Читать книгу Melting Point - Debra Cowan - Страница 2

“What’s the matter, Russell? Afraid you might like me in spite of yourself?”


It was already too late for that. Kiley Russell faced him. “Don’t misunderstand. I think we can work together just fine, but let’s keep things strictly business.”

“All right.”

“Which means we probably shouldn’t be dancing.”

Collier released her arm. “Gotcha.”

Ignoring the sinking feeling in her stomach. Kiley watched as he turned and made his way through the crowd toward the bar. Good. Now there would be no misunderstandings, no more dancing, no more touching.

Her gaze traced the broad line of his shoulders, the slightly ragged edge of his dark hair as she recalled the seductive feel of his hard body against hers.

Who was she kidding?

What she felt for him was hotter and more dangerous than mere “like.”

Melting Point

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