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1 ANTS Who’s in Charge Here?


Just off Route 533 in southwestern New Mexico, a barbed-wire fence surrounds sixty acres of what used to be a sprawling cattle ranch at the foot of the Chiricahua Mountains. Some years ago, at the request of biologist Deborah Gordon, Stanford University bought the property to keep out of the hands of developers a small research site she’d established. But the subdivisions and convenience stores never materialized. In fact, not much at all has happened on this little patch of the Sonoran Desert to disturb the current residents of the site, including several hundred colonies of red harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus). For more than two decades now, Gordon has documented the life histories of these colonies, where, day in and day out, season after season, ants go about their business with a curious mix of efficiency and utter chaos.

The workday starts early at Colony 550, an older nest of some ten thousand ants near the eastern border of the site. From dawn to midmorning, one group after another emerges from the nest to carry out various tasks. The first on the job are patrollers, who poke their heads out of the entrance hole just before sunrise. Appearing to be in no hurry, they mill around on the circular nest mound, inspecting the pebbly surface like groundskeepers at a golf course assessing the health of a green. If something has happened during the night, patrollers will be the first ants to know. Has the rain left a pile of debris on a foraging trail? Has the wind redistributed the seeds the ants collect for food? What are the neighbors up to this morning? As they wander farther and farther from the nest entrance, patrollers may bump into scouts from nearby colonies doing exactly the same thing, and, if they do, forager ants from both sides might later fight. “Last week, for some reason, we noticed quite a few foragers walking around with the heads of other ants attached to their bodies,” says Mike Greene, a biologist from the University of Colorado–Denver who was doing research at the site. “They’d clearly been having little ant wars.”

The patrollers are soon joined by a crew of nest maintenance workers, each carrying a bit of dirt, seed husk, or other trash up from below ground. In contrast to the patrollers, they seem narrowly focused on their tasks, searching for a suitable place to deposit their loads. The moment they find one, they drop what they’re carrying, turn around, and head back down into the nest.

Next come a handful of midden workers, who tidy up what the maintenance workers have left behind. Not that they do this in any sensible way. If you watch one working for a while, Greene says, you’ll probably find it puzzling. “Midden workers remind me of my fifteen-month-old daughter. They take an object from Point A and drop it at Point B. Then they pick something else up and go to Point C. It all seems very random.” A time-lapse movie of the morning’s activity, though, would show a pile of dirt and ant trash steadily growing along one edge of the nest mound. “So it turns out they’re organized, after all,” he says.

The last to appear are the foragers, who greatly outnumber the other workers. Streaming out of the entrance hole, they charge directly for the tall grass that rings the nest mound and disappear into a sea of Mormon tea, acacia, and snakeweed. Following ant highways through the underbrush, the foragers may venture as far as sixty feet from the nest in search of seeds. Because these seeds, for the most part, have ridden the winds from other parts of the desert, rather than coming from plants on the site, they tend to be scattered in unpredictable ways. So it could take a forager as long as twenty minutes to find one. As soon as it does, it picks up the seed and carries it straight back to the nest.

By nine a.m., the nest hole has taken on the appearance of a frantic subway entrance, with ants rushing in and out. In a colony like 550, which is nearly twenty years old, the nest may be six feet deep. Down below, in an elaborate network of tunnels and chambers, as Gordon describes in her book Ants at Work, other groups of ants are busily stacking seeds in storage chambers, according to size and shape; removing dead ants, grasshopper legs, and other unwanted objects from the nest; tending brood; caring for the queen; or simply standing ready in reserve.

From top to bottom, Colony 550 seems to be a model of efficiency, with each group performing its task in an orderly sequence—an impression strengthened by each ant’s habit of constantly touching its antennae with every other ant it meets, as if to make sure that everybody’s on the same page. From patrollers and maintenance workers to midden workers and foragers, every member of the colony seems to be following a master plan, like tiny cogs in a machine or the employees of a successful factory.

But that’s not what’s happening here at all.

Despite its well-managed appearance, Colony 550 does not function like any organization you are ever likely to encounter. It has no bosses, managers, or supervisors of any kind. The queen, despite her lofty title, wields no authority. Her sole function is to lay eggs, not to give commands. When patrollers venture out into the grass, they’re not taking orders from a squad leader. When nest maintenance workers repair a tunnel, they’re not following any blueprints. Young ants entering the work force don’t have to sit through an orientation meeting or memorize a mission statement, because they never need to see the big picture. No ant ever understands the purpose of its own labor, why it needs to complete the job, or how it fits in.

Yet the colony does just fine. Consider the way it responds quickly and effectively to changes in its environment. If patrollers this morning discover a tasty pile of seeds, additional ants will head out to look for more within minutes, and these additional ants will become foragers. Did last night’s storm damage the nest? More maintenance workers will show up to repair it, even if that requires younger nurse ants to pitch in. Depending on the challenge or the opportunity, the colony as a whole calculates quickly and precisely how many workers are needed to take care of a job, then adjusts its resources accordingly.

