Читать книгу The Fleets Behind the Fleet - Dixon William Macneile - Страница 2



With many an old Sailor, on many an old ship,

Who hoisted out many a barrel onto many an old slip,

And went below to his hammock or to a can of flip

Like an old Sailor of the Queen's

And the Queen's old Sailor.

With many an old brave captain we shall never know,

Who walked the decks under the colours when the winds did blow,

And made the planks red with his blood before they carried him below

Like an old Sailor of the Queen's

And the Queen's old Sailor.

And in Davy Jones's Taverns may they sit at ease,

With their old tarpaulin aprons over their old knees,

Singing their old sea ballads and yarning of the seas

Like good old Sailors of the Queen's

And the Queen's old Sailors.

– From A Sailor's Garland,

edited by John Masefield.

The Fleets Behind the Fleet

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