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‘The older we get, the better we were’, is an oft-repeated refrain muttered by rheumy-eyed old duffers, amber ale in hand, as they drag back wondrous memories from their youth … and accordingly pontificate dully. However, in the case of this account of a youthful adventure of some substance, it must be admitted that we were naïve, inept and blunderingly lucky. There is not a lot to glorify or revere in awe. Commenting on my proposed plans to write the book of the saga, fellow participant Roly said: “We must have been delusional!”
It is true that you can’t put old (wise?) heads on young shoulders and in many ways that is a good thing. Don’t, shouldn’t, and can’t, were not words that were ever associated with our youthful aspirations, which may be why they became a reality. My family assert that I suffer from ‘terminal optimism’ and I happily wear that mantle … it served me quite well on the rugby field as a captain of semi-social sides and has seen me through numerous exploits since.
Time does dull our memories and when mixed with decades of dreams, it is no surprise that recollections can be inaccurate. It is also often said that the truth shouldn’t get in the way of a good story. I hope that I haven’t strayed too far from the reality of our ride. Although the diary of the trip has been lost in the mayhem of 10 or more house-shifts, a contemporary account was serialised in the Panther Owners’ Club magazine Sloper. Also to hand are the letters written home at the time, and along with a collective sharing of memories by the ‘crew’, the full tale will be told, best as I can. The Sloper pieces are at times exciting but by necessity, they were a once-over-lightly scribble, dispatched every month from the road. Our emotions are rarely exposed and often kept completely out of the account.
Over the years we have shared our anecdotes with friends and family, we’ve given slide shows and Powerpoint presentations showing the trials and tribulations to like-minded groups. It is now finally time to ‘spill my guts’ to the world and tell the whole tale for posterity … something I hope our descendants will read with interest.
It may be 40 years ago but in many instances, the memories are still graphically vivid and I only hope I can give them a suitable portrayal and ‘life’.