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Chapter 3 General Instructions


1 One who serves at the altar, whether as acolyte, crucifer, or thurifer, must always keep in mind that the attention of the congregation is not to be on those ministering but on the liturgy. Therefore, always move discreetly and quietly—and above all with reverence.

2 Posture:When standing—stand up straight, and if you are carrying a candle or the processional cross make sure that it is straight.When kneeling—put all of your weight on your knees and kneel upright. Do not squat or slouch. It looks terrible!When bowing—There are two types of bows: the solemn and the simple. The solemn bow is used when reverencing the altar, and at other times as directed. The solemn bow is from the waist, inclining the head and shoulders so that if your hands were out in front of you, they would almost touch your knees.The simple bow, at the name of Jesus and on other occasions of reverence, is made with the head, inclining the shoulders slightly.One never bows when carrying a candle or the processional cross.When genuflecting—Genuflection (the bending of the knee) is a sign of reverence to the Blessed Sacrament when reserved in an aumbry, tabernacle, or on the altar. It is done simply and with dignity. Don’t make it look as if you are falling forward or crouching down!Standing up straight, bend your right knee until it touches the floor—the left knee will naturally bend a bit—and keep your back straight. This will take practice, but again your actions are not to be a distraction to the congregation.One never genuflects when carrying a candle or the processional cross.When sitting—sit up straight in the chair, knees together, feet together.

3 What do I do with my hands?Unless you are carrying something, your hands should always be folded and held above the waist. They should never hang down at your sides or hang folded below the waist.When sitting, either fold your hands in your lap or place them straight out on your knees with palms down. They are not meant to support your head!

4 The Sign of the CrossThe sign of the cross should always be made reverently and in a dignified manner. Remember, you are signing yourself with the Cross of Christ and this act of devotion should convey that meaning. With your right hand, fingers together, touch your forehead first, then your chest, then your left 2 shoulder, and finally your right shoulder. Keep the hand motions unobtrusive.The use of the sign of the cross by those serving at the altar is determined by the custom of the parish and the direction of the priest. A good general rule is that when the celebrant makes the sign of the cross, you make the sign of the cross; when the celebrant doesn’t, you don’t.

5 ResponsesOne of your responsibilities is to lead the people in prayers and responses. Therefore, make sure you know them, and say (or sing) them audibly and reverently; don’t rush and don’t lag behind! Keep the pace set by the celebrant or the congregation.

6 WalkingAlways walk slowly and with dignity when serving at the altar. Your movements should never appear rushed or hurried. But at the same time, stiffness must be avoided. Military steps, square corners, and quick turns are all out of place.

7 Holding a BookIf you are instructed to hold a book for the prayers of the celebrant, for the reading of the Gospel, during a baptism, wedding, funeral, or a blessing, do so in the following way:HOLDING BOOKa. Make sure the book is opened to the right page.b. Standing in front of the person who is to read, hold the book open.HOLDING BOOK ON FOREHEADc. The bottom of the book should rest in the palms of your hands, but make sure that your fingers are not blocking any of the print. The top of the book should be just below your chin (if you are short and the reader is tall, rest the top of the book on your forehead). The book should be slightly tilted for easy reading.d. If the reader hands you the book unopened, let the reader open it! Hold as above.When carrying a book do so in a dignified way—even if it is only your hymnal or prayer book. Hold it above your waist, not down at your side.

8 What do I do with my eyes?When one is serving, eyes should always be focused on the action at the altar, on the reader, or on the preacher. It is very distracting to have a server staring into the congregation or at the ceiling. If you don’t know where to look, the best thing is to keep your eyes lowered and look at the floor.

A Manual for Acolytes

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