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MUSIC PLAYED SOFTLY overhead as Sabrina fingered the price tag of a clingy black dress. She sighed and glanced at Bess, her shopping companion. Thank goodness her friend had come along to help. Nothing in Sabrina’s assortment of flowing skirts and dresses would do for her date with Noah. She needed Bess’s discerning eye to pick just the right outfit.

She pulled the black dress from the rack, then draped it over her front. “Sexy. That’s what I want. No flowers, no pastels and no ruffles.”

“Well, I never thought I’d see the day.” Bess laughed. She held up a wine-colored sheath for Sabrina’s inspection. “Sexy I can help you with.”

Sabrina nodded. Bess added the dress to the pile on her arm. “So, tell me more about Mr. Tall, Dark and Gorgeous,” Bess said, shaking her head. “I still can’t believe you’re considering taking the big leap. You are going to get to know him first, make sure you like him, right?”

“Oh, I like him all right.” Sabrina drew in a long breath. Her gaze drifted over the colorful racks. “He has these dark eyes. They’re so intense, like he’s looking into my soul, and his voice sent shivers up my spine. And that mouth of his—”

“Listen to you. I’ve never seen you like this.”

Sabrina met Bess’s gaze. “I think he’s The One.”

A small crinkle formed between Bess’s brows. “Oh, hon, I hope so. No one deserves to be happy more than you, I just…”

“You just don’t want me over-romanticizing this.” Sabrina laughed. “Just because you don’t believe in love at first sight doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Plenty of studies have documented the physiological changes associated with love. All it takes is the right mixture of pheromones and bang!”

She smiled at her friend’s wry expression. “Don’t give me that look. This could be it. This could be the real thing.”

Bess gave her a worried glance, then held up a pantsuit, turning it to reveal a nonexistent back. “How’s this?”

“Definitely sexy, but I’m betting Noah’s a leg man.” Sabrina added one more dress to her stack, then glanced over the number Bess held. “This should do for starters. We’ll be here all night at this rate.”

“No problem.” Bess sighed. “When I left, the girls were fighting, and Tom was glued to the TV, oblivious!” She frowned. “I wonder if they’ve noticed I’m gone.”

An all-too-familiar empathy filled Sabrina. Shaking her head, she followed her friend past a row of faceless mannequins to the dressing area. Though motherhood had proven a blessing for Bess, who loved her children, a certain wistfulness sometimes filled her eyes. That look tore at Sabrina.

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” Bess handed her several items from her pile as they reached the changing area. “It’s about time you decided to dress like a woman.”

“What does that mean?” Sabrina hung up the garments. “I dress like a woman.”

“Yes, everything you own is feminine, in a flowing kind of way, but in this…” She picked up a plum-colored dress with a plunging neckline. “In this you’ll be all woman.”

Sabrina snatched the dress, then closed the dressing room door.

She turned to the full-length mirror gracing one wall. Frowning, she surveyed her long, loose blouse and black leggings. Bess was right. One dress wouldn’t be enough. Sabrina’s wardrobe needed an overhaul. She sighed. Her life needed an overhaul.

She slipped out of the blouse and leggings. She’d had to dig deep into her drawer to find the matching black panties and demi-bra she now wore. The satiny fabric caressed her as she reached for the plum-colored dress. She slid one hand over the curve of her breast, rounded by the push-up bra. Tingles of sexual awareness shot through her and she sighed. Her cotton underthings had never made her feel this sexy. It was as though her encounter with Noah had freed her to explore her sensual self.

She bit her lip as the memory of his heated stare washed over her. How would he react to seeing her in her scant lingerie? Warmth spread through her. Her heart quickened the way it had when he’d threaded his fingers through her hair. That one innocent gesture had sent her hormones tripping. What would happen if he really touched her?

He filled her mind with fantasies that grew more stimulating with each passing day. She flushed at the memory of waking in a sweat that morning, the sheets tangled around her legs, and the dream of Noah’s lovemaking fresh on her mind.

With a groan, she cupped her breasts and squeezed, while pressing her thighs together. The sexual ache only intensified. Could she make love with Noah?

She turned and her dream Noah, golden skin gleaming in all his natural glory, grinned his sexy grin. “Have you missed me, my sweet? Do you ache for me again?”

