Читать книгу Zipless - Diane Dooley - Страница 6


Chapter 1

Louisa tugged at her mini skirt for the umpteenth time as she scanned the room. Why on earth had she decided to wear such scanty clothing? The boys in the band had barely been able to control their mirth when they’d all taken the lift down to the basement club. Bluto, always the bravest, had said, “Lou’s a girl?” in an exaggerated whisper, but a frosty glare had ensured no one else had dared utter a sound. Well, except for the childish giggling. Boys!

She readjusted her halter top, wobbling on high heels. So much for impressing the head honchos at the label. They’d put in a dutiful appearance, then scarpered early, leaving her and the band alone on their first night in the city, with a wild assortment of groupies, hangers-on and those who were obviously only there for the free booze. Why had she thought the New York music scene would be classier than Glasgow’s? The women were taller and better-dressed, but most of them seemed more interested in the boys than in their music, which had been blasting for the past hour. The club was classy, at least. Much nicer than what they were used to. The label hadn’t spared any expense, what with the fancy hotel and welcome party.

And the boys in the band were having fun, enjoying the booze and the attention of beautiful, sexually voracious women. Chiz had disappeared into the lift with a blond woman who seemed intent on getting her hands inside his trousers. Bluto was laughing his head off, partying with a crowd as usual. Even bespectacled Alasdair had a gorgeous redhead wiggling in his lap, and she didn’t seem to mind his acne scars one bit. Thank goodness Lou had remembered to hand out condoms. It looked like her boys were getting a very enthusiastic welcome in America. No doubt, rumors of a fat recording contract and an upcoming booking on the Music after Midnight network show had rendered the lads suddenly and irresistibly attractive.

But where was Paolo? Lou tottered around on her heels before spotting her wee brother in the corner, staring into the painted eyes of the pint-size Aussie Goth girl from whom he’d been inseparable since picking her up after the Scunthorpe gig. Banshee, Lou snorted. What a stupid name. Paolo better not be falling in love. This was Guyville’s big break, and the last thing Paolo needed was a winsome distraction in black lipstick. Lou decided to go over and remind him they had an early band meeting. She could glare at Banshee too, letting her know how she felt about her presence. Even if the girl had paid for her own ticket, Lou was the manager and she’d most definitely made it clear that Banshee wasn’t welcome on this trip.

She took a step in their direction, tripped, and crashed to the floor, her legs flying in the air. Jesus Christ. Flat on her back, the mini skirt had bunched up around her waist. She rolled onto her stomach, adjusting her skirt downward as she did so. Why did I wear these heels? She lifted her chin from the floor and looked up. Paolo hadn’t even taken his eyes off Banshee. Lou negotiated her body into a sitting position and scowled at the cowboy boots she’d tripped over. Her eyes traveled up the length of denim-clad legs, over a rather impressive bulge at the crotch, stopping briefly at the dark hairs that sprouted out of a tight black leather waistcoat, then continued higher to the amused smile and eyes of a—

“White cotton panties? Under that outfit?” The man toasted her with a beer bottle, then took a sip. “Baby, I think I’m in love.” He sat the bottle on a table, raised a hand and snapped his fingers. “Ice pack. Now.” He leaned forward, sliding his hands under her armpits, then hauled her into his lap. “You hurt, little darlin’?” He put an arm under her legs, stretching them over the seat of the banquette, and proceeded to run his hand down to her ankles, where he prodded gently at them. “I think maybe you should try the four-inch heels next time. Gotta work up to them six-inchers.”

“I…um…think…” Lou couldn’t stop staring at him, her irritation gone, her concern about the band vanishing. Such a sweet, friendly smile he had.

The ice pack arrived. “This one hurt? Looks a little swollen.” He slid the ice onto her right ankle and held it there.

“I…ah…don’t…” Sitting in the lap of the beautiful stranger, Lou couldn’t formulate a sensible sentence. She gazed into his brown eyes, noting the little laugh lines, the sweeping dark lashes, and a rather irresistible twinkle.

