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Dear Reader,

With this book, the Hart brothers of Jacobsville are all happily married and building families. For me, it’s very sad to see the last Hart bachelor tie the knot, because their biscuit mania gave me some wonderful story lines. However, as with all things, we have to move on.

I have hinted in past books about the impish Janie Brewster, and she caught the wedding bouquets at both Micah Steele’s and Rey Hart’s weddings – so I thought that would give you the idea that she was fated to marry rather soon. What I didn’t realise was how wild a story she and Leo would have when they started getting serious. I think I spent most of the book laughing while it unfolded daily on my computer screen. My husband is now convinced that I’m nuts, having had his Western movies on TV almost constantly interrupted by maniacal laughter from the direction of my office! Talk about the patience of Job! After having put up with me and my profession for over a quarter of a century, he’s no stranger to my quirks. I could never have gone so far without him – and without all of you. When I count all my blessings, I don’t sleep. It’s a long list.

I hope you like Leo’s story. He has a really rocky road to the altar, and Janie shows him that she’s no shrinking daisy! Another interesting little sidebar that popped up was Cash Grier. I didn’t actually plan to put him in this book, but he was suddenly there and refused to leave. You don’t argue with a guy like this, so I let him do pretty much what he wanted.

Thank you, as always, for years of loyalty and kindness and prayers. You know already that I am your biggest fan.


Diana Palmer

One of a Kind: Lionhearted / Letters to Kelly

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