This flexible system, evolved during 140 million years of ant history, is one of the main reasons that the world’s fourteen thousand or so known species of ants have flourished in a bewildering variety of ecosystems, from tropical rain forests to city sidewalks. Their way of doing things may look messy, but it enables them to accomplish amazing feats, such as organize highways, build elaborate nests, and stage epic raids—all without any leadership, game plan, or the least sense of mission.

How do they do it?

Ants Aren’t Smart

Every morning in August, Deborah Gordon sets out from the Southwestern Research Station near Portal, Arizona, and drives just across the border into New Mexico to observe red harvester ants. Every afternoon, once the ants have retreated underground to escape from the blazing heat, the biologist returns to the station with a renewed sense of wonder—not that the ants are so skillful at what they do, but that they appear to be such little dummies.

“If you watch an ant try to do something, you’ll be impressed by how inept it is,” she says. “Often, it doesn’t go about things the way you think would be best, it doesn’t remember anything for very long, and it doesn’t seem to care if it succeeds.” Only one in five ants actually accomplishes what it sets out to do. “The longer you watch an ant the more you end up wanting to help it.”

Gordon doesn’t study ants as individuals, though. Her research focuses on the behavior of ant colonies. As colonies, she says, ants are capable of solving problems far beyond the abilities of individuals, such as how to find food, allocate resources, or respond to competition from neighbors.

Ants aren’t smart,” she clarifies. “Ant colonies are.”

The central focus of Gordon’s research has been the ants’ system of task allocation, which is how a colony decides which jobs need to be done on any particular day. Given all the uncertainties that red harvesters face—from the iffy availability of food to competition from neighbors—a colony must calculate as a group how many workers to send out foraging, how many to keep on patrol, how many to hold back to tend brood, and so on.

“One of my favorite moments in the movie Antz is a scene I call the Bureau of Task Allocation,” she says of the 1998 DreamWorks animated film. “The ants are brought to some bureaucrats—they’ve got clipboards—behind a counter, and each ant is just stamped, and given its task. This, of course, is the way we organize our work, where certain individuals have the job of assigning work to other individuals. So it’s easy for us to imagine that there’s somebody in there with a clipboard, telling somebody else what to do.” But that’s not how the ants do it.

To understand the real process of task allocation, Gordon and fellow biologist Mike Greene conducted a series of experiments a few years ago with foragers. They knew that a colony, depending on circumstances, doesn’t forage every day. It might be too cold or windy to go outside, or there might be a hungry lizard waiting at the edge of the nest mound. Patrollers seem to be the key to this decision. As they return from their early-morning scouts of the neighborhood, they’re greeted near the nest entrance by a crowd of foragers. The foragers touch antennae with the patrollers, and if they bump into the right number of patrollers, the foragers are more inclined to go out. The behavior of the patrollers, in other words, informs the decisions of the foragers.

It doesn’t happen in the way you might expect, though. “The patrollers aren’t passing along anything elaborate,” Gordon says. “They’re not coming back and giving instructions to the foragers, saying go here and do this. The message is merely in the contact. And that’s what’s hardest for us to understand, because we keep falling into the temptation to think that they’re doing it the way that we would.”

To get to the bottom of this group-oriented behavior, she and Greene conducted an experiment using fake patrollers. First they captured real patrollers leaving several colonies one morning. Then, after waiting thirty minutes, they dropped tiny glass beads coated with the smell of patrollers into each nest entrance. Red harvesters, like most ants, are covered with a layer of grease that keeps them from drying out. This grease, made of hydrocarbons, carries an odor specific not only to their colony but also to their task group. “For the ants, you might say, chemicals are what vision is for us,” Greene says. When foragers inside the nest encountered the glass beads coated with patroller hydrocarbons, they took them for real patrollers.

What Gordon and Greene wanted to know was whether the rate at which foragers encountered patrollers made any difference. If it did, that might represent an important mechanism in the colony’s decision-making process. So they varied the speed at which they dropped patroller beads into each nest. In the first of four trials, they added one bead every three minutes. In the second, one bead every forty-five seconds. In the third, one bead every ten seconds. In the last, one bead every second. The results were dramatic.

In the first two trials, the relatively slow rates prompted few foragers to go out. The same was true of the fourth trial with the fastest rate. But in the third trial, when foragers encountered glass beads at just the right rate—one bead every ten seconds—they left the nest in a big rush with four times as many foragers.

“The rate needs to be about ten seconds because that must be how long an ant can remember what happened to it,” Gordon says. “If an ant has to wait forty-five seconds to meet another ant, it forgets the previous one. It’s as if the encounter never happened.” Red harvesters, it seems, have a very short attention span. If the rate is too fast, meanwhile, that may mean that something has driven foragers back to the nest, such as a predator. The rate has to be just right.

