Читать книгу The Hunk Next Door - Debra & Regan Webb & Black - Страница 2


“Want to go for a drive?”

Abby did. Desperately. The intensity scared her. “Aren’t you tired of Christmas lights and holiday displays by now?”

“Are you tired of police work?”

“A little,” she confessed, startling a laugh out of both of them.

“Take a drive with me. I’ll buy you a drink.”

“You’re a terrible flirt.”

“So I’ve been told.” Riley winked, opening the passenger door of his truck for her.

“No, I mean you’re really bad at it.”

“You want me to up my game?”

Yes. No. Uncertain, she pulled the door shut. When he slid into the driver’s seat, she said, “I don’t want any games. I want you to be yourself.”

“Easy enough.” He stared at her for a moment that went on and on, and she realized she was holding her breath. “What you see is what you get, Abby.”

The Hunk Next Door

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