Читать книгу The Return - Dinah McCall - Страница 4


Home is supposed to be a place of comfort, and of safety—and of peace. But for some, that’s not always the case. Home is sometimes a place that you need to escape.

Home is the place that builds our character and the place that tears it down. And sometimes, even in leaving, you will be drawn to it in your dreams.

The yearning that leads us back to our roots is inherent. Because it was the first way of life that we knew, it is the place that shapes our hearts.

The inevitable parting that comes as we each “leave the nest” can be bittersweet or a matter of sanity. Torn between the excitement of life on our own and the pain of leaving loved ones behind, we often hurt those we love best.

Regret can cripple your life, leaving you with nothing on which to focus but the past. It’s only when you find the strength to return and face your errors that the healing begins.

This book is dedicated to the brave ones—the ones who aren’t afraid to go home.

The Return

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