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At the top of the package is the plant’s common name: LETTUCE Leaf. Right away, you know you’re growing a romaine or butterhead type of lettuce. Below that is the cultivar or selection name, ‘Red Sails.’ And then the botanical name, Lactuca sativa, not necessary but it certainly doesn’t hurt, either. Read your seed packets, and before long, Latin will be tripping off your tongue. Just kidding. Still, when you grow flowers and ornamental plants, botanical names are very helpful.

What else you’ll see on the front:

At left is the price: $1.89

Amount of seed in the package by weight: 750 mg

Whether the plant is warm or cool season: cool

How many days until maturity: 45

When to sow seed: Early spring through fall. This is where things get tricky. You may be able to do that in New England, but not in the middle south where I live. We get two seasons of lettuce, and that’s all. Even though this information is helpful, always refer to the USDA Zone map online at www.planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/ and your local Cooperative Extension Office for exactly when you can sow certain seeds.

Description of the plant: Here you learn ‘Red Sails’ is a 1985 All America Selection and that it’s very heat tolerant. Awesome.

There is also a lovely drawing of what the plant should look like, by Donna Clement. I like photographs or drawings, but drawings are a bit more romantic, aren’t they?

The 20-30 Something Garden Guide

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