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Work as a clinical outcome


The lack of training in occupational medicine for medical, nursing and allied health professionals in the universities has led to a lack of appreciation among clinicians of the effects of health on work and work on health. Clinicians should be informed of what work their patients do and should assess the success or otherwise of clinical interventions partly by whether a patient of working age is able to remain in or return to work. In 2019 a large number of organisations concerned with health care agreed a healthcare professionals’ consensus statement:

Work which is appropriate to an individual’s knowledge, skills and circumstances and undertaken in a safe, healthy and supportive working environment, promotes good physical and mental health, helps to prevent ill‐health and can play an active part in helping people recover from illness. Good work also rewards the individual with a greater sense of self‐worth and has beneficial effects on social functioning … The crucial relationship between work and health dictates that, where appropriate, remaining in or returning to work must be a critical outcome measure for success in the treatment and support of working age people’.

Occupational Health Law

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