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The Hamilton Lineage


We have recently found and traced our ancestery back to my 43rd Great-Grandfather:


At that time Rome had grown to be one of the mightiest empires in the world, and began at length to send armies into Tyrkland. There ruled in Asgard an exceedingly wise, prophetic king, Odin, who was skilled in the magic arts, and who descended in the twentieth generation from Thor. Odin had waged many successful wars. He had great possessions, which fell into the hands of the Romans. This caused him to emigrate to the north of Europe. The prophetic vision with which he was endowed had told him that his descendants would long flourish there. So he set out with his many sons, and was accompanied by the twelve priests, and by many people of the Asian country and of Asgard. They prodeeded through Gardarike to Saxland; then across the Danish Islands to Svithoid and Norway.

Odin’s superior wisdom and his marvellous skill in sorcery, was everywhere attended by abundant harvests, which caused the people to look upon him as a god, and to place their thrones at his disposal. He accordingly appointed his sons as kings in Saxland, Denmark, Svithiod, and Norway. Gylfe, the King of Svithiod, submitted to his superiority and gave him a splendid country to rule over. Poetry and many other arts came with Odin to the Teutonic lands, and so, too, the Trojan tongue.

Like his ancestors, Saturnus and Jupiter, he was able to secure divine worship, which was extended even to his twelve priests. THE RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS which he scattered among the people, and WHICH WERE BELIEVED UNTIL THE INTRODUCTION OF CHRISTIANITY, were misrepresentations spun around the memories of Troy’s historical fate and its destruction, and around the events of Asgard. In Saco, as in the Icelandic works, Odin is a human being from the East, and at the same time a sorcerer of the greatest power. His descendents from the year 215 descended onward toward Europe, settling in France, England and into Norway, Scotland and Ireland.

Our line is as follows: Odin’s son was:




HENYEST Von SAXONY (420-488)











Sprota’s fourth Great-Grandfather was CHARLEMAGNE HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR (752-814) who basically conquered all of Europe and England. Charlemagne was also my 35th Great-Grandfather. Bernard & Sprota had a son:


Sprota Bourgoyne was abducted from her husband Bernard Harcourt by WILLIAM I ‘THE LONGSWORD’ DUKE of NORMANDY. She appeared to have been a willing party in the matter and was known as “Dangereuse.” He kept her in a tower in his palace. His wife was enraged to discover a rival woman living in her palace, but he refused to return her to her husband. Dangereuse and William had a son who was known as RICHARD I ‘THE FEARLESS’ of NORMANDY (933-1035).


Ken and my family line intersects at Richard the Fearless. He is a Great-Grandfather via Ken’s line and a 28th Great Uncle via my line, which makes William I ’ The Longsword’ Duke of Normandy a common Great-Grandfather

The son of Torf: THOROLD TUROLD dePONT AUDEMER (-1024) was the father of:




ROBERT DeBEAUMONT (1104 - 1168) was the father of:

ROBERT De BEAUMONT (1135-1190) the 3rd Earl of Leicestershire.

It was stated that this important family from the House of Beaumont held the manor of Hamilton, Leicestershire. It is argued that the three cinquefoils of the Hamilton shield bear some resemblance to the single cinquefoils of the Beaumonts. The great Earl of Leicester, in whose veins flowed the blood of the Beaumonts, obtained in about 1245 the wardship of Gilbert de Umfraville, second Earl of Angus, and it is conceivable that this name Gilbert may somehow be responsible for the legend of the Beaumont descent seeing that the first authentic ancestor of the Hamilton is one Walter FitzGilbert. He first appears in 1294-1295 as one of the winesses to a charter by James, the high steward of Scotland, to the monks of Paisley; and in 1296 his name appears in the Homage Roll as Walter ftizGilbert of “Hameldone.” The chief’s extended family and some allies and dependents, organized to defend and protect its people and property against strangers and outsiders. The property was regarded as possession of the extended family, not any individual. Robert De Beaumont was the father of:


GILBERT DeHAMILTON (1220-1290), the son of William, was an English Lord, who during the English and Verification Scottish War, becoming dissatisfied with the treatment of the Scots, joined their cause. He moved to Scotland during the Irish rebellion, in the reign of Elizabeth, to the province of Ulster. During the reign of James I this colony of Scots removed from Argyleshire and formed a plantation in the north of England near Londonderry. This became a favorite project with him to re-people those countries with a protestant population. They encouraged people from England and Scotland to come to Londonderry. The coast of Scotland is within twenty miles of Ireland. They consisted mostly of Presbyterian churches in Ireland which was formed in 1613. Two clans, the alpine and the Argyle, began persecuting one another. To avoid this persecution, many fled, some to the United States, to maintain the religion of their fathers. When the Charleses and James II endeavored to establish the Chruch of England over Scotland by great persecution and to force the position of a clergyman of high rank, as a bishop upon them, many sought asylum in remote regions across the ocean.

