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Chapter 1 Divinity and the Wax Maker


Divinity is a cosmic word to pair with divorce. Unifying these words together holds the essence to the answer you seek in your pathway of love and gratitude within the divorce. Divorce is nothing but true gratitude.

The concept of divinity is unique to each one of us. For some, it retains a definition from your religion or philosophy. For others synonyms include divine power, universal intelligence, innate wisdom, Grand Organized Design (God according to John Demartini), Holographic universe (Michael Talbot), or Divine Matrix (Greg Braden).

Simply, “divinity” is that which is often outside our perception that gives order to our world being omnipotent (all being), omnipresent (all present) and omniscience (all knowing).

If we assume that our world is based on our own perception then a position where all perceptions are seen at once is a greater awareness of intelligence. This greater awareness of intelligence is my divinity.

Our mind exists in a duality such that this divine awareness of the panoramic view is a matter of deduction based on trust, belief and confidence in all possibilities. This duality of input, receiving stimuli from the environment and actively responding is called ‘intelligence’. In addition to linear learning the human mind has the ability of thought, reason and logic and the ability to deduce a certain outcome in a quantum realm.

Rene Descartes maintained that deduction is the foundation of all knowledge, outside the limitations of our senses. Have you ever heard of the phrase “I think therefore I am”? Descartes was a 17th century French philosopher who popularized the phrase.

In his wax demonstration, he notes that a piece of wax when brought to a flame changes its characteristics from a solid to a liquid. Even though the data from the senses informs us that the forms are different we must deduce and trust that both forms are wax. Therefore, in order to properly grasp the nature of the wax, we cannot use the senses! Instead we must use our mind!

What does all this mean to you? It means that you have the ability to choose your perspective! If you entertain this powerful idea that the distinguished scholar Descartes discovered throughout this book, using your reason and logical deduction, it will enable you to liberate emotions and magically free you from your prison of fears and doubts. Can we hold our perception and at the same time realize that the exact opposite perception also exists?

Within the concepts of this book you will see love transform like the wax melting into different forms known to you as marriage and divorce. I invite you to step outside the box of your senses and find the alternate perspectives that exist along this journey.

The experience of being able to see these different forms, and understanding they are all parts of a loving matrix that surrounds us every minute of our life, grants us the faith, trust, confidence and security in a force at work outside our self. Remember the quote I stated earlier? “Let the force be with you!” The ability to go there in your perception is the key to divinity.

“ And so something which I thought I was seeing with my eyes is in fact grasped solely by the faculty of judgment which is in my mind. ” - Descartes

Love Your Divorce

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