhood was a modicum of small businesses and modest single-family homes. During his brief stint on the Chicago police force he’d been stationed there and then at the West Harrison Street station.

Mingus had followed his father and older brother into law enforcement after graduating from Loyola University Chicago with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. His parents had expected he would join the ranks of detective, eventually climbing the law-enforcement ladder to lieutenant before heading his own precinct as commander. But the rank and file of being an officer hadn’t been for him. Mingus didn’t play by the rules that others did. Even when he was on the straight and narrow, he wasn’t above deviating down his own path to get a job done. His work ethic was impeccable, just not necessarily above board. He approached most things, including his relationships, with a wary eye. He defied expectations, rebelled instead of acquiescing, and often took shortcuts others had issue with. He often thought he was simply wired differently from everyone else. The uniform and badge had often tied his hands and Mingus didn’t take kindly to his hands being tied. Giving it up had been the best decision he’d ever made, even if it had disappointed his parents.

Mingus came from a family of high achievers. His father, Jerome Black, was the Superintendent of the entire Chicago Police Department. His mother, Judith Harmon Black, was a federal court judge, and both were well respected in Chicago’s judicial system. They were all in the spotlight, doing their civic duty to make Chicago a safer place. Mingus was just as dedicated to the municipality. But he worked alone, sometimes in the dredges of the community, beneath the cover of darkness, getting his hands dirty. He sometimes did what others weren’t willing to do and he did it exceptionally well.

When Simone pulled her car into the empty parking space beside his, Mingus was standing against the hood of his vehicle with his arms and legs crossed. As she stepped out the driver’s-side door, he stole a glance at his watch, a sly smirk pulling at his mouth. His sister was not amused and she said so.

“You’re going to get another speeding ticket and they’re going to pull your license.”

“My license is already revoked,” he said matter-of-factly.

Simone blinked, her lashes batting feverishly. “Are you crazy? And you’re driving?”

Mingus laughed. “No, I was joking. You need to stop being so serious.”

“You play too damn much!” Simone snapped, suddenly unleashing her frustrations on him. For a good two minutes she recapped everything that had ever been proclaimed about him. He wasn’t focused or driven, and he was too unpredictable. He took too many risks, played too many games and was surely headed to hell if he didn’t change his life around. For two good minutes Mingus let her rant.

“So, are you done?” Mingus finally asked, his tone even.

“Sorry,” Simone muttered softly. “I didn’t mean...”

“Yes, you did. But it’s all good.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and gave her a warm hug. “Are you okay?”

“No.” She stepped out of her brother’s grasp and took a breath. “No,” she said again, her head shaking. “I was just on the phone with Danni,” she said, referring to their brother Armstrong’s bride-to-be. “They’re going to formally charge Joanna with sexually assaulting a student.”

Mingus nodded. “But you knew that was a possibility.”

“I was praying that it was a horrible mistake. But this also means I can’t represent her. I’ve called Ellington to see if he can take her case. He’s on his way.”

“Have you talked to your office?” Mingus asked.

She nodded. “I had to make sure I recused myself. I can support her as a friend, but it’s a conflict of interest with the prosecutor’s office for me to do anything more.”

Mingus nodded as she continued.

“I really need you to work your magic, big brother. I don’t know what’s going on, but I do know Joanna is not capable of what she’s being accused of.”

“No promises, Simone. I know she’s your friend and you say she’s innocent, but that might not be true. We don’t even know what they have on her yet.”

Simone took another deep breath. “Let’s go find out!”

* * *

Joanna couldn’t stop shaking as she wrapped her arms tightly around her torso. She’d been sitting alone in an interrogation room for almost an hour, no one speaking to her until her attorney arrived. She’d called her bestie, Simone Black, because she hadn’t known who else to call. She’d only needed an attorney once before, when she’d purchased her townhome. She doubted highly that the man her parents had recommended, who’d represented her at closing, would be able to help her through this situation.