WALTER FITZGILBERT De HAMILTON (1274-1346), m. MARY GORDON (1294-1376). Walter FitzGilbert was the son of Gilbert. He was a Scottish Nobleman, and governor of Bothwell Castle on behalf of the English. However he later came across to Robert d Bruce’s side and was rewarded with a portion of land, the Barony and lands of Cadzow, which in time would become the town of Hamilton. He is the first historically confirmed progenitor of the House of Hamilton, which includes the Dukes of Hamilton, Dukes of Abercorn, and Earls of Haddington. This Scottish family historically held broad territories throughout Scotland. He was a comrade of ROBERT d BRUCE of Scotland, and rose in power to be the leading noble family in Scotland, second only to the royal House of Stewart, to whom they were closely related. Their son was:


Through ancestery of Laird Sir David FitzWalter’s mother, MARY GORDON, who was the daughter of: ANNABELLA of STRATHBOGIE (1271-1320), who was the daughter of ISABEL, Countess of Chilham Douvres (1245-1291), daughter of: SIR RICHARD CHILHAM DeDOUVRES (1215-1270) who was the son of: RICHARD FITZROY (1216-1246).

Richard Fitzroy was the son of: JOHN LACKLAND PLANTAGENET 1ST King of England (1167-1216) who married ISABELLA DeTAILLEFER PLANTAGENET(1188-1246) who was Queen Isabella of England. (my 24th Great Grandparents.)

JOHN LAKLAND PLANTAGENET was the Son of: HENRY II CURTMANTLE PLANTAGENET (1133-1189) King of England who married ELEANOR AQUITAINE CAPET PLANTAGENET (1122-1204) She was first Queen of France and then Queen of England, They were my 25th Great-Grandparents.

WILLIAM X the YOUNGER was the litigimate son of WILLIAM 1 LONGWORD Duke of NORMANDY (1024-1087). AENOL was the daughter of SPROTA BOURGOYNE known as “Dangereuse’s”. WILLIAM X the YOUNGER married AENOL in 1121 and were parents of ELEANOR AQUITANE CAPET PLANTEGENET.

FULK V YOUNG Jerusalem France PLANTAGENET (1092-1143) King of Jerusalem (my 27th Great-Grandfather)

DAVID CANMORE (1083-1153) King of Scotland and HENRY BEAUDERC (1068-1135) King of England and LOUIS VI THE FAT KING OF THE FRANKS (1081-1137) King of France.: (All three were also my 27th Great-Grandfathers.)

MAGNIFICENT NORMANDY ROBERT I (1001-1035) Duke of Normandy

DUNCAN I GRACIOUS MacCRINAN SCOTLAND (1001-1040) King of Scotland This is the king killed by Macbeth in Shakespeares play. He was also called Duncan the Sick—and he was killed by Macbeth. (my 29th Great Grandfather)

Now back to my direct line to Odin (215-) Notice how the last names begin with “de” which means “from” Vielles, Beaumont, or Hamilton, etc. which was the name of the town they were from. Finally the “de” was dropped and the different spellings of Hambleton, Hambeldone, etc was changed. David Hamilton was the first to establish Hamilton as the family name.

Laird Sir David FitzWalter fitzGilbert deHambeldone was the father of:

DAVID HAMILTON (1333-1392)

JOHN HAMILTON (1369-1402)

JAMES HAMILTON (1398-1441)

1ST LORD JAMES HAMILTON (1423-1479) married PRINCESS MARY STEWART (1452-1488)

MARY STEWART was the daughter of KING JAMES IIof SCOTLAND STEWART (1430-1460) son of JAMES I OF SCOTLAND STEWART ( 1394-1437) the son of OF ROBERT III of SCOTLAND STEWART (1340-1406) son of ROBERT 11 OF SCOTLAND STEWART (1316-1390) son of MARJORIE BRUCE (1297-1316) who was daughter of ROBERT BRUCE 1 SCOTLAND (1274-1329) the son of ROBERT d BRUCE who descended from the Earl of Orkney.

JAMES HAMILTON (1475-1529) son of 1st Lord James Hamilton married JANET VEATON (1486 -1522) He was made Earl of Arran and stood next in line for the throne. The Hamiltons made their home on the Island of Arran and for most of that century a Hamilton was close to inheriting the Crown.

