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Chapter One


Victoria Colby-Camp sat at her desk and stared at the neat pile of manila folders Mildred had placed in the exact middle of her clean blotter pad.

It was the same each Monday morning. Mildred gathered the assignment and status reports from each investigator and brought the bundle to Victoria at nine sharp for her perusal. At ten, a standard staff meeting would take place in the conference room. New assignments would be dissected and doled out, old business would be discussed. The work week would continue from there.

The routine never varied.

Victoria sighed, the sound echoing softly in her empty office.

She had no right to feel this way. Life had been extremely good to her for months now. She certainly could not complain….

And yet, she felt…bored.

Her brow furrowed deeply in denial of her last thought. Perhaps bored was not the proper word. She and Lucas had celebrated their first wedding anniversary a few months ago with a long weekend in the Cayman Islands. Her son was happily married and anticipating the arrival of the first Colby grandchild.

What else could she ask for from her personal life?

The Colby Agency continued to thrive. The cases that walked through reception’s doors included the most intriguing and challenging from right here in Chicago as well as all across the nation—ones that no other agency seemed able to solve in addition to those of longtime, loyal clients.

Still, Victoria felt restless.

She pushed up from her chair and walked across the room to look out at the city she loved. A city pulsing with life, filled with magnificent and innovative architecture. A place rich with colorful and turbulent political history as well as vibrant cultural venues.

There was no other city in the country quite like it. No other place she’d rather be.

Dozens of memories filtered through her mind, warming her heart. It seemed so long ago now that she and James, her first husband and the father of her only son, had started this agency. She had known even then that the Colby Agency would be something very special. How could it be anything else? James Colby had orchestrated its creation.

But now, more than twenty years later, something was missing. She concentrated hard in an effort to pinpoint the motivation for the fleeting sensation.

This odd emptiness had started almost one month ago. At first she’d considered that, with her highly trained and efficient staff, maybe she was bored with her level of participation in the business of private investigations. Her right-hand personnel oversaw most of the day-to-day operations. Though she came to the office each and every day and reviewed all activities, she was not personally involved with the execution of assignments.

But her role had always been in oversight rather than execution. Why would she suddenly feel unsettled in that role now? Admittedly, change could be a good thing. With that in mind, and much to the dismay of her staff, she’d launched a complete overhaul of the agency’s decor. A smile tilted one corner of her mouth. Unquestionably the renovations were a nuisance, but she’d hoped that the transformations would fulfill this sense of lacking she suffered.

The distraction had not worked.

Victoria turned to view her elegantly decorated office. Though the new gold and red tones were quite exquisite, as were the rich jewel tones of the rest of the offices, the relief she’d hoped for had not come.

Nor had the carpet. Her gaze dropped to the beige carpeting on the floor. The contractor had apologized repeatedly for the error. The wrong color had been ordered and, of course, returned, leaving the floor rather bland amid the rest of the opulent decor.

Her attention moved back to her desk and the stack of files. She really should get on with her Monday morning review, but the usual anticipation proved glaringly absent.

There was always the chance that her lackadaisical attitude wasn’t work-related at all.

She’d toyed with the idea of a personal makeover. Nothing elaborate. A new hairstyle perhaps, and possibly a color. Victoria smoothed her hand over her firmly coiled French twist. Never one to bother with such trivialities, she’d worn her hair the same way for half a lifetime, never bothering with touching up the multiplying silver strands that gave away her true age.

Was it time for a personal change?

Lucas appeared more than happy with her hair just as it was. She traced the tiny lines accentuating her eyes and wondered why she’d never worried about those, either. Most women her age and of her social standing had undergone at least one facelift by now.

No, she decided, that wasn’t the problem.

As simple as it would be to pretend a new wardrobe and a visit to a salon would cure her restless feelings, she knew deep down that it wouldn’t help.

Her working life lacked the edge and excitement of the past. Though it was certainly true that the Colby Agency worked many, many intriguing and exciting cases, that wasn’t what she meant.

When she and James had first started the agency, everything had been new, including the investigators they hired. One or two had had previous experience in the field, but most learned from the master, James Colby himself. Time and experience had honed this agency to a gleaming, precious jewel among its competition.

No more rough edges, no more raw exhilaration.

Affection tugged at her lips when she thought of Trevor Sloan and his untamed surliness. He’d been a man with more rough edges than most, and yet the best damned investigator any agency could hope to retain. He’d been young and so had Victoria.

On the heels of that thought came an epiphany.

That was the missing ingredient that had her out of sorts.


It wasn’t that she resented growing older. On the contrary—her life was everything she wanted it to be and more. This was strictly business.

And no one knew better about the business of private investigations than she.