“Are ye alright?” Paolo had finally noticed and come over, Banshee in tow.

Lou took a breath to say something, anything…but her mouth only opened and closed like a goldfish in search of a meal.

“She’s blushing!” Banshee squeaked, pointing. “C’mon, Paolo, we’re obviously interrupting something.” She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him toward the lift, with Paolo grinning like an idiot at her over his shoulder.

The man adjusted the icepack slightly. Lou put her hands to her burning cheeks, wondering if she should tell him the only pain she suffered was that of sheer embarrassment. Sitting in the lap of a complete stranger was not a familiar activity. She could feel the shifting muscles in his legs, his hand on the small of her back. And she couldn’t move. All she wanted was to look into those eyes again, hear the slow drip of his honeyed vowels. A hot shudder ran down her back. He felt it. He must have.

He had. Lou lifted her eyes to his smile, listening to him speak. Where was he from? That voice. The way he spoke—slow and smoky and deep.

“You’re a sweet little puzzle to me,” he said. “Dressed like this. Blushing and speechless.” His hand slid up and down her shinbone.

Thank goodness she’d shaved her legs for the first time in a year! Lou closed her eyes, smiled in a manner she hoped was mysterious, and inwardly begged him to keep talking.

“You’ve been eying up the boys in the band all night. But they went for the girls who are much better at this than you are.” His finger circled her kneecap.

Lou smirked. Of course she’d been keeping an eye on her boys. And, yes, they’d avoided her like the plague, like the mother hen manager she was. Had this guy been watching her? The fingers of his other hand were stroking the nape of her neck. So gently, so gently. She let her head dip, a decision forming in the back of her brain.

“And I saw you try your hand with the suits earlier. No go there either, huh?”

Lou shook her head, giggling. He had been watching her. He was from somewhere in the American South, his voice slow, making all the vowels go on forever, conjuring up visions of heat and swamps and lazy rivers. Those strumming fingers, ah… Now, they were running down the inside of her arm. She felt like a guitar played by a virtuoso. The idea hardened in her mind. A book she’d read years ago had called it a zipless fuck—a passionate encounter with no strings attached. He was perfect. He’d relieve her tension, give her some laughs. It had been ages—well, months—since she’d indulged. And she was under so much stress. This man, she was sure, could go a long way in helping her with that. A little fun in New York City. No strings attached. Perfect.

“I think you might be too sweet for the groupie gig, honey.” He put a finger under her chin and turned her head toward him. She stared into eyes as dark as her own and reached out to touch the black hair that spilled to his shoulders. He smiled, but his expression was sad. “Fame ain’t nothing worth fucking, you know.” He brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. “And the boys in the band have all gone.”

Lou glanced around. He was right. The band had all disappeared, probably to their hotel rooms for a little fun before she cracked the whip and got them back to work on the morrow. She looked back at him and shrugged. “I prefer men to boys anyway.” She stood, her mind made up, the melted ice pack slipping to the floor. Lou held out her hand. “Your place or mine?”

* * * *

Chris stared at the proffered hand, noticing the chipped nail polish on her nibbled fingernails, just as he’d caught the little nicks on legs freshly shaven with a cheap razor. She was tempting as hell and no doubt about it. Big brown eyes in a heart-shaped face, dark hair short and sleek. He grinned, remembering the sensible white cotton panties under a get-up that would have done the local hookers proud. He’d been watching her with interest all night. Her palpable anxiety when the suits took their leave, her nervous fluttering around the new boys in town. He sighed. It just wouldn’t be right. She was obviously new to the scene. He’d never seen a worse groupie. Could even be her first time on the prowl. But…the hand she was holding out wasn’t trembling and her eyes were bold and confident. She’d sat in his lap and vibrated. The little hairs had stood up on the back of her neck when he’d touched her there. He wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d started purring.

Her hand was wavering a little now, her eyes confused. “What’s the problem?”