A forager’s decision, that is, doesn’t depend on it receiving instructions from a patroller or figuring out on its own what’s needed. It depends instead on the ants following a simple rule of thumb: If it meets the right number of patrollers returning at the right rate, it goes out looking for seeds. If it doesn’t, it stays put. “Nobody’s deciding whether it’s a good day or not to forage,” Gordon says. “The collective is, but no particular ant is.”

Once the first foragers leave the nest, a separate mechanism kicks in to regulate the total number of foragers that go out that day. The key encounters this time take place between foragers only. As successful foragers return to the nest with seeds, they’re met at the nest entrance by foragers waiting in reserve. This contact stimulates the inactive ants to go out. Foragers normally don’t come back until they find something. So the faster the foragers return, the faster other ants go out, enabling the colony to tune its work force to the probability of finding food.

This simple rule, applied by one forager after another in the crowded space near the entrance hole, functions like a simple calculator for the colony. The sum of all the decisions by all the ants gives the colony the answer to the question “How many foragers do we need searching for food today?”

The ants aren’t smart. The colony is.

THIS INTRIGUING BEHAVIOR, of course, isn’t unique to ants. Many groups of animals, from honeybees to herring, tackle difficult problems without direction from leaders. They do it through a phenomenon that scientists call self-organization—the first principle of a smart swarm. Although examples of self-organization appear all around us in nature, scientists have studied it intensively only during the past few decades. First described by chemists and physicists, the term originally referred to the spontaneous appearance of patterns in physical systems, such as the rippling of sand dunes or the hypnotic spirals that form when certain chemical reactants are combined. Later it was adopted by biologists to explain the intricate structure of wasp nests, the synchronized flashing of some species of fireflies, and the way that swarms of bees, flocks of birds, and schools of fish instinctively coordinate their actions.

What these phenomena all have in common is that none of them is imposed from the top by a master plan. The patterns, shapes, and behaviors we see in such systems don’t come from preexisting blueprints or designs, but emerge on their own, from the bottom up, as a result of interactions among their many parts. We call an ant colony self-organizing because nobody’s in charge, nobody knows what needs to be done, and nobody tells anybody else what to do. Each ant goes through its day responding to whatever happens to it, to the other ants it bumps into, and to changes in the environment—what scientists call “local” knowledge. When an ant does something, it affects other ants, and what they do affects still others, and that impact ripples through the colony. “No ant understands its own decisions,” Gordon says. “But each ant’s decision is linked to another ant’s decision and the whole colony changes.”

Although the ultimate origins of self-organization remain something of a mystery, researchers have identified three basic mechanisms by which it works: decentralized control, distributed problem-solving, and multiple interactions. Taken together, these mechanisms explain how the members of a group, without being told to, can transform simple rules of thumb into meaningful patterns of collective behavior.

To get a feel for how these mechanisms work, consider a day at the beach with your family or friends. When you first arrive, you don’t stand around waiting for someone to give you instructions. Apart from certain restrictions imposed by the community (no nudity, no pets, no alcohol, for example) you’re on your own. Nobody tells you where to sit, what to do, whether to go into the water or not (unless the lifeguard gets bossy). Everybody can do pretty much what they want to, which is one way of describing decentralized control.

If it’s a beautiful day and the beach is crowded, of course, it might take some time to find the perfect place to sit down. You don’t want to choose a spot too close to the water, or your beach chairs and blanket could get soaked by a big wave. Nor do you want to sit far away from the water, where you can’t feel the ocean breeze. If you plan to go swimming, it might be convenient to choose a location near the lifeguard, as every family with little children has already figured out (which is why all those umbrellas are clustered around the guard’s stand). In the end, you choose a space with just enough room to spread your blanket yet maintain the proper distance in all directions from your neighbors’ blankets, which is the unspoken rule of thumb at the beach. If you could look down from a helicopter, you’d see a mosaic of blankets evenly spaced from one another, reflecting the success of the crowd’s distributed problem-solving.

Then something curious happens. Just as you’re settling into your beach chair with Stephen King’s latest novel, you notice that a few people have stood up to look at the water. Then a few more do the same thing. And a few more. Suddenly it seems like everybody’s standing and looking at the water, so you do too. You don’t have any idea why, but you’re suddenly alert, full of questions. What’s going on? Is somebody drowning? Is there a shark? What’s everybody looking at? What began, perhaps, as a simple act of curiosity by a few individuals—staring at the water—spreads from person to person down the beach, snowballing into a collective state of alarm. That’s how infectious multiple interactions can be. And the impressive thing is, if there had been a shark, everybody would have found out about it almost as quickly as if someone had shouted “Jaws” with a bullhorn.

“If we each respond to little pieces of information, and we follow certain rules, the whole crowd will organize in a certain way,” Mike Greene says, “just like when we’re looking down on an ant colony, we can actually see its behavior change, even though none of the ants is aware of it.”

Day in and day out, that is, self-organization provides an ant colony like 550 with a reliable way to manage an unpredictable environment. Wouldn’t it be useful if we could do the same thing?

