Читать книгу The Nanny Proposal - Donna Clayton, Donna Clayton - Страница 13

Chapter Three


The baby’s cries continued for every one of the seventeen minutes it took Jane to slowly and reluctantly gather the clothes she’d unpacked earlier and tuck them neatly into her small carryall. She checked her watch every thirty seconds or so, mentally battling the urge to go and comfort her niece. The hallway bathroom was directly opposite Joy’s room, so when Jane went to retrieve her makeup case and personal effects from the marble countertop, the toddler’s sobbing was even more audible, more soul-wrenching.

Jane was sure her heart was going to rip right in two. She couldn’t leave Joy. Not like this. Not with her crying and upset.

Greg had mentioned that bedtime for Joy was a nightmare, Jane remembered on her way back toward her bedroom. But it didn’t have to be. Not if she were allowed to rock her niece to sleep.

Finally, she could take it no longer. Tossing her small makeup case on the bed beside her suitcase, Jane turned around and headed back toward the baby’s room.

She knocked on the door, and without waiting for an answer, she pushed her way into the room. Greg look flustered and helpless.

“Here,” she said, hustling over to the two of them, “let me take care of this.” Maybe if she just bullied her way into helping him, he wouldn’t have a chance to reject her offer.

She scooped Joy up with both her arms, and the baby immediately hugged her tight, stuck a pink thumb into her mouth and rested her head on Jane’s shoulder.

All was quiet.

Jane’s ploy worked. Greg’s expression clearly revealed that he’d been steamrollered. He sat in the rocker, blinking, gaping up at the two of them, obviously trying to figure out how the silence came to be.

Motioning for him to rise with a sweeping movement of her free hand, Jane smiled softly at him.

“It’ll be all right,” she said in a hushed tone. “Just give me a few minutes alone with her, okay?”

She sat down in the rocking chair and cradled Joy in her arms. The baby sighed, her eyes locking onto Jane’s face. The love that swelled in Jane’s heart actually hurt. But the achy feeling was wonderful. She hadn’t rocked Joy to sleep in a week…a week that somehow felt like many months.

Tearing her gaze from Joy’s, Jane looked up at Greg, who still seemed in a daze. Without a word, he stared at the two of them for a second or two. Then he turned on a silent heel and stole from the room.

The Nanny Proposal

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