JAMES HAMILTON (1515-1575) m. MARGARET DOUGLAS (1511-1579). He was 2nd Earl of Arron and was heir to the throne both of King James IV of Scotland and Mary Queen of Scots. As Mary’s regent he enjoyed her wealth and was bribed into allegiance with both England and France. In 1545 he led his men into battle at the Battle of Ancrum Moor where they helped to defeat the English during the Anglo-Scottish Wars.




Queen Elizabeth’s successor was James I (1603-1625). During the reign of James I, a colony of Scots removed from Argyleshire, and formed a plantation in the north of England near Londonderry. This became a favorite project with them to re-people those countries with a protestant population. They encouraged people from England and Scotland to come to Londonderry. The coast of Scotland is within twenty miles of Ireland. They consisted mostly of Presbyterian churches in Ireland which were formed in 1613. Two clans, the Alpine and the Argyle, began persecuting one another. To avoid this persecution, many fled, some to what would become the United States. The Scots believed they should maintain the religion of their fathers. When the Charleses and James II endeavored to establish the Church of England over Scotland by great persecution, and to force the position of a clergyman of high rank as a bishop upon them, many sought asylum in remote regions across the ocean.


JOHN B HAMILTON (1650-1702). m. MARY (1650-1704)

He was one of the first family settlers in Massachusetts. He was the son of Col. James Hamilton, a clergyman. He was one of whom came with about 100 other families to Massachusetts, with The Church of the Barony of Glascow, Scotland, led by their pastor Rev. Robert Abercrombie. They settled in Pelham, Massachussetts, while some settled in Worcester, Massachusetts. In an attempt to erect a house of Worship, it was entirely demolished by a mob, on account of religious persecution. So they moved to Pelham, in Hampshire County. They were surprised to hear themselves called Irish, a term they greatly resented.

Doctor John B Hamilton became a Surgeon General at the head of the Marine Hospital Department, located in Washington, D.C. He was known to be a genuine Hamilton, of a class of people of sterling integrity, industrious, and frugal, honorable and honest, never heard of as one committing any punishable offense.

Doctor Hamilton was said to have a trunk half full of manuscripts for a history of the Hamilton family in the United States, but the trouble is, his services were too valuable to the world to allow him any time for arranging and writing out such a history.

JAMES HAMILTON (1670-1735) m. REBECCA (-1761) in Argylshire, Scotland, where they was born. They came to Massachusetts in 1716 with his father, John B. Hamilton, along with a hundred other families to establish a church here. He llived in Boston and Pelham. He later died in Worchester, Massachusetts.

MICHAEL JAMES HAMILTON (1701-1802) m. REBECCA FORBUSH (17051785) Michael was born in Scotland. He was 14 years old when he came to the United States in 1716. Michael and Rebecca first lived in Worchester, Massachusetts, Later they moved to Hutchison, Massachusetts, which was renamed Barre. Michael died in Worchester.

Through Rebecca Forbush’s father, James Forbes(1689-1761) her 7th Great-Grandfather was KING JAMES IV of Scotland (1473-1513). He was the last king of Scotland to be killed in battle. Also through Rebecca’s father her 15th Great-Grandfather was ROBERT d BRUCEof Scotland, who descended from the Earls of Orkney,

Through Rebecca Forbush and Mary Stewart, that makes Robert d Bruce my Great-Grandfather twice.

Also through Rebecca’s father, James Forbes (1689-1761), her ancestery goes back to SAHER De QUINCY (1155-1219) the 1st Earl of Winchester,who was a signer of the Magna Carta. He was my 22nd Great-Grandfather.

ROBERT HAMILTON (1742-1821) m. in 1767, MARGARET CONKEY (1746-1845) They were my fourth Great-Grandparents. Robert was born in Barre, Massachusetts, son of Michael James. He died in Conway, Massachusetts and was buried at the Howland Cemetery. Margaret died at the age of 99 years and 6 months. She was the daughter of William Conkey, who owned a tavern in 1776. This tavern has been made into a museum. History is linked to the tavern because it was here that Capt. Daniel Shays plotted his unsuccessful rebellion against the government of Massachusetts, in 1786.

Robert lived north of the eastern district in Barre, Massachusetts, where he planted a great Elm tree. This place was later occupied by J. Madison Stearns. Robert was a carpenter by occupation and owned two farms: one in Barre and one in Conway. The house Robert built and lived in still stands in the Boston area. It was moved from the original place of origin because the state has moved the Historical Salt Box Houses into an area together, for the public to be able to see. It is occupied by a family but is known as a historical house.

My brother Delbert took pictures of Robert’s salt-box house in May 1997, which I now have in my possession. At that time he and his wife, Ronnie, went to the library where they found a lot of information about Robert and other family history. They also visited the cemetery where they found Robert’s grave.

