Читать книгу The journalists from the gateway. History of client clinics of the greatest cardinal - Дин Сердюченкова - Страница 2

The journalists from the gateway
Provincial story
Ironical drama


The places of action are:

The redaction of the areal provincial radio, a Sophia’s room, a Sergey’s flat, a Jeka’s room

The dramatis personae:

A chief editor – Vovan

A head of sports – Tolyan

A head of the educational department – Kolyan

A head of the scientifical department— Jeka

A candidate of the political science from St.-Petersburg— Jeka’s bride (chatted with him via Skype)

Secondary journalists – take no part in dialogue, they’re passive hearers.

Sophia – she is a patient of the Clinique “Grey Cardinal”, an owner of the marriage agency.

Serega Lame – Sophia’s civil husband

Ninok – Sophia’s neighbour in wall.

The journalists from the gateway. History of client clinics of the greatest cardinal

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