He moved before her, so close his warm breath fanned her cheek. “Here, allow me.”

She let his hands replace hers on her breasts. His palms cupped and squeezed her, while his fingers teased her taut nipples through the lace. A moan worked its way from her throat. His hot mouth covered the lace. He suckled her long and hard, the pleasure so intense she bit her lip to keep from crying out.

The ache between her thighs had become almost unbearable. She gasped as he pressed her to the wall, then wedged his knee between her legs, urging her to straddle him. He claimed her mouth, his tongue hot against hers, his hands coaching her hips to ride him, sending more pleasure burning through her.

Once she’d caught her rhythm he continued to kiss her, while rolling her nipples between his fingers, pushing her to a faster and faster pace.

“Yes,” she murmured as the tension peaked inside her. “Yes, yes, yeeesss…”

Sabrina slumped against the dressing room wall. These fantasies were getting more intense. She needed to make love with Noah. She peered again into the mirror. She didn’t look so innocent now wearing her sexy lingerie and flushed cheeks. Doubt assailed her. She may not look innocent, but she was. She’d never measure up to Noah’s more experienced partners.

Setting aside her misgivings, she put on the plum-colored dress, then turned to the mirror. “Oh.” She stared in wonder.

If possible, the dress proved more provocative than her lacy underwear. The fabric floated over her, skimming her curves and drifting in a silky sheen over her thighs. The scooping neckline exposed cleavage nonexistent without the demi-bra. As she slowly turned, confidence blossomed in her.

In this dress, Sabrina was all woman.

“Sabrina?” Bess called, then knocked on the door. “How’s it going? I’m dying to see…”

Sabrina swung the door open, smiling at her friend’s slack jaw. She stepped out and moved toward a three-sided mirror.

“Oh my.” Bess stood beside her. “Sexy definitely works on you.” She rubbed the satiny fabric between her fingers. “Did they have one of these in my size?”

Laughter bubbled from Sabrina’s throat. “I don’t even feel like me. I feel so…so exhilarated!” She spread her arms and spun. When she stopped, she grinned at her reflection. Her eyes sparkled and pink flushed her cheeks. “I almost feel like I could do anything in this dress.”

“Like win the heart of a dedicated playboy? I know that look of yours, Sabrina—”

“Stop.” Sabrina held up her hand. “I refuse to listen to any dire warnings.” She caught Bess’s eye in the mirror. “I’m a big girl. I’m tired of waiting for my life to happen.” She squared her shoulders and turned her gaze back to her own reflection. “It’s time I made my life happen.”

“Honey, believe me. With that dress, things are going to happen. The question is, are you really ready? And can you do this without being emotionally involved?”

Sabrina stilled. The thrill of those few moments with Noah had sustained her for days. If she closed her eyes, she could see the appreciation in his dark gaze, feel her heart race and her soul lift with an instant recognition. It was as though meeting him had jolted her into awareness.

“He’s The One, Bess.” She let the quiet statement settle over them, then she turned with a smile. “You know, with the weather heating up I could use a new swimsuit and a sundress or two. So, let’s see what else we can find. I think we’re onto something here.”

THE SUN FILTERED through the garden window of Sabrina’s compact kitchen, showering light on her assortment of begonias and miniature roses. A curl of steam drifted up from her big coffee cup. She glanced up and frowned at the date on her kitchen calendar. Friday the thirteenth, her big day. She lifted her mug in salute. “Happy birthday to me.”

Ignoring a vague sense of impending doom, she focused on the night to come. The wall phone rang beside her. She swallowed the hot brew and lifted the receiver. “Morning, Mom.”

“Happy birthday, darling. You aren’t moping about, are you?” Gabriella Walker’s voice held its usual note of censure.

“Actually, no. I was just toasting the grand occasion.”

“Sabrina, it’s nine in the morning. Surely you’re not drinking?”

“Just coffee.”


Sabrina grimaced. “No.”

“That caffeine will age you, dear, mark my word. You’re such a beauty now. And young. Oh, to be young again. To have your figure, your skin. I’d take good care if I were you, I would. Unfortunately, men notice the package first, you know.” In spite of her nagging, warmth laced Gabriella’s words.

“You’re still a beauty, Mom. I know Dad thinks so. You’ll always be his Buttercup.”

