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Plan for Success,
ОглавлениеVisualize yourself as the person you want to be. Repeat a positive mantra throughout the day. To transform, you have to speak of and carry yourself as if you are already in business. When you talk to others, don’t say things, like I’m starting a business or I, 'm trying to do x y z. You're not trying to do anything, YOU'RE DOING IT! Speak with confidence. Own it. I have my own business doing x y z. Say I filed for my LLC today. I hired a logo designer; my website is being developed, even if it’s not. What you will be doing is speaking these things into existence.
The site may not be physically in development but mentally you are putting ideas for it together. This moves you into action. This is a mental game you play on yourself. Think about it this way. The people you are saying these things to are going to hold you accountable. If you do not take action, they will call you out.
Therefore, planning and taking action is not only crucial to your motivation and drive, but to your reputation and success as well. Keep you moving towards your goal! Make a list of activities that you could do each day to support your goal.
Your financial goals are not going to happen just by deciding on a number. Make some clear plans on how you're going to get there. This will get you past the dream phase so you can start making your ultimate goals a reality.
Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. One of the most useful acts you can do that will benefit you is to model yourself after successful people. Use them as your role model. Think about what you admire about these people and then try to model their behavior.
See if you can set up an interview with someone you feel is successful. You may wish to find someone in a similar career so you can study his or her success story.
You'll also want to study the reasons why they've become successful. How do you think they got to where they are? Can you embark on these steps too? Chances are that you can; all you need to do is build up the courage.
Don’t let the fear of not knowing something stop you. you can’t know everything when you first set out to do something.
you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
~Steve Jobs
Jobs believed, one just has to have faith that in the scheme of life, what he does will eventually have an impact. Jobs stressed that you must have trust in what you are doing.
When you have that faith, you will continue your journey, doing what you have faith in. It is only later, down the road, when you can look back and see the impact of your work.
Expressing gratitude is also a big component in developing a prosperity/wealth mindset. Be grateful for what you have and have already accomplished. Be happy for the success of others. If you cannot feel happy for others when they are successful, your own success will be limited.
Focus on emotional and physical health. Sacrificing your health for success is not true success. What do you really gain if you achieve your goals but sacrifice your physical or emotional health in the process?
Abundance. Believe that there is enough to go around. Then, you won’t be in competition with others. You will only need to compete with yourself. You will maintain a more positive attitude if you believe your dreams are possible. What do you believe is possible for you to achieve?
A willingness to be uncomfortable. Growth is not pleasant. There will be discomfort as you develop yourself, fail, and make mistakes. Even success can be uncomfortable. How uncomfortable are you willing to be to become successful?
The willingness to be uncomfortable is the limiting success factor for most people.
A positive attitude. How much are you willing to do if you are certain you will be successful? A lot. How much are you willing to do if you do not have high expectations? A lot less. Give yourself and your abilities the benefit of the doubt.
Notice how you think and how you talk to yourself. Is it positive or negative? What impact do you think that has on you?
Getting a mentor can be a great addition in helping you develop a prosperity/wealth mindset. One that has achieved the success you desire and knows where your head needs to be. He/she knows what is important and what’s just noise.
Your mindset will be more accurate and effective if guided by a qualified mentor. Try seeking out a business coach and look to the SBA (Small Business Administration) for assistance and take advantage of some of their programs.
Think about your current mindset and compare that to the results you’re currently experiencing in your life. Can you see the connection?
If you feel that you have the skills you need to be successful, but still come up short, it might be time to take a look at your mindset. Anyone can choose their
mindset. There are no prerequisites for having a great mindset. You can just choose. Put your mind into a positive state that aids in your success.
Change the way you think You’ll change the way you live
- Demetris Reynolds