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He Could Feel Her Pulse Go Wild Under His Touch.


It had been far too long since Cy had had anyone this close to him. Restraints that had been kept in place with sheer will were crumbling just at the proximity.

He moved a full step closer, so that her body was right up against him. His hands were at the back of her neck now, caressing the silky skin below her nape.

Her vulnerability made him feel taller, more masculine than ever. He wanted to protect the sweet young widow, care for her, watch over her. These were new feelings. Before, his relationships to women had been very physical.

Lisa made him hungry in a different way.

She parted her lips to speak, and he put a thumb gently over them. His free hand went around her waist and drew her slowly closer, pressing her to him.

He lifted an eyebrow at her shocked expression. “Why, Mrs. Monroe, you’re blushing,” he chided softly.

The Winter Soldier

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