The Traveling Salesman Problem

One afternoon in the summer of 1990, an Italian graduate student named Marco Dorigo was attending a workshop at the German National Research Center for Computer Science near Bonn. At the time, Dorigo was working on a doctoral thesis in Milan about ways to solve difficult computational problems. The talk he’d come to hear was by Jean-Louis Deneubourg, a professor from the Free University of Brussels, about his research with ants. “I was already interested in ways that natural systems could be used as inspiration for information science,” Dorigo says. “But this was the first time anybody had made a connection between ant behavior and computer science.”

In his presentation, Deneubourg described a series of experiments that he and his colleagues had done with common black ants known as Argentine ants (Iridomyrmex humilis). Like many ants, this species leaves a trail of chemical secretions when foraging. Such chemicals, called pheromones, come from glands near the tip of the ant’s abdomen, and they act as powerful signals, telling other ants to follow their trails. Foragers normally lay down such trails after they have found a promising source of food. As they return to the nest, they mark their paths so that other ants can retrace them to the food. But Argentine ants are different. They lay down pheromone trails during the search phase as well. That appealed to Deneubourg, who was curious about how foragers decided where to explore.

In one experiment in his lab, Deneubourg and his colleagues placed a bridge between a large tub containing a colony of Argentine ants and another tub containing food. The bridge had a special design. About a fourth of the way across, it split into two branches, both of which led to the food, but one of which was twice as long as the other. How would the little explorers deal with this?

As you might expect, the ants quickly determined which branch was best (this is the same species, after all, that demonstrates such a knack for locating maple syrup spilled on your kitchen floor). In most trials of the experiment, after an initial period of wandering, all of the ants chose the shorter branch.

The pheromone trail was the key. As more and more ants picked the shorter branch, it accumulated more and more of their pheromone, increasing the likelihood that other ants would choose it. Here’s how it works: Let’s say two ants set out across the bridge at the same time. The first ant takes the shorter branch, and the second the longer one. By the time the first ant reaches the food, the second is only halfway across the bridge. By the time the first ant returns all the way to the colony, the second ant has just arrived at the food. To a third ant standing at the split in the bridge at this point, the pheromone trail left by the first ant would be twice as strong as that left by the second (since the first ant went out and returned), making it more likely to take the shorter branch. The more this happens, the stronger the pheromone trail grows, and the more ants follow it.

Ant colonies, in other words, have evolved an ingenious way to determine the shortest path between two points. Not that any of the ants are doing so on their own. None of them attempts to compare the length of the two branches independently. Instead, the colony builds the best solution as a group, one individual after another, using pheromones to “amplify” early successes in an impressive display of self-organization.

Taking this idea one step further, Deneubourg and his colleagues proposed a relatively simple mathematical model to describe this behavior. If you know how many ants have taken the shorter branch at any particular time, Deneubourg said, you can reliably calculate the probability of the next ant choosing that branch. To demonstrate this, he plugged his team’s equations into a computer simulation of the double-bridge experiment and ran it for a thousand ants. The results mirrored those of real ants. When the branches were the same length, the odds of an ant picking either one were fifty-fifty. But when one branch was twice as long as the other, the odds of picking the shorter one shot up dramatically.

The key to the colony’s system, in short, lay in the simple rules that each ant applied to local information. If you changed these rules, you would change the behavior pattern of the whole colony.

The implications of this discovery were not lost on Dorigo: If real ant colonies could find the shortest path between two points, then why couldn’t researchers do the same thing with “virtual ants”? Dorigo knew how to design software “agents” that could follow simple rules just like real ants do. Why couldn’t these software agents find the shortest path, too? Only, what if the path wasn’t the distance between an ant nest and a pile of food? What if it was the shortest route for a message across the Internet between two computers? Or the shortest distance for a package going from a factory warehouse in California to a customer in Florida? Or the shortest path between multiple steps in an industrial process? Then there was the concept of the “shortest path” itself. What if you redefined “shortest” as “most efficient” or “least costly”? Wouldn’t that be a handy tool?

“When I went back to Milan to discuss these ideas with Professor Alberto Colorni, who was supervising my work, he asked me to write a simple program as a proof of principle, to show it wasn’t just a crazy idea,” Dorigo says. At the time, Dorigo was working on a class of mathematical puzzles known as combinatorial optimization problems, which are relatively easy to describe but deceptively difficult to solve. One of the best-known examples is the traveling salesman problem, which involves the following scenario: A salesman needs to visit customers in a number of cities. What’s the shortest path he can take to visit each city once before returning back home?

When the problem involves just a few cities—let’s say, Moscow, Hong Kong, and Paris—you can figure out the answer on the back of an envelope. Leaving from the airport near his home in Cleveland, the salesman has three options for his first stop: Moscow, Hong Kong, or Paris. Let’s say he chooses Hong Kong. From there he has two choices: Moscow or Paris. Let’s say he flies to Paris. That leaves only Moscow before he can fly home. If you made a list of all the other possible sequences (such as Paris to Moscow to Hong Kong, or Moscow to Hong Kong to Paris, and so on), you would have a total of six to consider. Compare the mileage for each sequence and you have your answer.

