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“Maybe you’re not such a bad influence after all, Tess.”


Mason laughed, amazed that Tess had talked him into swimming in the ocean…with his clothes on, no less. What was even more amazing was that it felt good.

“Me? A bad influence?” She kicked closer to him, until the warmth of her body surrounded him and her lips hovered over his. “Never.”

His gaze fastened on her mouth. He swayed closer to her. Laughter from a group farther up the beach grew loud.

“Maybe we should head out of here.” Mason pushed away from her, toward the shore.

A seductive smile curved her lips. “But you were going to kiss me.”

“Was I?”

“Yes, you were. I saw it in your eyes.” She tilted her head in a familiar gesture. “What’s wrong? Too stuffy to kiss me in public?”

“Nope, just want some privacy.” He swam closer to her. “Because when I kiss you again, I intend to enjoy the hell out of it.”

So Many Men...

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