Despite knowing she hadn’t done anything wrong, Joanna sensed things were not going to go well for her. For the life of her she couldn’t begin to understand how she’d come to be in this position. Never in her wildest dreams could she have fathomed anyone believing she would take advantage of one of her students. But they did. She’d seen it on the principal’s face, and the detectives were treating her like a pariah. No one was answering her questions and she had dozens she wanted to ask. The room’s door suddenly swung open. She didn’t recognize the man who stepped through the entrance and she felt herself tense.

“Ms. Barnes, my name is Richard Pearce,” he said as he extended his hand to shake hers. “I’m an attorney with the teachers’ union. I’ve been assigned to your case.”

Joanna gave him a slight nod of her head. Richard Pierce was of average height and slightly overweight. His suit was expensive, a polished black silk partnered with a white dress shirt and red paisley necktie. “Thank you for coming,” she said, her voice a loud whisper. “That was fast.”

“Actually, it’s your lucky day. I was in the area on another matter when I got the call. Typically, it takes a day or two for us to get to you.”

“I don’t feel lucky,” Joanna muttered.

“That’s understandable. Obviously, I’m going to need to get up to speed with the case, but I’m told they have a significant amount of evidence against you. Eventually we may try to plea it out and hope that—”

“I didn’t do it.”

The man looked up from a manila folder he’d pulled from a brown leather attaché and had rested on the table. He seemed surprised to be interrupted. “I’m sorry?”

“I didn’t do it. I did not have a sexual relationship with any student.”

“Obviously, I’ll need to do some investigating, but the evidence—”

“I didn’t do it,” Joanna repeated even more adamantly as her tone rose significantly.

Mr. Pearce stared at her for a quick minute. He leaned back in his seat. “Ms. Barnes, I’m here to represent your best interests. Clearly, we want to do everything we can to minimize the damage to your reputation. I understand that you’re probably still in shock right now, but eventually we will need to discuss your options and pleading this case out may be your best recourse. I’m not sure—”

Joanna interrupted him a third time. “Am I required to use you, Mr. Pearce? Is it a condition of my union membership?”

The man bristled, his eyes widening. “No, of course not. You have the option of hiring a private attorney if you’d be more comfortable doing so. But the union is here to protect your interests.”

“You’re not protecting my interests if you’re already talking about me taking a plea deal. I didn’t do anything wrong and I certainly didn’t do what’s being said. I have no intentions of pleading this case out. I don’t want to go to trial, but I will if it means clearing my name.”

Before Mr. Pearce could respond there was a knock on the door, the entrance swinging open a second time. The two men moving into the room surprised both Joanna and the union representative. Joanna recognized the man who stepped forward, greeting her warmly.

“Joanna, I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Ellington Black. Simone’s brother.”

Joanna nodded. “I do remember you. We met once at an Alpha Kappa Alpha event. I appreciate you coming.”

Ellington smiled. “Simone said you needed an attorney. She thought I might be able to help.”

“She’s not coming?”

“She can’t represent you. She works for the state prosecutor’s office and it would be a conflict of interest. But she’s waiting to take you home.” He extended his hand to the other man. “Ellington Black, and you are...?”

“Pearce. Richard Pearce. I’m with the teachers’ union. I’ve been assigned to Ms. Barnes’s case.”

“Wonderful. We can use as many people on the team as we can get.” Ellington reached into the breast pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a business card. “Here’s my number. I’m sure we’ll need all the help available as we rev up the investigation. I look forward to working with you.”

Pearce traded business cards, seeming flustered by the turn of events. “I was just telling Ms. Barnes that we might want to consider a plea deal if one is offered.”

“That’s not an option,” Ellington said. He extended his hand in a firm handshake. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I’d like to speak with Ms. Barnes privately. So, if you’ll excuse us, I’ll be in touch when we need you.”

The moment was immensely awkward as Pearce rose reluctantly. He’d been summarily dismissed and as the three of them stood staring at him, he said his goodbyes and sulked. When the door was closed shut behind him, Ellington took the seat across from Joanna. It was only then that she turned her attention to Mingus, who stood against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He’d eased in quietly, settling into the background as he stood in observation.

