Читать книгу A Soldier's Oath - Debra Webb - Страница 2


“Can you guarantee the safe return of my son?”

Yes, Spencer had spent a decade in covert operations and a good deal of that time in the Middle East. Not a problem. But this wasn’t as cut-and-dried as a military operation. This was a small boy, whose life and future hung in the balance.

Willow Harris stared at him expectantly. He understood what she was looking for.

“I can tell you that I have a perfect record, no failures whatsoever.”

Willow’s expression brightened as she let out an audible sigh. “Good. When do we leave?”


Her gaze locked with his. He didn’t miss the determination there or the underlying fear.

“If I have to make a choice between saving you or saving the child, I will save the child.” He allowed the ramifications of those words to sink in a second or two before he continued. “Are you prepared for that?”

Three, four, then five beats passed.


So much for the scare tactics. “In that case,” he relented, “we’ll begin preparations tomorrow.”

A Soldier's Oath

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