A short silence stretched across the line.


Her mother cleared her throat. “Yes, dear. Our other line is beeping in. I’ll have your father call later. You enjoy the day. Close that shop of yours. Take some time off. I love you, Sabrina, my girl.” Her voice trembled with emotion.

“I love you, too. Is everything all right?”

“Fine.” She sniffled. Though her mother was all the way in West Palm Beach, Florida, Sabrina could almost see the tears in her eyes. “Gotta go. We’ll see you next week.”

Sabrina hung up and stared at the phone. Her mother had been practically sobbing. Sabrina shook her head. It was just like Gabriella to get all choked up over Sabrina’s birthday.

She rinsed her cup, then grabbed her purse. Well, it was a special day. A smile tilted her lips. And tonight…tonight would be a night to remember.

ARE YOU REALLY READY? By late Friday afternoon, Sabrina had had plenty of time to mull over Bess’s words. She pinched some brown leaves from a fern hanging by her bathroom window. Earth tones accented the pedestal sink and spacious garden tub that had sold her on this apartment.

She’d pamper herself, taking time to get ready. As she soaked in a lavender-scented bath, she closed her eyes. Her fantasy Noah came to her, his eyes glowing with desire.

“Ah, Sabrina, you mustn’t keep me away so long.” He stripped off his shirt, then knelt beside her. The muscles of his torso rippled as he leaned toward her. “Mmmm…” While nuzzling the tender spot behind her ear, he ran his fingertips along her collarbone. “Your sweet scent drives me wild.”

His palm slid down to cup her breast. Her heart sped in anticipation as he lowered his head. He ran the pointed tip of his tongue over her nipple, then covered it with his mouth and suckled her long and hard. She moaned as the sensation swept through her, igniting that intimate ache between her thighs.

As he moved to lave her other breast, he swept his hand down into the scented water, over the trembling curve of her stomach. She raised her hips and parted her thighs as his strong fingers sifted through her thatch of curls, to the hidden folds of her femininity.

Her blood pounded in her ears. Heat engulfed her. “Noah!”

The pealing of the phone brought her upright with a start. Water sloshed over the tub’s edge. Grumbling, she stepped from the bath, then wrapped herself in a fluffy white towel.

She grabbed the antique phone beside her bed on its third ring. “Hello?”

“Sabrina?” Noah’s unmistakable baritone sent goose-flesh skittering up her arms.

“Noah. Hello.” She stopped, frowning. He was supposed to pick her up in less than an hour. Why was he calling?

“Hey. I wanted to let you know I’m running a little late.”

“Oh.” Relief swept over her. He wasn’t canceling their date. “No problem.” Heat rose in her cheeks as she glanced at her towel-clad figure. She’d spent too much time in the tub. “Take as long as you need. I’m not quite ready myself.”

After confirming the directions to her apartment, she hung up, then raced to get ready. A little over an hour later, she touched up the lipstick that was shades darker than her usual hue. An unprecedented boldness filled her as she stood before her full-length mirror.

Cliff and Mona were out of town and no one else knew of this special day. Other than that call from her mother, and a subsequent one from her father, Sabrina’s birthday had gone unremarked. But rather than wallow in her earlier depression, she savored the coming night.

No doubt, Noah thought of their evening together as a simple dinner date, but to her it was much more. Whether they parted tonight with a chaste kiss or progressed to greater intimacy, one thing was certain. She’d enjoy a birthday gift of her own—the gift of pretend.

Tonight she’d dine with her dream lover.

The doorbell chimed. Sabrina’s heart skipped a beat. She spritzed on perfume, a unique floral blend, then sauntered to the door. Noah stood on the other side, devastating in pleated slacks, a collarless shirt and sports coat. She dragged her gaze up his length, marveling that he’d actually come for her.

“Hello,” she said. Her fingers itched to trace the firm contour of his jaw, to see if it felt as smooth as it looked. Her gaze stopped to admire his mouth, with that little indent in the middle of his full bottom lip. Would his kisses be as thrilling as she’d imagined?

“You’re wearing that?”

Her gaze flew to his. His eyes shone, dark and piercing as before, but without a trace of the approval she’d expected. He almost looked angry.

She gestured for him to enter. “You don’t like my dress?”

