Читать книгу The Last Virgin - Dorie Graham, Dorie Graham - Страница 11



SABRINA SMILED. Relief rolled over her. Her own boldness amazed her, but she’d never yearned for anything more. Noah had instilled a great hunger in her, making her body ache with need. She took him by the hand. “Then come to bed.”

He made no protest as he followed her to her bedroom, stopping her only when they reached the big four-poster. After pulling back the covers, he turned to her, then brought his lips down again on hers. He reclaimed her mouth with the steady thrust of his tongue, kissing her while he lowered her gently to the mattress. His hands kneaded her breasts, rubbing their erect centers until she moaned with pleasure.

She tugged at his shirt, pulling it from his waistband. He broke away to whip the garment over his head. Sighing, she let her gaze drift over his sculpted torso. Her pulse quickened.

His shoes and slacks joined his shirt on the floor, then he stretched out beside her. With one long finger, he traced the curve of her breast. “You take my breath away.”

Blood pounded in her ears. She’d never been alone with a man like this before, but somehow, with Noah she felt safe. Excitement filled her. She trailed her fingers over his hard chest, toying with his male nipple. To her delight, he made a low guttural sound of pleasure.

“Tell me what to do,” she said.

“Let me taste you.” He lowered his head. The pointed tip of his tongue flicked across her nipple.

She nearly came up off the bed. Heat shot through her, settling in the apex of her thighs. He laughed lightly, then drew her into his mouth. He suckled her for what seemed an eternity, moving from one breast to the other.

Delicious sensations shimmered through her. Each pull of his mouth brought a new wave of pleasure. To her shock, her hips undulated in carnal rhythm. Sounds she’d never made before strained from her throat.

He blew on her erect nipple. It glistened with his loving. As his hand slipped low over her belly, her body jerked. He stopped, his palm warm and firm against her skin. “You okay?”

She nodded. She was more than okay. Every cell of her being vibrated with renewed life. “I think it was just a reflex. No one’s ever touched me there.”

His eyes darkened. He spread his fingers wide, covering the scrap of black lace. “I want to touch you everywhere.”

Again, she could only nod.

He stroked her from collar to hip, tracing every curve, until his fingers brushed over her panties. He touched her through the lace, cupping her and pressing his fingertips into the sensitive juncture of her legs. A look of pure pleasure washed over him. “You’re so wet.”

Her cheeks heated. She swallowed. “Yes, I’d say I’m good and ready.” She glanced down at his bulging briefs. She trembled in anticipation. “And you?”

“We shouldn’t rush a good thing.”

“Oh, but I feel so…needy.”

His lips curved into that sexy grin. “Let’s get you out of these and see what we can do about that.” In one motion he slipped her panties from her hips, down her legs, then onto the pile of clothing on the floor.

“Here, is this better?” He sifted his fingers through her thatch of curls to the folds of her femininity. With deft movements, he found that part of her that ached to be touched.

“Ohh…yes.” She clung to him while he worked his magic, circling her pleasure point until she moaned and her hips again moved in erotic cadence.

He kissed her, his mouth trailing over her neck, her collarbone, then again across her breasts. The steady pull of his mouth paired with the pressure of his fingers drove her to the edge. The exquisite tension crescendoed. She dug her fingers into his shoulders and rocked against him. With a startled cry she came, rocketing to the heavens with an intensity that left her gasping for breath.

The Last Virgin

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