Читать книгу The 20-30 Something Garden Guide - Dee Nash - Страница 15

First things




When I was a little girl, my family often ate at a local cafeteria where I always chose more food than I could eat. My dad teased me, saying my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Going too large in a garden is like overfilling your plate. Only plan for the number of pots you can easily water. Before you buy six packages of lettuce seed, remember that you don’t need to grow everything you eat. Give yourself permission to buy the rest from local farmers, a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), or the organic section of the grocery store. Although there is something special about pulling an onion straight from the dirt or snipping herbs just before dinner, nothing is more soul sapping than a too-large garden gone bad midsummer. Depending upon your watering system and space limitations, you can replicate all eight containers in this chapter’s plan, or narrow it down to three for the first year. You can even start with one. It’s your garden. No garden police will check on your progress.

The 20-30 Something Garden Guide

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