He stood unmoving for a moment, his jaw squared, his gaze fastened to her chest. Self-conscious, she glanced down at the cleavage she’d been so happy to discover. Was he disappointed?

“You’ll freeze. It’s going to be cool tonight.” He moved past her into her apartment, bringing in his woodsy scent. “The restaurant is likely to be cold, too. You’d better cover up.”

She stared at his back. This was Noah, the lady-killer? He was supposed to drool over her and her new bustline. “Don’t be silly. It’s almost eighty degrees outside. I’ll be fine.”

With his hands crammed into his pockets, he turned toward her. “You’re ready, then? We have reservations.”

“Let me just get my purse.” Frowning, she turned from him. The man could use a refresher course in finesse. She raised her chin, resolved to have a good time, in spite of him. Certainly, his smooth manners didn’t keep the women coming back for more.

She smiled. Could it be, he made up for it in bed?

THE MURMUR of conversations surrounded them as waiters moved efficiently between white-topped tables. Noah gripped his glass of scotch and stared at the painted brick wall that noted the restaurant’s noble conversion from a pre-Civil War warehouse. A wall sconce flickered above them, casting odd shadows across the rough surface.

Frustration swelled in him. He glanced around the room. Was it his imagination, or was every man staring at Sabrina? Stephen, their waiter, approached and Noah could have sworn the guy checked out Sabrina’s breasts. Why hadn’t she covered up, like he’d suggested? Not a single man in the restaurant had missed her entrance.

She shone tonight, turning heads wherever they went.

Stephen leaned toward her. “I suggest the blush, a fine wine for a fine lady.”

Noah gripped a butter knife. Was the man flirting with her?

Her musical laughter filled the air. Her fingertips grazed the waiter’s arm. “Well, I trust your judgment. The blush it will be.”

Stephen left and she cast a sideways glance at Noah. His gut tightened. Why was it her every gesture exacted a response in him? He hadn’t forgotten their first brief meeting. All week, she’d filled his thoughts. And his fantasies.

Sabrina scooted her chair forward and her breasts moved in sync. He suppressed a moan. She had no right sounding and looking the way she did.

She’s a virgin.

He’d repeated those words to himself when she’d greeted him in that dress and his throat had gone dry. He’d silently said them again when he’d helped her into his car and her fresh flowery scent made him dizzy with need. Then, he’d recited the reminder as he escorted her to her seat.

Regardless, his hand had found the small of her back and the warmth of her skin through the thin dress. She’d moved against him in an inviting way, her hip brushing his. His pulse had kicked up a notch and he’d wordlessly chanted his mantra.

She’s a virgin.

“Do you like working with Cliff?” She took a sip of water, then used her napkin to blot a stray droplet from her chest.

Noah forced his gaze away. “It’s great.” Still holding the knife, he drew circles on the linen tablecloth with its end.

She’s a virgin.

“Oh. So, do you like being back in Atlanta?”

“It’s fine.”

“You miss Denver, then?”

“Not really.”

“Well, I should warn you, this has been an unusually pleasant spring. For the last couple of years, the pollen seems to have gotten much heavier. I keep inside for days when the pines are in bloom.”

He nodded and slipped the butter knife back onto his bread plate. Stephen approached with her glass of wine. Without so much as a glance in Noah’s direction, he set the glass before her. He straightened, remaining beside her chair as she took a tentative sip.

“Mmmm, yes, that’s perfect.” The pink tip of her tongue darted across her lips.

Stephen leaned closer to her. “And for dinner, may I suggest the roasted duck? It bastes in its own juices, until it’s tender and moist. It is most succulent.”

Blood roared in Noah’s ears. Was he hearing things, or had the man drawn out the word in a disgusting way? He hovered over Sabrina, and it seemed that he was practically drooling on her. Noah tensed.

She wrinkled her nose. Even that gesture didn’t distract from her beauty. She had to be the sexiest woman he’d ever come up against. “I don’t know,” she said. “I got sick the last time I ate duck.”

The waiter pursed his lips. “Perhaps the prime rib?” To Noah’s ears, the waiter’s voice grew husky. “How would you like a great piece of meat?”

“That’s it!” Noah sprang to his feet, flattening his hands on the table. “Just back off! She’s a vir…go.”

The Last Virgin

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