Читать книгу Rogue Elements - Don Pendleton - Страница 3


AK-47s stuttered into life from the approaching pirate boats.

The Caprice’s harbor searchlights stabbed into the gloom as the ship’s collision alarm began to whoop. The deck hummed beneath Bolan’s boots as the freighter’s diesels went to full power.

The captain shouted across Bolan’s com-link. “Fast boats coming alongside to starboard! Right in front of you! It’s the bloody Spanish Armada…”

Ladder hooks clanked onto the rail, the ladder shifting and shaking as it took the weight of boarders. Bolan lit his firebomb and rose. He swung the sling overhead like a tennis serve and released it over the side.

Men in the skiff below screamed as the flaming bottle shattered and fire engulfed the prow. The Executioner dropped just as bullets screamed past his head.

A high-powered rifle cracked out on the water.

“Sniper!” Bolan roared. “Hit the deck!”

Then a grenade launcher blooped and the stern lit up in an orange, high-explosive flash.

Rogue Elements

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