“Just thinking, darlin’.” She wasn’t American. Her accent was clipped and vaguely broguish. Where was this band from? Ireland, was it? No. Scotland. He nodded slowly and she perked up, thrusting her hand closer. Yeah, he thought he understood the deal. The band had brought her, and then abandoned her for something a little different and more exciting. Poor kid. Alone in New York City and nothing but the dregs left in the club for her to try for. Lonely little groupie. He took her hand. Well, if a little rock star cock will make her happy, who was he to turn her down? She was old enough, sober enough, and dammit, he wanted to hear her purr. Maybe an exciting little encounter would get him writing again. Maybe, if all went well, they could hook up a few more times while she was in town. A sweet little riff popped into his head. Four insistent notes curling around his brain to the words your place or mine.

She smiled sweetly at him, her eyes wanton. “I’ll no hurt ye, mister. Honest.”

Such a purdy accent. And she hadn’t called him Crash, or even Chris. She had no idea who he was. He’d pretend she wasn’t a groupie. Just a woman who wanted him. And, later, she’d have a fine entry for her resume. Fucking Crash Conner at the Chelsea Hotel was something no other groupie could lay claim to. The song continued to write itself in his head. Your place or mine, said a woman so fine.

He stood and helped her back into her ridiculous shoes, then handed her the purse she’d dropped. “Mine,” he said, before tucking his hand around her waist and guiding her up the stairs and out onto West 23rd. “It’s just a few blocks to my place. Let’s walk.”

* * * *

Easier said then done, Lou thought, after stumbling a terrible distance in the dense heat and noise. How far is a few blocks, anyway? Yellow taxies tooted their horns as sweat trickled down the back of her neck. “How can it be so hot at night?” she asked breathlessly.

“New York City in a heat wave,” he said, grinning. “I grew up in the south, so I can handle it.” He stopped at an open window and ordered something from a man behind the counter. “Here,” he said. “An Italian ice. That’ll cool you down some.” He looked down at her. “Guess you’re really struggling with this heat. I think you should sit down for a spell.”

“Aye, I think that’s a good idea.”

He led her down a dark alley and sat her down on some steps. Lou kicked off her shoes and started scooping the bright yellow ice into her mouth. “Yum. Perfect.”

He glanced at her, smiling. “Maybe we should get a cab? The heat. Your shoes.”

“Aye, in a wee minute.” She looked up at the imposing walls that towered high above them. “New York City! Never thought I’d get here.” After all the years of managing the band, scratching out a living, driving their van to gigs in the back of beyond, forcing them to practice and take it seriously… They’d come so far. And, in a few nights, the band would be on one of America’s most popular television shows. The label was dithering over offering them a contract, but they were keen. She knew that. They’d paid for this trip and as soon as she could get them to sit down and negotiate, Guyville would be on their way. A recording contract, an American tour—

“What’s your name?” His honeyed voice interrupted her mental meandering.

Lou thought. Did a zipless fuck include an exchange of names? She could never remember the exact etiquette. She decided on her childhood nickname. “Maggie May.”

“Like the song?”

“Aye. My mother used to sing it to me. Even though it was rather inappropriate for a wee girl.” She giggled. “She’d mumble through the bits she didn’t want me asking questions about.”

He was looking down at her with a curious expression. “It’s a good name for you, I guess. Famous. Musically-related. Evocative.”

Lou nodded. Poor man thinks I’m a groupie, but what the hell. I’ll play along. A little chord strummed in her mind. Her favorite, B7th, the most bittersweet of chords. A lyric attached itself. I met him in New York, with his jeans so tight. I knew that it was wrong, but it felt so right… She shook her head. No. This wouldn’t be bittersweet. This would be carnal, unwise, wrong and utterly fantastic. He would always be zipless to her; a walk on the wild side. God knows, after the struggle of the last few years, she deserved a treat.

He bent and put his mouth next to her ear. “My name’s—”

Lou quickly slid a spoonful of ice into his mouth. Knowing his name would spoil it. “I’ve already given you a nickname.”