But here’s the tricky part. If you add a fourth city to the salesman’s journey, you make the problem significantly more difficult. Now you have four times as many possible routes to consider—twenty-four instead of six. Add a fifth city and you get 120 possible routes. Jump ahead to ten cities and you’re talking about more than 3.6 million possible routes. The number of solutions, in other words, increases exponentially with each new city. When you get to thirty cities, there aren’t enough years in a lifetime to list all the possible routes.

Dorigo thought it might be interesting instead to let virtual ants give it a try. Rather than trying to identify every possible outcome of the salesman’s decision making, the ant system used trial-and-error shortcuts to find a handful of good ones. Instead of being straightforward and linear, it was decentralized and distributed. Instead of calling for complicated calculations, it relied on simple rules of thumb. Instead of getting swamped by the exponential nature of the math, it took advantage of that same snowballing effect to rapidly turn small differences into big advantages. It was different, in other words, because it harnessed self-organization in a smart way.

So Dorigo and Vittorio Maniezzo, a fellow graduate student, created a set of virtual ants capable of cooperating with one another to find the shortest route for the traveling salesman. Their secret weapon: “virtual pheromones” that the ants would leave along the way. Imagine a map with fifteen cities that a salesman needed to visit. At the beginning of the first cycle, ants were placed randomly on all of the cities. Then each ant used a formula based on probability to decide which town to visit next. This formula considered two factors: which city was closest, and which city had the strongest pheromone trail leading to it. At the start, there were no pheromone trails, so the closest cities tended to be selected. As soon as each ant completed a tour of all fifteen cities, it retraced its path, depositing virtual pheromone on its route. The shortest routes discovered by the ants tended to receive the most pheromone, while the longest ones were allowed to “evaporate” more rapidly. This enabled the ants, as a group, to remember the best routes. So when the second cycle was run, and the ants worked their way from city to city again, each ant built upon the successes of the first cycle by favoring the strongest pheromone trails. After repeating this time and again, the ants kept reducing their travel times, until the pheromone trails on the shortest segments were so strong that none of them could resist choosing them.

The results were quite encouraging.

“We discovered that the ants could find nearly optimal solutions for as many as thirty, fifty, or even a hundred cities,” Dorigo says.

Not that the ants didn’t sometimes make mistakes. If a particular ant, while hopping from city to city, happened to get caught in a loop along the way—like a twig in a river eddy—other ants occasionally followed, resulting in a nonsolution to the problem. To prevent this, Dorigo and Maniezzo instructed the ants to forget such loops when depositing pheromone on completed trails. Other problems required similar fixes. But none of the ants’ bad habits were so serious that they couldn’t be tweaked in one way or another, or made more effective by pairing them with more specialized algorithms.

“The important thing was that the ant colony optimization worked because of the implicit cooperation among many agents,” Dorigo says. “On their own, each artificial ant built a solution which was usually not very good. But together, by exchanging information—not talking to each other, but simply by exchanging information through virtual pheromones—the ants ended up finding some very good solutions.” In this way, cooperation became cumulative. Instead of representing simply the sum of the ants’ individual efforts, the search got smarter as it went forward, powered by the mechanisms of self-organization—decentralized control, distributed problem-solving, and multiple interaction between agents.

It wasn’t long before other computer scientists were adapting the ant-colony approach to solve a variety of difficult problems. A few researchers even experimented with real-world situations. At Hewlett-Packard’s lab in Bristol, England, for example, scientists created software to speed up telephone calls. Using a simulation of British Telecom’s network, they dispatched antlike agents into the system to leave pheromone-like signals at routing stations, which function as intersections for traveling messages. If a station accumulated too much digital pheromone, it meant that traffic there was too congested, and messages were routed around it. Since the pheromone evaporated over time, the system was also able to adapt to changing traffic patterns as soon as congested stations opened up again.

What did an ant-based algorithm offer that other techniques didn’t? The answer goes back to the foragers from Colony 550. If conditions in the desert changed while the ants were out searching for seeds—if something unpredictable disrupted the normal flow of events, such as a hungry lizard slurping down ants—then the colony as a whole reacted quickly: foragers raced back to the nest empty-handed; other ants didn’t go out. They didn’t wait for news about the disruption to travel up a chain of command to a manager, who evaluated the situation before issuing orders that traveled back down the chain to workers, as might happen in a human organization. The colony’s decision making was decentralized, distributed among hundreds of foragers, who responded instantly to local information. In the same way, virtual ants racing through the telephone network responded instantly to congested traffic. In both cases, an ant-based algorithm offered a flexible response to an unpredictable environment, and it did so using the principles of self-organization.

An obvious application of this approach would be to develop an algorithm—or set of algorithms—that would enable a business enterprise to respond to changes in its environment as quickly and effectively as ant colonies do. That’s exactly what a company in Texas set out to accomplish.