Victoria stepped over to the phone on her desk and pressed the intercom button.

“Mildred, find the date and location of that job fair we talked about last week. I’m considering participating.” Anticipation surged in Victoria’s veins. She was on to something here. She could feel it all the way to the pads of her feet.

“I have it right here, Victoria,” Mildred said as she shuffled through her calendar. “Embassy Suites downtown, this weekend.”

Perfect. “Sign the agency up ASAP. I don’t want just a booth, I want a conference room. Get it in tomorrow’s edition of the Tribune.”

“It may be too late to sign up,” Mildred warned.

Victoria grinned. “Talk to Lyle Vandiver at the Chamber of Commerce. He’ll get us in. Pull out all the stops, Mildred. I want to make a big splash.”

“The usual employment requirements?” her secretary asked.

There was no need to mull over the question; Victoria knew what she wanted. “No. This is going to be different. No experience necessary. Drop the age requirement to twenty.”

“Pardon? Did you say twenty?”

“Twenty,” Victoria repeated. That was a far cry from the twenty-five guideline the agency generally used. It had been a very long time since she had considered an applicant too young to have any real job experience. And there was no time like the present to see what she’d been missing.

Still sounding befuddled, Mildred assured, “I’ll get right on it.”

Victoria sat at her desk and began to review the case files with a new sense of purpose.

That was what she’d been missing—just exactly what this agency needed—new blood. Young blood. Raw talent.

The unexpected.

AT 10:00 A.M. on the dot that morning Victoria moved to the conference room where all not on assignment waited.

Ian Michaels and Simon Ruhl sat on either side of her vacant chair at the head of the long polished mahogany table. Ian’s wife, Nicole, as well as Ric Martinez, Ryan Braxton, Pierce Maxwell, Ethan Delaney, Doug Cooper-Smith, Daniel Marks and A. J. Braddock, one of the agency’s newest investigators, were present. Patrick O’Brien, the other new member on Victoria’s staff, was currently on assignment, as were three other investigators.

As Victoria took her place at the table, Elaine Younger, the agency receptionist, poked her head through the door.

“Victoria, the gentlemen are here to install the carpet.”

A litany of groans and sighs went around the room. Elaine looked worried, as if she feared she’d somehow done the wrong thing by making the announcement no one in the room—other than Victoria—wanted to hear.

“Excellent,” Victoria said with a nod of approval in Elaine’s direction. “Let them know they can start in my office.”

Elaine nodded eagerly and quickly closed the door to carry out her orders.


Victoria turned to Simon and waited for him to proceed.

“Mildred mentioned that you had decided to join in this weekend’s job fair.”

He didn’t have to say the rest; Victoria read the question in his eyes. Why on earth had she lowered the usual standards for hopeful applicants?

“That’s correct.” She surveyed the table. Judging by the expression on each face, all present had heard the news. “I felt the need to venture into new territory.” She clasped her hands and placed them on the table in front of her. “I’d like to sample the raw talent out there,” she added bluntly. “Any questions?”

Victoria didn’t miss the smile that flirted with Ian’s lips. “You have someone in mind for heading up the event?”

Leave it to Ian to cut to the chase. “Actually,” Victoria said, “I do.” She turned her attention to the right. “I hoped Nicole would be free to handle the job fair.”

Nicole Reed-Michaels was former FBI. She had the incredible beauty of the women gracing the covers of fashion magazines. Sleek blond hair and breathtaking blue eyes. But anyone who let her appearance fool them was in for a big surprise. Nicole was not only highly intelligent, she was downright lethal. No one got in her way.

“I’d be happy to, Victoria,” Nicole volunteered without hesitation. She shifted those assessing blue eyes to her husband. “You won’t mind watching the kids, will you, Ian?”

A moment of loaded silence passed as every man in the room struggled to restrain a grin or a chuckle. Victoria didn’t bother holding back. Her lips spread wide with amusement. She loved the power Nicole had over the enigmatic Ian.

“Of course not,” he said to his wife before turning back to Victoria. “Shall we move on?”

The status of each ongoing case was reported and new ones assigned. Victoria observed the well-educated, refined members of her outstanding staff. Only the best. The Colby Agency employed the most outstanding in their respective fields…the cream of the crop from many walks of life, including the military as well as other government agencies and law enforcement. Victoria had always prided herself on ferreting out those who had excelled in their former careers. Men and women who were highly trained and well experienced.

But that was about to change.

She needed an infusion of the unknown…of raw, edgy talent.

Excitement. That was what the Colby Agency needed.

Pure T-type adrenaline. Young blood, ready to do anything to prove him or herself.

Just like in the old days.

Investigating 101

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