There was no missing the family resemblance. Both men stood well over six feet with lukewarm complexions that were a rich tawny with just the barest hint of mahogany undertones. They had the same chiseled features—sculpted cheekbones and strong jawlines. Both had solid builds and broad chests and shoulders. Ellington wore a navy-blue suit, the silk fabric expensive, pristinely tailored and polished. The other man was dressed more casually in black denim jeans, a collarless black shirt and black varsity jacket. His hair was cropped close and he sported a hint of mustache and a goatee. He met her stare, his expression hiding any trace of emotion. But there was something simmering in his eyes. Something hiding behind the blinking of his lashes. Something that captured Joanna’s attention and held it tightly.

“I didn’t do it,” she said softly. “No one believes me, but I did not sleep with my student.” She was still staring at the second man, her comment more for him than her attorney. She introduced herself. “I’m Joanna. Joanna Barnes. Are you an attorney, too?”

Ellington looked from her to the other man and back. “I’m sorry. I assumed you two had met before. Joanna, this is my brother, Mingus Black. Mingus is a licensed private investigator. He’s going to help work this case. We’re going to trust him to help us figure out what’s going on and why you’ve been targeted.”

The slightest smile pulled at Joanna’s lips. Her bottom lip quivered and tears pressed hot behind her eyelids. She gave him a slight wave of her hand. “Hi.”

Mingus nodded in response, his expression unchanging. But something burned hot in the pool of light dancing in his eyes. Had he been anyone else, his silence would have been unsettling, but Joanna found his presence eerily comforting and she had never before been attracted to the strong, silent type. It gave her a moment of pause as they seemed to be measuring each other up.

Ellington continued, Joanna focusing her attention back on him. He reached across the table for her hand and held it. “Here’s what’s going to happen,” he said softly. “When I open that door, the police are going to come in and you’ll be formally charged and arrested. They will handcuff you and then they’re going to take you downstairs to the jail to fingerprint and mug-shot you. After you’re processed, we’re going to go before the judge and I’m going to ask for bail. I don’t think we’ll have a problem getting it. Once we’re able to bond you out, Simone is going to take you home.”

Joanna closed her eyes. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she muttered. “Don’t I get to make a statement or something? I thought they wanted to ask me some questions?”

“What they were hoping was that they could push you into making an admission of guilt. They believe they have more than enough evidence to prosecute you. Them asking you questions was only a polite formality, the end goal being to discredit you.”

“But what evidence do they have? How can they have anything? I didn’t do this!”

“We’ll know more at your arraignment. I do know they believe they have a credible statement from your accuser.”

She took a deep inhale of air, blowing it out slowly. “Will I have to spend any time in jail? I mean, how soon will I be able to get bail?”

Ellington shook his head. “I’m going to do everything I can to make that happen very quickly. It’s still early. The judges are back from lunch, so once the police do what they need to do, there is no reason we can’t head right to the courthouse for a bail hearing. If all goes well, you’ll sleep in your bed tonight.”

He cleared his throat before he continued. “Unfortunately the press is all over this. They’re going to try to get you to make a statement. You have no comment. You are not to discuss this case with anyone. Not your parents, not your best friend, Simone, not your husband or your boyfriend. No one! From this moment forward the state will try to find anything they can to use against you. We don’t want you to give them anything they can use. First thing tomorrow morning, you, Mingus and I will sit down and go through what we know and figure out how to proceed. Do you understand?”

As she nodded her head in concurrence, Joanna’s tears finally slipped past her lashes, beginning to rain in a steady stream down her face. “I swear,” she said, her gaze shifting back to stare at Mingus. “I didn’t do this.” She wiped at her cheeks with the back of her hand. She then wrapped her arms around herself, hugging tightly.

* * *

A uniformed officer gestured for Joanna to stand and put her hands behind her back. She was a stunningly beautiful woman: long and lean with a petite frame and mile-high legs. She had delicate facial features, killer cheekbones, dark eyes and a warm umber complexion. Her skin was slick as glass with just a hint of pink undertones. Mingus imagined that if she ever blessed him with a smile it would be wide and full, showcasing the picture-perfect teeth currently biting her bottom lip anxiously.

Mingus watched the detective read Joanna her Miranda rights, his voice echoing around the room like an annoying fly buzzing in the space. Zip ties were secured around her wrists and then a female officer clutched her by the elbow and guided her out of the room.

