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When I get home early in the evening and am not travelling for work, something which happens a little too often I have to admit, my three children want me to tell them a story. This is how it works – they all get together in one of their bedrooms and lie on the bed or on the floor. I lie down beside them and we switch off the light. They take it in turns to choose the what the story will be about. For example, we’ve had the dragon and the vacuum cleaner, the pig and the rocket, and zombies in space to name but a few. I take a few seconds to think about it then start talking off the cuff, never quite sure where the story will take me. It evolves by itself. Sometimes it will be a short story, if I’m tired or it’s late. At others it might go on for forty-five minutes or more. It depends on my imagination. I must’ve told about three or four hundred, possibly more, I’m not entirely sure.

One day they came up with the idea that, since some of the stories were quite entertaining, I should write one down. I promised I would.

And here it is in this short book. One of my stories. As I wrote it, a lot more details came to me than I would normally use when making them up on the spot at night. I hope I haven’t spoiled the spontaneity of the more improvised ones we normally tell.

To complete the opera, I decided to illustrate it with my own drawings.

Please forgive the amateur but honest nature of this book, which has been neither edited nor revised by third parties, and also of the illustrations, given that I am neither a writer or illustrator.

Arthur and the unicorn

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