Читать книгу The Sporty Bridesmaid - Diane Redmond - Страница 5


Chapter Two

Just as Jessie started thinking about bridesmaids’ dresses Debs started worrying about her trainers!

“They’ve got to fit well and not rub against my heels. I don’t want to be limping up the aisle with blisters on my feet!” she said to Jessie, as she and Jack examined nearly every pair of trainers in the sports shop.

“That goes for you too, Jessie,” added Jack. “We can’t have you hobbling after Debs! I’m going to buy you the best pair of running shoes in the shop!”

Jessie was thrilled to have a pair of flashy mauve and white trainers. They made her feel like she was running on air! Jack and Debs bought matching running outfits, pure white silky shorts and vests, and a new mauve and white kit for Jessie. As they queued in the sports shop to pay their bill Jessie asked the question that had been worrying her for days.

“What if I can’t run the whole course?”

“That’s not a problem, we don’t expect you to.” said Debs.

“Who will look after me if I stop before the end of the run?” she asked.

“Your mum and dad will be following the race in your camper van. You can hop in with them if you’re tired. I’ve told them to bring lots of water for you to drink. We certainly don’t want you dehydrated for the wedding.”

Jessie suddenly had a brilliant idea. “You know, I could get changed in the camper van. It’s got everything, even a shower!”

“That’s a very good idea,” said Debs. “Then you can drive in style to the registry office.”

“I wish I could do the whole half marathon with you two,” said Jessie wistfully.

“No way!” said Jack firmly. “We don’t want our sporty bridesmaid exhausted before the wedding takes place.”

Mrs Coles came to help Debs and Jessie choose their wedding dresses.

“I don’t want anything fussy,” said Debs firmly. “I’ll be hot after the run so I want something light and easy to slip into.”

“Well you’ve a big choice here,” said Mum, as they stood staring at the rails of wedding dresses in the bridal department of the local store.

“That’s a fabulous dress!” cried Jessie, as she spotted a cream crinoline gown decorated with tiny pink rosebuds and layers of pretty lace.

“It’s gorgeous,” Debs agreed. “But look at all those tiny buttons running down the back. It would take me all day to fasten them up!”

All the dresses they looked at seemed to have something wrong with them. They were too tight, too long, too heavy, too frilly, too itchy, or too expensive! Just when Jessie was beginning to wonder if Debs would ever find anything to suit her, Mrs Coles spotted a white floaty dress with a high satin bodice and short puffed sleeves. The bride-to-be tried it on and twirled excitedly in front of the long mirror in the changing room.

“I LOVE it!” she cried.

“As much as your running kit?” teased Jessie.

“Almost!” Debs replied with a wink.

The shop assistant found lots of bridesmaids’ dresses for Jessie to try on but she finally chose a long deep-pink dress with tiny round mirrors around the neck and waist.

The Sporty Bridesmaid

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