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John 12 opens with the words, “Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany, the home of Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. There they gave a dinner for him” (verses 1-2).

Martha served; Mary anointed; Judas got upset about the extravagance; Jesus hinted about his upcoming death; and the religious authorities plotted. The very next day Jesus arrived at the city of Jerusalem, and he entered as if the kingdom had already been established. Events rushed headlong toward crucifixion.

That week, on a Thursday evening, Jesus shared one last, unforgettable dinner with his friends. There was a lot to talk about, a lot to get ready for, and a lot to digest. Jesus’ passion is loaded with life-charged meaning, lessons and ideas that it’s critical we think about if our observance of Easter is to have the life-charged, long-term impact for which Jesus gave everything to make possible.

The season of Lent is about preparation, so that we can “Enter [God’s] gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise” (Ps. 100:4) with the quality of renewed spiritual energy that comes in response to the sacred rhythms of daily observance. Easter celebrates the victory of light over darkness and the reality of the kingdom Christ invites us to explore.

But Easter, like Christmas, has fallen victim to our cultural penchant for sucking meaning from significant Christian holidays and replacing that meaning with tawdry values borrowed from the secular world, values rooted in consumerism and humanism and our incessant demand to be entertained.

We routinely adapt our faith and practices to fit more neatly into the cultural norm, rather than inviting Jesus to be the catalyst for change both in and through our lives. As a result, we often arrive at Good Friday having missed the focused opportunity Lent provides to share in the original disciples’ experiences of sitting at table with Jesus; walking the dusty path from Bethany to the very gates of Jerusalem, observing Jesus; and listening closely to his words of grace and hope and challenge.

This book offers a devotional pilgrimage through Lent, using the framework of John’s narrative as a daily guide. Together we’ll journey from Ash Wednesday through Holy Week, on to Resurrection Sunday, and then to the challenge for the rest of our lives—the challenge to live as “Easter People” in the real world.

Try to read one day at a time. Pray with me at the end of each chapter; invite a friend or two to join you along the way. Let’s not miss the rich blessing that God has in store for us.

Grace and peace—DEREK MAUL

Reaching Toward Easter

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