Читать книгу The Longest Silence - Debra Webb - Страница 8



Writing a fiction novel is hard work. An author puts her heart and soul into the task. It’s extremely important to love the characters in your story. If you don’t, it will show. In fact, for me, the characters are the most important element of the story. No matter how amazing and exciting the plot, if you just can’t connect to the characters, then what good is it? I love the characters in this story. They are real to me in so many ways. In particular, Joanna Guthrie’s character is close to my heart. A tragic life event caused her to lose touch with her family. Eighteen years passed before they found each other again. This element of the story was deeply personal to me because the same thing happened between my elder brother and me. Seventeen long years passed without me seeing him or hearing his voice. I am immensely thankful to have him back in my life.

Another important aspect of creating a fiction novel is research. Since the work is fiction, I sometimes take liberties. For instance, the Aubri Lane Restaurant doesn’t serve lunch, but for the purposes of this story it does. Milledgeville, Georgia, is a beautiful town. I so enjoyed visiting. The people are welcoming and charming. I felt completely at home and plan to return in the future. There are many folks I need to thank for their help in my research. First I must thank my assistant for the trip, Donna Boyd. She was a wonderful asset for taking photos and notes and just being good company. The wonderful folks at the Antebellum Inn Bed & Breakfast were incredible. The best place to stay in Georgia! I so enjoyed the delicious breakfasts with the other guests. From the local tour guides to the folks on the street, it was a treasured experience. Thanks to Wayne Crenshaw, Mike Couch, Dr. Bob Wilson and Nancy Davis Bray for providing direction and advice on the old asylum. I must thank Jamaal Hicks of Georgia College security. I was quite impressed with the highly trained and caring folks who take care of the students. There are too many other sources to name them all!

As always, please know that any liberties taken or mistakes made are mine and mine alone. Happy reading!

The Longest Silence

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