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THE TRAFFIC LIGHT turned yellow and Kamira gunned the car through the intersection. She turned to Lauren. “You’re so quiet. Sure you’re up to this?”

Lauren nodded absently. “I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep well.”

Truth was, she was feeling a little stunned. Once she’d dropped the flyers at the post office and her mind had slowed long enough to comprehend exactly what had happened earlier in her kitchen, a sense of disbelief had taken over her.

Last night, seducing Adam had seemed like the right thing to do. Now, just the memory of his heated kiss aroused her to distraction. What had she done? He wanted a wife and kids. If she gave in to this budding attraction, how would she encourage him to walk a different path with her?

Yet, now that they’d crossed that line, could they go back? The memory of his tongue stroking hers, the heat of his body warming her and his fingers taunting her nipples to hardness, rolled over her. Would his friendship ever be enough now that they’d experienced this new passion between them?

She just couldn’t think about it right now. She had to keep busy, and helping at the clinic wouldn’t involve any brain work. She’d figure out what to do about Adam later. Shifting, she adjusted the weight of her book bag in her lap, all too aware of the cookbook resting inside.

Don’t forget that cookbook.

Kamira cast her a sideways glance. “So, heard anything more from this secret admirer of yours?”

“Um, I did get another gift.”

“You did?” Her housemate’s eyes rounded. “What was it this time?”

Lauren hesitated a moment, then withdrew the cookbook and held it up. “It came in yesterday’s mail.”

Kamira’s jaw dropped as she scanned the title. “It came to the house?”

“The office.”

“So whoever sent it knows both addresses.”

“It wouldn’t be hard to figure out. I leave my business card everywhere I can.”

“So?” Kamira’s eyes took on an expectant gleam.

“So what?”

“So what does Adam say about it?”

“Well, first he said that whoever sent the flowers was ultimately after an intimate relationship.”

Kamira shrugged as she slowed for a light. “That’s a reasonable assumption. Kind of like what he said he was looking for the other night.”

And you think I’ve never thought of you in that way? His surprising words drifted back over Lauren.

“Yes, it sort of seems that way, doesn’t it?”

“You think I’m right? He’s your secret admirer?”

Lauren’s cheeks warmed. After that kiss, how could she doubt it? Adam wanted her. She couldn’t hold back the smile that curved her lips.

“Well, he does seem a likely suspect,” she said.

“What? Did something happen between you two?”

Lauren’s smile widened. As uncertain as she was about the direction she and Adam were headed, she couldn’t hold back the wave of joy that filled her at that moment. “He dropped by this morning and we…kind of started something.”

“Oh my God!” Kamira’s wide grin matched hers. “I’m so excited. So, you guys kissed?”

“Oh boy, did we.”

Kamira gave a delighted shout. “I knew it! You’ve got to give me that.”

She held up her hand and Lauren laughed as she slapped her five.

“So, now what?” Kamira asked. The light changed. Sidewalks and various businesses swept by.

Lauren’s joy waned. “Hell if I know.”

“Aw, hon, are you worried about his whole settling-down thing?”

Groaning, Lauren covered her face with her hands. “I can’t even think about it without my stomach tying up in knots. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

“You’ve got to play this out. This is Adam. If you walk away now, you’ll always wonder what might have happened.”

“But a wife and kids?”

Kamira waved her hand. “You know how he is. He was probably just talking off the top of his head again. You haven’t had much time for him lately. He’s just restless, needing attention. He wants something new, and if the two of you getting together isn’t new and exciting, I don’t know what is. Even I’m excited!”

Lauren heaved a sigh. Maybe Kamira was right. Maybe Adam would be distracted enough by their new adventures that he’d forget his resolve to marry and start a family.

She forced a smile. Like Scarlett O’Hara, she wouldn’t think about that right now. She’d go crazy if she did. “I can’t wait to see what kind of progress you’ve made at the clinic. It’s hard to believe you’re ready to paint and wallpaper.”

“You paint. I’ll do the wallpaper. You’ll be forever matching every flower.”

“Don’t worry. I’m perfectly happy on paint duty. There’s something numbing about manual labor.”

Kamira pulled into the clinic parking lot, then turned to her. “Now, no fretting. It’s all going to work out. You’ll see.”

Lauren sighed. “I just hope you’re right and he forgets this whole wife-and-baby scheme.”

“Babies. As I recall, he wants a passel of them.” Kamira’s eyes gleamed.

“Thank you. That’s helpful.”


“Let’s just go paint. I’m not talking about this anymore.”

A beat-up truck pulled in beside them. Mark Patterson, the landlord’s son, emerged from the vehicle as they exited theirs.

“Good morning, ladies.” He offered them a sweeping bow, along with his dazzling smile.