The Yellow Brick Road

Charles Harper looked out his office window at the flat landscape south of Houston. As director of national supply and pipeline operations at American Air Liquide, a subsidiary of a $12 billion industrial group based in Paris, he supervised a team monitoring a hundred or so plants producing medical and industrial gases. This was a daunting task on the best of days. The company’s operations were so complex that no two situations ever looked the same.

Air Liquide sold different types of gas to a wide range of customers. Hospitals bought oxygen, as did paper mills and plastics manufacturers. Ice cream makers used liquid nitrogen to freeze their goods. So did berry packers and crawfish shippers. Soft drink companies purchased carbon dioxide to add fizz to their beverages. Oil refineries took several gases, as did steel mills. All told, Air Liquide delivered gas products to more than fifteen thousand customers across the United States, using a fleet of seven hundred trucks, three hundred rail cars, and a 2,200-mile network of pipelines.

All these moving parts, however, were just the beginning of the business problem. The real complexity came from the variables the company had to cope with. The cost of energy, for example, fluctuated constantly. In Texas, where the power industry was deregulated in 2002, the price of electricity changed every fifteen minutes. “For an industrial customer, a megawatt might cost $18 at three a.m., then shoot up to $103 the following afternoon,” Harper says. Since energy was one of Air Liquide’s biggest expenses, accounting for up to 70 percent of the cost of production, these ups and downs had a huge impact on the bottom line.

Other factors affected production costs. Each of the plants producing gaseous or liquid gases had a different efficiency level, different cost profile, and different capacity. Many, for example, could produce either liquid oxygen or liquid nitrogen in varying combinations. For customers who needed delivery by truck, a plant could pump liquid gases into cryogenic trailers. For those on pipelines, it could vaporize the gases and send them that way.

Customer demand was yet another variable. Although some customers, usually the largest ones, took the same amount of gas every week, many others were unpredictable. A small company might order gas only when it got a big contract, then order none for months. About 20 to 30 percent of Air Liquide’s customers made a habit of calling in special requests. “If a big medical center calls us up and says, hey, we need a delivery of oxygen right away, we’re going to make sure they don’t run out,” Harper says. But such requests put a strain on scheduling.

Combine all these factors—fluctuating energy prices, changing production costs, varying delivery modes, and uncertain customer demand—and you’ve got a difficult situation to manage. Sooner or later, something unpredictable, like a mechanical problem at a plant, is going to put you in a bind, and you won’t have enough gas to serve customers in that region. “We were always having incidents like that,” says Clarke Hayes, Air Liquide’s real-time operations manager. “It finally got to the point where we said, you know what, we need a tool that helps us organize better.”

The company already had special-purpose programs to optimize particular aspects of their operations, but it didn’t have a way to pull it all together. In late 1999, a team from Bios Group, a consulting firm from Santa Fe, New Mexico, founded by complexity scientists, came to Air Liquide with an unorthodox proposal. Why not build a computer model based on the self-organizing principles of an ant colony? This model, they suggested, would take into account all the variables that were making planning so difficult as a way to help managers find solutions to day-to-day challenges. As a start, they suggested tackling the company’s truck-routing problem—the question of which truck should pick up gas from which plant and deliver it to which customer to be most profitable for the company. If ants had evolved a clever way to move things from one place to another, they said, why not apply that knowledge to Air Liquide’s trucks?

“The scientists were wonderful to talk to,” Harper says. “But the issue for us was, can they understand the industrial gas business? So we took a small piece of our geography and asked them to digitize that. To show us they understood the complexity of the trucks, the drivers, the depot costs, the miles per gallon, all the anomalies. What if a customer’s tank was on a hill? If you pull up in the wrong direction, or if your truck’s not full, the liquid won’t get in the pump and you can’t fill the tank. So you have to make that customer the first stop on your route. There are hundreds of those kinds of things, and they drive you crazy. But they all needed to be in the model.”

Alberto Donati was one of the scientists at Bios Group assigned to work on the Air Liquide pilot project. Because he had previous experience with ant-based algorithms, he was asked to work on the distribution side of the decision-support system. The approach he took was inspired by the one Marco Dorigo and Eric Bonabeau, another computer scientist, had developed for the traveling salesman problem and similar difficult problems.

“The ant algorithm was a very good choice in this case, because it creates a step-by-step procedure to find the best routing solution,” Donati says. At every step, even the most complex situation could be taken into account. Each ant had a sort of “to do” list that it kept working on until the list was complete, he explained. Let’s say the list was of Air Liquide customers that need deliveries today. “Imagine the ant starts at the depot,” Donati says. “First she has to choose a truck. So she looks at the available list of trucks, and then she picks a driver. So what does she do next? Maybe she goes to the facility to fill up the truck. Now she considers all the possible customers that need that kind of gas. She calculates the time it would take to reach each customer’s site. Perhaps there are some customers with restricted time windows for deliveries, or others with high priority for deliveries. Then the ant looks at each customer using what we call a greedy function.” The term greedy, in this case, refers to a decision-making rule that delivers the best results in a short time frame. “Choose the nearest customer,” for example, is a typical greedy function. “She also takes into account the pheromone trail,” Donati says. “Other ants may have chosen the same path and left some pheromone. So she multiplies the greedy factors by the pheromone factor to determine which customer to choose next.” (This decision is modified by a small degree of randomness to occasionally allow choices that would be hard to predict.) “When she gets to the customer, she unloads the needed amount of the truck’s liquid, keeping track of how much time it takes to do that and how much is left in the truck. Then she goes back to the list of customers she hasn’t visited yet.” And so on, and so on, until all the customers have been visited and assigned to a route.