Because Robert served in the Revolution War, and my being able to trace my ancestery back to his service, my daughter, Candice and I were able to join the Daughters of the American Revolution in 2003.

Robert and Margaret had ten children between 1768 and 1789.

Benjamin, born l Sep 1768; died 10 Aug 1809.

Micah, born 26 Mar 1770; died 10 Dec 1864.

William, born 29 Mar 1772; died 27 Sep 1810.

Alexander, born 12 Jan 1775; died 6 Jul 1803.

Patty, born 15 Mar 1777; died 20 Aug 1803

Robert, born 14 Jun 1779; died 28 Jul 1782

Rebecca, born 6 Jan 1782; died 3 Oct 1876

Polly, born 17 Jun 1784; died 1 Feb 1868.

Robert, second, born 4 Oct 1786; died ( unknown)

Washington, born 24 May 1789; died 16 May 1861

Their second son, Captain Micah Hamilton, lived in the Barre house and worked that farm. He lived to be 99 years old, as his mother did. He was married to Submit Bliss, but they had no children. He was six feet tall and always jolly. At 85 years he was seen “breaking a colt”.

William Hamilton, the third son, was a physician in Conway, and he died at age 39. He married Rhoda Thwing. William’s oldest son, Luther, was a Unitarian Clergyman for 16 years.

Robert’s youngest son, Washington Hamilton, was a Physician.

ROBERT HAMILTON was a Lieutenant and a Minute Man in the Revolutionary War. He was present at the taking of Burgoynt, and at the Battle of Lexington. He enlisted in April 1775, with the company commanded by Col. Benjamin R. Woodbridge, and he served 18 months. After independence and the adoption of the State Constitution, Robert was a member of the Legislature from Conway, Massachusetts, when John Hancock was governor.

After the Revolutionary War, Robert grew very fleshy and weighed 400 pounds. As he could not do active service, he built a room onto the back of his farm house in Conway, where he made old fashioned, grandfather clocks. They were made of wood and they reached almost from the floor to the ceiling. On the back of the clocks he painted the Hamilton Coat of Arms, which his father had brought with him to this country. Luther Hamilton, Robert’s grandson, had this coat of arms copied and sent to the Heraldry Office in London and they wrote back that it was indeed, the Coat of Arms of the Hamilton’s. Luther Hamilton said, “A young Englishman who was at my house saw it hanging in my library and said he had often seen that Coat of Arms at the head of the stall of the Hamilton’s in Windsor Chapel.”

One-horse wagons were not known in America until Robert built a carriage for Parson Emerson about 1769 or 1770. It is said to have been the first carriage in Franklin County, and affords basis for the claim that Conway produced the first carriage in America, which was the wonder of that time and place. Robert thought himself to be the inventor and first wagon maker in the United States; and held that “there was not another like it in all America”.

When Robert and his wife Margaret visited relatives and friends, they always came with two separate teams and each drove their own horse and four-wheeled vehicle.

Robert Hamilton’s son:

BENJAMIN HAMILTON (1768-1809) in 1775 m. ELECTA SMITH (-1850) He was born in Conway Massachusetts.

ELIJAH SMITH HAMILTON (1807-1850) m. ELIZA WORDEN (1816-1850) He was born in Conway, Massachusetts, Franklin county. Eliza was born in New York.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAMILTON (1834-1859) m. SILVIA C. WOODBRIDGE (1834-1900) born in Indiana, and he was born in New York. He died in Wisconsin or Minnesota, killed by the Indians.

Benjamin and Silvia had two children, a boy named George and a baby girl. The Indians were coming, and Benjamin told Silvia to take the children and run to the fort, while he tried to head off the Indians. He was later found dead, scalped, and staked to the ground. After Benjamin was killed, Silvia married William P. Jones, 2 May 1859.

Through Silvia Woodbridge we have traced three people of our ancestery to the Mayflower which landed at Plymouth, Massachussets in 1620

GEORGE B. HAMILTON (1855-1936) m. EMMA AUGUSTA VANOCKER (1860-1937) He was born in LaCrosse, Wisconsin and died in Chetek, Wisconsin. She was born in Calhoun, Michigan. She died in Chetek, Wisconsin.

Through Emma Vanocker we have traced one more of our ancestery to the Mayflower which landed in Plymoth, Massachussets in 1620.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAMILTON (1874-1954) m. ROSE ALBERTHA MATHIESEN (1892-1985) BENJAMIN was born in Black River Falls, Wisconsin. He was buried at Viola, Arkansas. ROSE was born in Antigo, Wiisconsin. She was buried at Viola, Arkansas. Benjamin and Rose were parents of:


The Salt Box House


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