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Debra Webb was born in Scottsboro, Alabama, to parents who taught her that anything is possible if you want it badly enough. She began writing at age nine. Eventually, she met and married the man of her dreams, and tried some other occupations, including selling vacuum cleaners, working in a factory, a day-care centre, a hospital and a department store. When her husband joined the military, they moved to Berlin, Germany, and Debra became a secretary in the commanding general’s office. By 1985 they were back in the States, and finally moved to a small town in Tennessee, where everyone knows everyone else. With the support of her husband and two beautiful daughters, Debra took up writing again, looking to mystery and movies for inspiration. In 1998, her dream of writing books came true. You can write to Debra at PO Box 64, Huntland, Tennessee 37345, USA or visit her website at www.debrawebb.com to find out exciting news about her next book.


Sam Johnson – Former forensics expert with the LAPD. Sam knows how to keep a secret, but this one might just get him killed.

Lisa Smith – Los Angeles priority homicide detective. Lisa will do whatever it takes to find the truth.

Jim Colby – The head of the Equalizers and the son of Victoria Colby-Camp. Jim needs his mother to trust him to live his own life.

Victoria Colby-Camp – The head of the Colby Agency. Victoria wants the best for her son but she is afraid he has bitten off too much with the Equalizers.

Tasha Colby – Jim’s wife and the mother of their daughter Jamie.

Spencer Anders – Former Special Forces major Anders is one of the associates at the Equalizers.

Connie Gardner – The receptionist and sometimes field operative for the Equalizers.

Renee Vaughn – A former prosecutor. The Equalizers have given her a chance to infuse some danger into her life.

Charles Sanford – Veteran LAPD priority homicide detective and Lisa’s partner.

James Watts – Deceased leader of the notorious gang known as the Crew. James made a deal with Sam Johnson – is that why he’s dead?

Lil Watts – Current leader of the Crew.

Buster Houston – Leader of the Nation, sworn enemy of the Crew. Buster rules by the old school.

Colby vs Colby

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