He swallowed and raised one eyebrow before straightening.


He choked.

“It’s an ancient Scottish term of endearment,” she said, giggling. She looked up at him. He was gorgeous. If she was in Scotland, chatting with her best pal, she would have described him as “pure gallus,” and Frannie would’ve cackled and begged for details. Lou saved up a few choice morsels to share with Fran at a later date: tall, dark, handsome, addictive smile, dab hand with an icepack, wears honest-to-goodness cowboy boots and a voice that dripped like a sweet, slow syrup. But could he possibly taste that sweet? Lou stood up on the bottom step next to him and wound her hands around his neck. She looked into his eyes, then, as his hands slipped around her waist, she lifted her mouth to his ear. “I want to taste you, Zippy. Quite badly.” She took a deep breath of the hot, heavy air, heard the rushing traffic at the end of the alley, and then went in for a sip.

* * * *

Maybe she was a pretty good groupie after all. She was one hell of a good kisser, that was for sure. Her sweet lemon-flavored lips didn’t hold back, moving on his with unbridled gusto. Her lithe, cool tongue darting in to taste, then retreating coyly, invitingly. The song continued to write itself in his head. Your place or mine said a woman so fine, with a smile so sweet that I could not decline. She kissed me in an alley off Twenty-Third Street, standing on the tiptoes of her shoeless feet.

He walked her backward up the steps until they were hidden in the doorway, advancing until her back bumped against the door. Then he took control of the kiss, burying his hands in her soft, sleek hair and angling her face. He felt it again, that soft vibration of her body, as she tipped back her head and opened her mouth for him, her hands diving into and gripping his hair. He’d best slow down a little; he didn’t want to come on too strong, but the moment he tried to pull back, she tugged on his hair and dragged him into an even deeper kiss. She wasn’t shy, running her hands down his back until she cupped his ass, which she explored enthusiastically. She pulled his hips against hers with a fierce little tug.

He heard her moan. No. It had been him. But then she did it too. A soft, sweet sound that was almost, almost a purr. He ran his fingers over the nape of her neck, over the small of her back, along her jaw line, over the pulsing of the heartbeat in her neck, over the heated skin just below the hem of her mini skirt. He wanted more, more, more, but not here, not in a doorway of an alley off 23rd. He was classier than that. He hoped. His suite, back at the Chelsea, was waiting for them, with its big bed, room service and a good bottle of wine. He wanted her there like ten minutes ago.

He wrenched his head back to suggest they get a cab, but once again that voracious mouth of hers captured his. She whipped him around and shoved him against the door, then proceeded to kiss and touch him for some infinite amount of time, refusing to stop, pulling him to her time and time again, until finally she stepped away gasping for breath, staring at him, wild-eyed and disheveled.

“I…um…my jaw hurts. How long have we been here?” She leaned against the door next to him, her knees visibly trembling, and propped herself up as if she had difficulty standing.

“About an hour, I’d say.” He tried to slow his breathing. He sounded like a panting dog. “Ready to go to my place?” He adjusted his ravaged clothing. Oh, please, say yes. I’m dying here.

“Aye. In a wee minute.” She giggled. “Once I’ve got my legs back.” She raised an eyebrow. “One more kiss while we wait, Zippy?”

He didn’t have to be asked twice. Once more into the breech, he thought, as he tasted her again and slipped his hand under her skirt. Such a delicious little morsel. So sweet, yet so bold. He sought the white cotton panties he’d glimpsed earlier.

She squeaked.

He tried to pull his hand back, but her thighs closed tight, entrapping it. She wiggled slightly, breathing hard. That little sound again.

“Did you just squeak, Maggie May?”

“Aye. Naw. I mean…”

Something Scottish and completely unintelligible escaped her mouth, before she grabbed him and started kissing him again. Her thighs relaxed and he pushed his hand between them, rubbing his fingers against the damp fabric, watching her face until he knew his fingers had found the perfect spot.

