Читать книгу Reluctant Hero - Debra Regan - Страница 3


It was an argument they could have later, assuming they survived the next few minutes…

“Ready, Becca?”

“One second.” She fisted her hands in his jacket panels and pulled Parker close. Her lips met his with an urgency that shot through his veins like a bolt of lightning.

He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her flush against his body. At last, he indulged the fantasy of claiming her mouth. Becca’s lips parted and his tongue stroked across hers. The pleasure and heat wove a spell around him. Parker ran his hands up over her ribs, his thumbs following the soft curve of her breasts.

The soundtrack of heavy boots thundering on the stairs brought him slamming back to reality. Breaking the kiss, Becca’s taste lingering on his tongue, he pushed open the door and they ran…

Reluctant Hero

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