At this point, the ant computes the quality of the solution and lays down a pheromone trail according to its quality. This process is repeated, ant after ant, thousands of times. “The nice part is that, when you’re near the finish, you will see that the ants have left a clear distribution of pheromones around your system,” Donati says. Each new solution is compared to the best previous one. If it’s better, it becomes the best one. It’s all a matter of balance between exploration and exploitation, he says.

The pilot project was a big hit at Air Liquide, proving to managers that an ant-based model was flexible enough to handle the complexities of their routing problem. But what Air Liquide really wanted was to optimize production, since the cost of producing gas was ten times that of delivering it. So they enlisted Bios Group, which by then had merged with a company called NuTech Solutions, to develop a tool to optimize production. That tool, completed in 2004, is the one Air Liquide uses to guide its business today.

Technicians in the control center run this optimizer every night. They begin at eight p.m. by entering new data about plant schedules, truck availabilities, and customer needs into the model. A telemetry-based system called SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) feeds real-time information about the efficiency of each plant, gas levels in storage tanks, and the cost of power, among other factors. A neural network forecast engine provides estimates of which customers must get deliveries right away, based on telemetry readings and previous customer-usage patterns. Weather forecasts by the hour are entered, as are estimated power costs for the next week. Finally, any miscellaneous information is added that might affect schedules, such as which plants need maintenance in the near future.

The optimizer is then asked to consider every permutation—millions of possible decisions and outcomes—to come up with a plan for the next seven days. To do so, it combines the ant-based algorithm with other problem-solving techniques, weighing which plants should produce how much of which gas. To speed up run times, technicians divide the country into three regions: west of the Rockies, Gulf Coast, and the eastern states. Then they run the model three times for each region. By the time the day crew arrives at work at six a.m., the optimizer has solutions for each region.

People still make all the decisions. But now, at least, they know where they need to go. “One of the scientists called this approach the Yellow Brick Road,” Harper says. “Basically, instead of worrying about the absolute answer, we let the optimizer point us toward the right answer, and by the time we take a few more steps, we rerun the solutions and get the next direction. So we don’t worry about the end point. That’s Oz. We just follow the Yellow Brick Road one step at a time.”

This ant-inspired system has helped Air Liquide reduce its costs dramatically, primarily by making the right gases at the right plants. Exactly how much, company officials are reluctant to say, but one published estimate put the figure at $20 million a year.

“It’s huge,” Harper says. “It’s actually huge.”

Lessons from Checkers

During the 1950s, an electrical engineer at IBM named Arthur Samuel set out to teach a machine to play checkers. The machine was a prototype of the company’s first electronic digital computer called the Defense Calculator, and it was so big it filled a room. By today’s standards, it was a primitive device, but it could execute a hundred thousand instructions a second, and that was all that Samuel needed.

He chose checkers because the game is simple enough for a child to learn, yet complicated enough to challenge an experienced player. What makes checkers fun, after all, is that no two games are likely to be exactly the same. Starting with twelve pieces on each side and thirty-two squares on the game board to choose from (checkers is played only on the dark squares), the number of possible board configurations from start to finish is practically endless. You can play over and over and never repeat the same sequence of moves. This gives checkers what complexity experts call perpetual novelty.

For Samuel’s computer, that was a problem. If every move theoretically could lead to billions of possible configurations of the game board, how could it choose the best one to make? Compiling a comprehensive list of results for each move would simply take too long—just as it would for Marco Dorigo in the traveling salesman problem. So Samuel gave the machine a few basic features to look for. One was called pieces ahead, meaning the computer should count how many pieces it had left on the board and compare that with its opponent’s. Was it two pieces ahead? Three pieces ahead? If a particular move resulted in more pieces ahead, it was likely to be favored. Other features specified favorable regions of the board. Penetrating the opponent’s side was considered advantageous, for example. So was dominating the middle. And so on.

Samuel also taught the computer to learn from its mistakes. If a move based on certain features failed to produce a favorable outcome, then the computer gave less weight to those features the next time around. In addition, he showed the computer how to recognize “stage-setting” moves—those that didn’t help out in an obvious way right now, such as a move that sacrificed a piece, but set up a later move with a bigger payoff, such as a triple jump. The machine did this after the fact by increasing the weight of features that favored the stage-setting move. Finally, he told the computer to assume that its opponent knew everything that it knew so the opponent would inflict the greatest damage possible whenever it could. That forced the machine to factor in potentially negative consequences of moves as well as positive ones. If it got surprised by an opponent anyway, it adjusted the weights to avoid that mistake next time.

