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“I apologize for that appalling scene, your lordship, but I could think of no other way to oblige you to dance with me!”


At her unexpected words, Wyvern’s heart hammered almost to a stop, causing him to miss his step and necessitating the nearest couple to swing hurriedly out of harm’s way.

Stifling his exasperation, the earl corrected his error and guided Jessica to a less populated area of the floor, whilst racking his brains to conjure up some non-committal remark.

“I had not noticed that you were suffering from a dearth of dancing partners, Miss Beresford,” he managed eventually.

“I cannot imagine how you would know that!” she flung back at him. “You only turn up when it suits you to do so!”

When he did not immediately respond, Jessica’s indignation increased. “Do you dislike me so much that you cannot even bring yourself to converse with me, sir?” she challenged him.

“I do not dislike you, Miss Beresford,” he replied heavily as, doing his utmost to ignore the tantalizing feel of her soft, warm body beneath his fingers, he strove desperately to focus his attention on the maneuvers of the dance.

An Unconventional Miss


An Unconventional Miss

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