Читать книгу Food Chemistry - Dennis D. Miller - Страница 47
2.8 References
Оглавление1 1 Van Wazer, J.R. and Arvan, P.G. (1954). Chemistry of leavening. Milling Production February–March: 3–7.
2 2 Heidolph, B.B. (1996). Designing chemical leavening systems. Cereal Foods World 41 (3): 118–126.
3 3 Gardner, W.H. (1966). Food Acidulants . Allied Chemical. 185 p.
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5 5 McGee, H. (2004). On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen . Completely rev. and updated. New York: Scribner. 884 p.
6 6 AACC method 2‐32 A (1995). Neutralizing value of acid‐reacting materials. In: Approved Methods of the AACC , 9e. St. Paul, MN: The American Association of Cereal Chemists.
7 7 Book, S.L. and Waniska, R.D. (2015). Leavening in flour tortillas. In: Tortillas (eds. L.W. Rooney and S.O. Serna‐Saldivar ), 159–183. St. Paul, MN: AACC International Press.
8 8 Bellido, G.G., Scanlon, M.G., Sapirstein, H.D., and Page, J.H. (2008). Use of a pressuremeter to measure the kinetics of carbon dioxide evolution in chemically leavened wheat flour dough. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (21): 9855–9861.
9 9 Kichline, T.P. and Conn, T.F. (1970). Some fundamental aspects of leavening agents. Bakers Digest 44 (4): 36–40.
10 10 Conn, J.F. (1981). Chemical leavening systems in flour products. Cereal Foods World 26 (3): 119–123.
11 11 Penfield, M.P. and Campbell, A.M. (1990). Experimental Food Science , 3e. San Diego: Academic Press. 541 p. (Food science and technology).