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I would like to thank everyone who assisted in any way with providing me the little details, all of which eventually helped to put this story together, but especially: Lynn Weimer for her medical expertise; Karen and Amy Stickel, and Ann Mclnnis, my first readers, for their valuable comments; Kathy Stinson and Lyn Hamilton, past Edna Staebler Writers-in-Residence at the Kitchener Public Library, for their helpful feedback on early drafts of parts of this book; and the lovely, dedicated, and talented women of the Kitchener Public Library Writers’ Collective — Susan V. Barclay, Sharon Blomfield, Kimberlee Feick Lowry, Paula Kienapple-Summers, Tracie Klaehn, and Jennifer Ross, for their thoughtful insight, criticism, suggestions, and encouragement. I couldn’t have done it without you.

I would also like to thank Michael Carroll, editorial director at Dundurn Press, for giving me this most remarkable opportunity; my sons, David, Michael, and Benjamin Etienne, for their continuous enthusiasm; and my husband, James Etienne, for his ongoing support and encouragement to live my dreams.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

— Matthew 7:7, New King

James Version

The Jewels of Sofia Tate

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