Читать книгу Memoirs of the Warrior Kumagai - Donald Richie - Страница 2


"Donald Richie has given a new turn to the incident that made the warrior Kumagai Naozane immortal. His superior narrative powers will carry the reader easily along to find out what it is and to learn of its subtle implications."

- Edward G. Seidensticker

"A tour de force combining a commanding mastery of historical fact and detail, a comprehensive understanding of the human spirit, and a poetic quality of expression that transforms the hearts of all those it touches."

- The Japan Foundation Newsletter

"There is Richie's graceful writing . . . scenes that reveal so much in so few words . . . subtle character sketches of familiar historical figures."

- The Asahi Evening News

"Blood-soaked as these pages may be, Richie also infuses them with a good dose of black humor ... a rich and multi-layered view ... an admirable job of evoking the fading brilliance and aristocratic excesses of old Kyoto."

- The Japan Times

"Richie recreates the feel and flavor of the Heian period, as well as the sense and sensibilities of the people ... of value to students of both the classical and modern martial arts."

- Koryu Book Reviews

"Fabulous tale of medieval Japan, moving and insightful . . . well written, fascinating to read, impeccably researched."

- George Sawyer

Memoirs of the Warrior Kumagai

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