That adorable squeak again. He lifted his head. “I think there’s only one way to restore those legs of yours to working order, Maggie. Close your eyes, darlin’. This won’t take long.” He went to work, smiling when her head jerked back and banged against the door. “Easy, baby. Easy. Don’t go hurting yourself.”

Her eyes opened, stared blankly at him, and then fluttered closed again.

“Just relax. Enjoy the ride.” He dipped in for a taste of her lemony lips, felt her hands grasp his hair and her hips start to buck against his insistent fingers. Then she had the lapel of his leather vest between her teeth, with a few chest hairs caught in there too, and she was a-squeaking and a-moaning into his shoulder, her legs trembling and losing power until she slid down against the door. He moved with her, lowering himself and her, until she sat shuddering on the ground. He gave her one last firm lingering squeeze, and she rewarded him with one final squeak, a jolt of her legs, then she collapsed back against the door, heaving in great gasps of air, which in turn became raucous laughter.

“Oh, Zippy. That was…”

More unintelligible words in a thick accent. He leaned back against the door, watching her, and ignoring the increasingly painful bulge in his jeans. She didn’t ignore it, however. She opened one eye and slid a hand up his leg. “Your turn.”

He glanced around. No, not here. She deserved something a little better than that. “Not yet, darlin’. My place, a glass or two of wine, then on ’til the break of dawn. Followed by sleep, then a shower, a good breakfast, some morning delight and your cell number.”

She smiled and closed her eyes again.

“Those legs of yours ready to get in a cab?”

“I don’t think they’ll ever work again, Zip. You’ve gone and killed them dead.”

“Let’s give ’em a try.” He reached down and helped her up, holding her in place until little Maggie could stand on her own. He retrieved her purse and shoes. She took them, still smiling and a little dazed. “I’ll go hail us a cab, honey. You start walking. By the time you get to the end of this alley, your chariot will await.”

He almost skipped toward 23rd. Hell of a night this had turned out to be. Showing up at the party after being requested and nagged by the label, he’d expected another dull night listening to the latest over-praised Brit band. Instead the music had turned out to be damn good, the band promising, and Maggie May had fallen into his lap. Well, not fallen. Should he tell her he’d stuck that boot out to stop her from walking by him yet again? Probably not. He hadn’t thought she’d trip, just that she’d stop and finally look at him. Instead, she’d been too busy eying the pretty, Scottish dude with the Goth girlfriend. She really was a terrible groupie, going after the one guy in the band who had a girlfriend with him. But she was fun. And sweet. And she squeaked quite adorably when she came. And he couldn’t think of any other thing he wanted to do tonight other than get to know her better. And get out of these jeans! He stuck his hand out and a cab rolled to the curb. He turned to call Maggie, just in time to see her high-tailing it down 23rd, legs flying, arms pumping. Maggie seemed to have gotten her sea legs back.

Chris felt his shoulders slump in disappointment. Had he said something, done something wrong? Or had Maggie just gotten what she came for? He climbed into the cab and gave the driver his address. He wasn’t going to chase a groupie. He had some pride left, after all. The cab moved off and his song continued.

Your place or mine, said a woman so fine,

With a kiss so sweet that I could not decline.

She kissed me in an alley off Twenty-Third Street,

Standing on the tiptoes of her shoeless feet.

The song changed to a minor key.

She loved me, then left me

While I caught us a ride.

Sprinting down the street,

Leaving nothing of my pride.

She was with the band his employers were thinking of signing. He could track her down if he wanted to. Or not. Maybe just chalk it up to a small disappointment in a string of much more major ones. Looking on the bright side, he was writing again. But how would he be able to finish it? Unless the rest of the song was him going back to the Chelsea and drinking himself to oblivion. That sounded pretty good. Oblivion would be cool. He should have listened to Rod Stewart. Women called Maggie May were bad news. He shifted uncomfortably and glanced morosely at his crotch, suddenly realizing he was still holding her damn shoes.


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