Samuel’s project was so successful that the computer was soon beating him on a regular basis. By the end of the 1960s, it was defeating checkers champions.

“All in all, his was a remarkable achievement,” writes John Holland, another pioneer of artificial intelligence, in his book Emergence: From Chaos to Order. “We are nowhere near exploiting these lessons that Samuel put before us almost a half century ago.”

To Holland, who shared a lab with Samuel at IBM, the true genius of the checkers program was the way it modified the weights of a handful of features to cope with the game’s daunting complexity. Because it was impractical at the time to “solve” the game of checkers mathematically by calculating the perfect sequence of moves, as you might do with a simpler game, such as tic-tac-toe, Samuel just wanted his computer to play the game better each time. “The emergence of good play is the objective of Samuel’s study,” Holland wrote.

What Holland meant by emergence was something quite specific. He was referring to the process by which the computer formed a master strategy as a result of individual moves, or, as he put it more generally, the phenomenon of much coming from little. Although everything the program did was “fully reducible to the rules (instructions) that define it,” he says, the behaviors generated by the game were “not easily anticipated from an inspection of those rules.”

We saw the same thing, of course, in Colony 550. Even though individual ants were following simple rules about foraging, their pattern of behavior as a group added up to a surprisingly flexible strategy for the colony as a whole. One colony might tend to be more aggressive in its style of foraging, sending out lots of foragers, while another might be more conservative, keeping them safe inside. Each colony didn’t impose its strategy on the foragers; the strategy emerged from their interactions with one another.

The same could be said about many complex systems, from beehives and flocks of birds to stock markets and the Internet. Whenever you have a multitude of individuals interacting with one another, there often comes a moment when disorder gives way to order and something new emerges: a pattern, a decision, a structure, or a change in direction. This whole chapter, in fact, has been about the kinds of strategies that emerge from self-organized behavior. And what these strategies all have in common is that they represent a way to cope with the unpredictable.

Consider life in an ant colony, where survival means competing not only against other colonies but also against an ever-changing environment. Will there be enough food today? Where will it be found? How will the weather affect the nest? The colony meets such challenges through self-organized behavior, and what emerges is a pattern of activity that allocates the colony’s resources to meet its immediate needs.

Air Liquide, for its part, had its own list of unknowns. Which customers would need deliveries today? What types of gas would they need? Which production facilities could make those gases at the least cost? What would the price of electricity be at those facilities? How could the company deliver those gases most economically? By emulating an ant colony’s distributed problem-solving approach, the company’s optimizer tool provided a day-to-day plan to cope with an endless string of variables.

Like many businesses today, Air Liquide was looking for a way to cope with the perpetual novelty of its environment. The company didn’t expect a guarantee, that it would win every competition it got into, just an opportunity to stay in the game until it could adapt to the latest changes. What it needed, in other words, was a strategy to gain a degree of control over the uncontrollable—which was what Samuel’s checkers player also seemed to promise.

That was quite different, in an important way, from what Deborah Gordon’s ant colonies were trying to do. Instead of attempting to outsmart the desert environment, the ants, in a sense, were matching its complexity with their own. If Colony 550 were to play a game of checkers, each piece on the board would move by itself, acting on local information, with nobody waiting for instructions. The game would be a swirl of motion as pieces moved forward, jumped over one another, became kings, or got taken as prisoners in patterns of interactions that might be difficult to perceive at first glance. But if checkers were as important to ants as foraging, the colony, without doubt, would be a flexible and resilient competitor.

This tension between minimizing uncertainty, on the one hand, and experimenting to keep up with change, on the other, is something we’ll see time and again throughout this book. And what’s surprising about the behavior evolved by bees, birds, and fish, among other species, is the adroit way that groups of such animals manage to have it both ways—to manage complexity and to partake of it at the same time.

“If I was in charge of designing the software for a company like Air Liquide, I’d probably be stressed about doing a really great job,” Gordon says. “But the ants aren’t doing that.” Their system’s too loose and undisciplined. Information coming in is too spotty, and their responses are too unpredictable. “The amazing thing to me is how, every way you look at it, the ants’ system is so messy, and yet somehow it works,” she says.

Maybe there’s a deeper lesson here, Gordon suggested. “Instead of trying to keep fine-tuning a system so it will work better and better, maybe what we really ought to be looking for is a rigorous way of saying, okay, that’s good enough.” Maybe a smart way to face the unpredictable, whether you’re running a business or playing a game of checkers, is to look for that balance between strategic goals and random experimentation. Ant colonies, after all, manage to thrive at the edge between efficiency and utter chaos, she says. “The question is, how do they find that edge? Because if we could find that edge too, we could save ourselves a lot of trouble.”

Smart Swarm: Using Animal Behaviour to Organise Our World

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