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Ancient Greece


Ancient Greece was home to many mathematicians, philosophers, sculptors, and, of course, military leaders. It is also a place that gave democracy to the world.

G.1. Athens is the capital of Greece

The history of Athens dates back centuries. It is difficult to tell exactly who and when founded Athens. The period of greatest prosperity of Athens was the 5th century BC. Naming the exact number of population also proves to be a difficult task – the census was not conducted, and no one saw slaves as equal men: they were seen as property. Aside from slaves, there were wealthy citizens in Athens (slave owners, artisans), demos (poorer citizens), metics (migrants). Let’s assume the following: there were 90,000 slaves in Athens (historians believe this number to be 75—100 thousand) and settlers accounted for 20% of the population. There were as many citizens as slaves and metics combined. How many people lived in Athens?

G.2. Alexander the Great – a builder?

Let’s add together the number of cities founded by Alexander the Great12 and the number of modern countries where those cities are located. (Half the number of the cities) Then, add another 1/10 of the total number of cities and states, and we’ll get the number of years Alexander the Great lived. By the way, he used to name his cities Alexandria. 3/5 of the cities founded still exist, but have changed their names, all except for one. How many cities, founded by the King of Macedonia, have survived to this day? Alexander the Great was born in 356 BC and died in 323 BC.

G.3. How many students were in Pythagoras’s school?13

«Tell me, famous Pythagoras14, how many students attend your school and listen to your speeches?»

«I’ll tell you,» the philosopher replied. «Half of my students study mathematics, a fourth of them – music, and a seventh of them have taken a vow of silence. Additionally, there are three women.

How many students are there in Pythagoras’s school? They were also called «Pythagoreans».

G.4. The Battle of Gaugamela, and Darius III’s15 miscalculation

Like many generals, Darius III had initially underestimated his enemy. Therefore, he hastily gathered war elephants, 200 chariots, infantry and cavalry and recklessly rushed into battle. The Macedonians immediately captured the elephants, and Alexander’s 7,000 horsemen and 40,000 infantry put the Persians to flight.

Indeed, some historians claim that Darius’s army outnumbered the Macedonians by ten to one. However, there are more conservative estimates. How many horses took part in the battle if a chariot was harnessed with two 2 horses, and Darius had 8 thousand more cavalry than Alexander had infantry? Remember that this event took place on October 1, 331 BC, after which the Achaemenid Empire ceased to exist.16

G.5. Calendars and sport

As you may have already guessed, we are talking about the Olympics. From the first Olympics the ancient Greeks began to count years using their calendar. Calculate in what year, according to the ancient Greek calendar, this book was published, if the first Olympics took place in 776 BC.

G.6. The Battle of Thermopylae

The Battle of Thermopylae took place in September 480 BC. This unique battle is notable for an almost 40-fold superiority of the Persian forces. If the Greeks had 200 soldiers less, then, according to Herodotus17, the Persian army would have been 40 times larger than the Greek. As you know, the Spartans, like the rest of the Greeks, fought to the death. Only the betrayal of a local resident allowed the Persians to attack the rear of the Greek positions. Leonidas foresaw this and therefore sent part of his army back. After 4,000 Greeks were killed and the Persians lost 20,000, the Persian army became 150 times larger than the Greek. How many soldiers were in the Persian army?

G.7. Pericles18, the father of Athenian democracy, or what did Pythagoras have to do with him?

In history, it is crucial to what came first: Ancient Rome or the Republic of Venice, Caesar or Dmitry Donskoy? After that, there should no confusion about who was born first: Archimedes, Pythagoras or Pericles. All three of them were Greeks and prominent personalities. Pythagoras was born first in 570 BC. He lived 5 years longer than Archimedes. Archimedes lived 10 years longer than Pericles. If we add up all the years they lived, we get 220 years. Pericles was born 4 years after the death of Pythagoras. How many years passed between Pericles’ death and Archimedes’ birth, if 358 years passed between the birth of Pythagoras and the death of Archimedes?

G.8. The Peloponnesian War or Sparta versus Athens

As usual, the Peloponnesian War started because Athens wanted the Spartans to be just like them, and the Spartans wanted the opposite. The war lasted from 431 to 404. BC. Historians distinguish two periods of the war: the Archidamian War and the Deceleian War. Between them, there was the «Peace of Nicias» that lasted for six years. How long did the Archidamian War last, if it was a year longer than the Deceleian War did?

G.9. The Parthenon as tremendous historical legacy

Dedicated to Athena, the Parthenon’s construction on the Acropolis19 lasted from 447 to 438 BC. Even though it was burned down and partially destroyed, it draws attention with its columns’ straight lines. To achieve this, ancient architects curved the straight lines and even tilted some of the columns around the temple’s perimeter. There are 9 more columns on the east side than on the south. In total, there are 16 columns on the south and north sides. How many columns are there along the temple’s perimeter?

G.10. The Battle of Marathon or how the Marathon races were born

On September 12, 490 BC, not far from Athens (42 km), a battle between the Persians and the Greeks took place. This was the first significant victory of the Greeks over the Achaemenid Empire. The Persian forces were 160% larger than the Greek army. The Athenians made up 90% of the Greek army. The Greeks won, and a messenger ran from Marathon to Athens. Upon his arrival in Athens, he fell dead in the square with the words, «Rejoice, Athenians, we have won!»20 After his epic run, the distance he ran (42 km) became known as the «Marathon».

How many Athenians were in the Greek army, if, in total, 36 thousand soldiers took part in the battle?

G.11. A little about Theseus21, Aegeus and the Minotaur22

Having defeated the Minotaur, Theseus, as depicted in the famous myth and cartoon, went home to Athens. Today, in Crete, a ferry from Heraklion, near the Palace of Knossos, runs to Athens in the evening at 21:00. It arrives at 6:00. Could Aegeus have seen the black sail of Theseus’ ship if Theseus sailed at the same time as the modern ferry? Theseus’ ship moved 6 times slower. The distance to Athens is 306 km.


Alexander III (Alexander the Great, 20/21 July 356 BC – 10 June 323 BC) of the Argead dynasty was a king and a military leader of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon, who created one of the largest empires in history that collapsed after his death.


This is a very old task. The author found it necessary to mention in his book. He first came across it in a school math club a long time ago and then, in 2014, saw it in a History in Arithmetic in Science and Life.


Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570 BC – c. 495 BC) was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher and the eponymous founder of Pythagoreanism.


Darius III was the last Achaemenid King of Kings of Persia, reigning from 336 BC to his death in 330 BC.


Let’s assume that the book was published in 2017.


Herodotus was an ancient Greek writer, geographer, and historian.


Pericles (c. 495 BC – 429 BC) was a Greek statesman and general during the Golden Age of Athens. One of the founders of the ancient democracy.


An acropolis was the settlement of an upper part of an ancient Greek city, especially a citadel, and frequently a hill with precipitous sides, mainly chosen for purposes of defense.


Historians debate the truthfulness of this event, as it was mentioned in the documents only five centuries later.


Theseus was the mythical king and founder-hero of Athens. He is sometimes described as the son of Aegeus, King of Athens, and sometimes as the son of the god Poseidon.


In Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a mythical creature portrayed during classical antiquity with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man. He dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth and was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus.

History and math. Нand in hand. Book 1. Ancient World. 50 mathematical tasks for students based on historical events. Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt and Persia

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