Lauren couldn’t help but grin. Seeing him induced memories of Rusty. Her brother exuded the same youthful charm. It had certainly saved him from numerous scrapes that had aged her more than she cared to admit. She did miss him, though.

She shook her head and focused on Mark. His dark skin and hair contrasted with the bright blue of his eyes. Kamira was right. If he was a few years older, he’d be very appealing. As it was, he surely drove all the college girls to distraction.

“Marco, my love, you came to aid a couple of helpless damsels.” Kamira clapped her hand on his shoulder.

His gaze swept over them as they headed up the clinic’s front walk. “Neither of you is the helpless type. I’m here to install the new light in the hall, but I can swing a paintbrush, too, if needed.”

“We might take you up on that.” Kamira pulled out her keys to unlock the door.

Half an hour later, Lauren stared at a spatter of blue on the drop cloth below her. Seemed she was getting more paint on the floor than on the wall. Getting Adam off her mind had proven impossible.

“Need some help?” Mark peered through the door.

She twisted around on her ladder. “Oh, I think I can manage. Thanks.”

He moved into the room. “You looked like you were a hundred miles away.”

“I’ve had a lot on my mind lately.”

“Guy trouble?”

She smiled at him. He was really a nice kid. “What are you doing slaving here on a Saturday? I’m sure you’ve better things to do.”

“Can’t think of anyplace I’d rather be.”

“You are a charmer,” she said, shaking her roller toward him.

“A babe like you should be used to it. You must have tons of guys after you.”

She snorted her amusement. “That’s a good one.”

“Come on, bet you have them lined up.”

She pursed her lips.

“Fess up. How many?”

“That’s confidential, and I hardly think you’d find it interesting.”

“At least one, then. One in serious pursuit.”

With an exaggerated sigh, she ran her roller through the paint tray. “Could be.”

“I see, and you aren’t certain if you return his affections?”

“Let’s just say I’m not sure I need this kind of complication right now.”

“Want some advice?”

She smiled indulgently. Who knew? Maybe this young man could offer some insight. “Okay. What’s your advice?”

“Believe in the secrets of the heart.”

For a moment, she stared at him, then she laughed. “You’re one of those hopeless romantics, right?”


“And is there a lucky young lady in your life?”

His gaze warmed. “There’s someone.”

“Well, she’s very fortunate. Guys like you are way too rare.”

Kamira stopped in the doorway. “Mark, could I borrow you for a minute? I need an extra pair of hands.”

“Sure.” He turned to Lauren. “Don’t forget what I said. Give love a chance.”

She smiled as he left. The memory of kissing Adam that morning flowed over her again. Love or not, something was happening between them.

“Yes.” She glided the roller over the wall. “Whatever it is, I’ll definitely give it a chance.”

ANTICIPATION ROLLED OVER Lauren late that afternoon. A day of painting had done her good, but now she had to hurry. Adam would be by any moment to pick her up.

She frowned as she stood in one of the clinic’s bathrooms and scrubbed a stubborn spot of blue from the back of her hand. Sounds filtered through the open doorway—a deejay from 99X cracked a joke, while Kamira rustled around in a room down the hall and Mark kept up a rhythmic hammering from somewhere in the original section.

For the first time ever, Lauren felt the need to primp for Adam. Looking like a manual laborer tonight didn’t fit her plans. She moved to another speckling of paint on her other hand.

She stood firm in her decision. She couldn’t forget that kiss. And if his response had been any indication, he wouldn’t be able to, either. If he still wanted to pursue their new course, she was certainly willing.

“Hey, sunshine, ready to go?” Adam’s neat baritone sounded near her ear.

She started, her heart racing. “You shouldn’t sneak up on a person like that.”

He bumped up against her back, pressing her to the sink. Her heart quickened as his body spooned hers, his arms wrapping around her. Nerve endings she hadn’t known she possessed jumped to attention.

“Sorry,” he said. “I was just anxious to see you. I’ve been thinking about you all day. Here, let me do this.”

With gentle movements he removed the rest of the paint dabs. She leaned into him, aware of the brush of his cheek against hers, the muscles of his chest at her back and his hard thighs bracing her. His scent surrounded her, while his breath stirred her hair. Was it because he’d always been forbidden fruit that this simple act of cleaning her hands sent heat ripping through her?

When the last speck of paint had disappeared under his ministrations, he set aside the washcloth. “Did this morning really happen, or did I hallucinate that little episode in your kitchen?”

She turned to face him, feeling the boldness she’d previously experienced only in the boardroom blossom inside her. She’d certainly never felt this brave with Todd, or anyone before him. But this was Adam. And though butterflies stormed her stomach, she somehow still felt comfortable with him.

Tempting Adam

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