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Daniel Morgan startled into wakefulness.

But around him quiet reigned in the garden’s somnambulant midafternoon sunshine—as it should with the children in school, Janie and Tom at work, and the old woman in the house probably watching afternoon soaps.

Yet he’d felt someone touch him, brush warm fingers across his chest.

Dreaming again.

Idly, he listened to the breeze rustling quietly through the foliage and watched an insect investigate the heart of a nearby blossom.

Thoughts drifting to other times, other places, he sank again into lethargy…and slept.

If you can’t trust your sweet, old grandmother, who can you trust?

Running the tip of her finger over a silver petal on the earring she held, Ellie frowned. She trusted Grammie. Sure she did.

Most of the time.

The pair of earrings looked ordinary enough. Flower shaped, with a slight dangle from a French hook and attached to an ordinary flat plastic backing stamped, Plumeria, the Flower of Hawaii and Sterling Silver. The backing nestled on ordinary cotton batting in a small ordinary white cardboard box with Made especially for you by Ohana embossed on the lid. Shops used this kind of box by the thousands.

Grammie’s gift was perfectly…well, ordinary. A nice pair of unpretentious earrings, not terribly expensive, their shape the only exotic thing about them.


Looking up, Ellie found the flight attendant standing beside her admiring the earrings.

“Thanks. They’re a gift from my grandmother,” Ellie told her. And that was an ordinary comment—if one didn’t know her grandmother.

She shivered.

“They’re very pretty. Is this your first trip to the islands?” the woman asked casually, pouring the soda Ellie requested.

“Yes. I’m going for a medical convention, but my brother is a marine stationed there so I’m visiting him, too.”

Inwardly, Ellie grimaced, knowing she’d given the flight attendant far more information than the polite question warranted. She wasn’t usually this chatty, but for some reason she was nervous. The earrings, probably.

“I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time,” the woman replied, and passed on to the next passenger.

I certainly hope so. Ellie’s dubious gaze dropped again to the silver flower in her hand.

Did Grammie really buy these earrings?

The Simms family had a good-natured saying among themselves: Never trust one of Grammie’s little gifts if she didn’t buy it.

Their grandmother, descended from an Iq’nata shaman, had a stash of seemingly ordinary personal items that, if she decided to give one of them to you, had a way of bringing about all sorts of extraordinary events.

Not bad events, just strange ones.

Over the years the family had learned to politely refuse any items for which Gram hadn’t paid cold, hard cash. Grammie never took it personally. She just laughed, told them they had no sense of adventure and pulled out something obviously store-bought as their gift instead.

Right before leaving to catch her flight, Ellie had declined Grammie’s first “little something for your trip, dear”—a lei of pretty speckled shells her grandmother said she’d found on the beach when she traveled to Hawaii several years before.


When Ellie shook her head decisively, Gram smiled, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Just teasing, darling. But here’s something I know you’ll want,” and she gave Ellie the box containing the earrings. “I searched the shops for days before I discovered them in a little out-of-the-way place outside of Honolulu.”

At Ellie’s narrow-eyed look, the older woman lifted an eyebrow. “Don’t be so suspicious, Ellie. It’s a bad habit of yours.” Tilting the box so the light gleamed off the silver flowers, Gram smiled. “Aren’t they pretty? They’ll look perfect with your sarong.”

“I don’t have a sarong,” Ellie replied.

But she accepted the earrings. They were pretty. So…islandish.

Now, rehooking the earring to the plastic backing, she returned the set to the box and dropped it into her purse, dismissing her suspicions.

Not until she’d maneuvered her way to the exit with the rest of the disembarking passengers did Ellie remember another Simms family saying….

The Great Ones have a weird sense of humor.

Moonlight Magic

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