Mingus was still standing like stone as he watched them take her away. Something he didn’t recognize pitched through his abdomen, a wealth of emotion swirling like a cyclone through his midsection. Before anyone had come into the room, Joanna had asked his brother for a tissue, tired of swiping at her tears with her fingers and not wanting anyone else to see her cry. For a brief moment, just before she was escorted out, his eyes locked with hers and held. Her expression was stoic, her lashes batting up and down to stall the wave of saline from falling a second time. The look on her face yanked at his heartstrings. Hard.

As Ellington exited the room, Mingus moved in behind his brother, listening intently to the conversations being held. The detective was saying that the student and his parents were scheduled to come in again the following morning. Two uniformed officers were cracking bad jokes on the low, amused by the salacious details of the crime Joanna was being charged with. Mingus gave both men a look that cut their conversation short, leaving them red-faced and slightly anxious that they might be called out for the indiscretion.

Moving back to the lobby area where Simone sat anxiously waiting for an update, Mingus was surprised to find himself conflicted. Something about the case wasn’t sitting well with him. Despite the assumptions of guilt and what little he knew of the evidence, Mingus had believed Joanna when she’d said was innocent.

Simone pressed him for information. “How is she holding up?”

“She’s not unraveling, if that’s what you want to know.”

“Joanna’s a very strong woman. And she’ll fight this with everything in her. She’ll be fine.”

“How close are you two? She knew Ellington, but we had never met.”

“She’s one of my best friends. She was around more that year you spent in South Africa after you left the force. We talk often, and we hang out every chance we can, but our career choices keep us running in different circles. I think you, and maybe Armstrong, are the only siblings she hasn’t met.”

“Ellington mentioned her husband? Or it might have been a boyfriend?” Mingus looked nonchalant as he questioned his sister about her friend, but truth be told he was curious to know more about her. To know if Joanna had a significant other. If some man had her heart and her heart wasn’t available.

Simone finally answered. “She’s not married and, the last time we spoke, she wasn’t dating anyone special. I don’t think that’s changed.”

“Does she have an ex who might be looking to hurt her?”

“No!” Simone said, shaking her head vehemently. “No one I can think of. She’s always been very particular about who she dates, and most have been upstanding men.”

“Most? What about the ones who weren’t?”

Simone gave her brother a look. “Are you asking professionally or personally? Because I don’t know how that has anything to do with this case.”

“The more I know about her, the better I’ll be able to figure out who’s trying to hurt her. Is this kid acting out because she gave him a bad grade or has someone put him up to this? If someone is trying to frame her, then this is vindictiveness at the highest level. If there is absolutely no truth to the allegations, someone has gone to a lot of trouble to destroy her. A scorned lover would be at the top of my suspect list because this is as dirty as it gets.”

Simone blew a soft sigh. “I’m sure she’ll tell you whatever you want to know. She’s one of the most honest souls I know.”

Mingus pondered his sister’s statement. It spoke volumes that she thought so highly of her friend. That Simone attested so vehemently to Joanna’s character. For his sister to see Joanna as family meant he would welcome her as if they were kin. Family meant everything to him and for that reason alone, he would do whatever he could to help the beautiful woman.

* * *

Three hours later Joanna stood before the honorable Judge Margaret Walker and listened as the prosecutor proclaimed she’d had sex with a seventeen-year-old male student numerous times. Allegedly, sex acts had been performed in his car during school hours, in her home and off school property. The state was charging her with two felony counts of rape in the third degree and two counts of endangering the welfare of a minor. After a statement against bail from the prosecutor and Ellington pleading for leniency, the judge granted bail. Her bond was set at one hundred thousand dollars. She was also ordered onto electronic monitoring and, with the slam of the judge’s gavel, Joanna knew her nightmare was just beginning.

It took another hour for Ellington to meet with the bondsman. Joanna put her home up as collateral. Arrangements were made for her to be fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet. She struggled not to cry again as an officer explained the restrictions. When they were finally done, Ellington guided her to the front of the building where Simone and Mingus stood waiting to take her home.

Tempted By The Badge

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