Читать книгу The Marriage Beat - Doreen Roberts - Страница 3


“I could take care of you,” Tyler said gruffly.

She almost laughed out loud. “You? I don’t think so.”

His light blue eyes were full of indignation when he looked at her. “As your instructor I was responsible for seeing that you didn’t get hurt. You can trust me. I’m not going to make any moves on you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

For heaven’s sake, the man was serious. Tyler Jackson was too domineering, too patronizing, too darn arrogant, and he would drive her crazy. But what alternative did she have? She ignored the little voice that warned her she would live to regret her decision.

She also ignored the sudden thumping of her heart at the thought of being alone with the rugged cop in her tiny apartment. It was only for a few days. She could survive for a few days.

“All right,” she said, looking him straight in the eye. “I accept your offer....”

The Marriage Beat

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