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Editorial Reviewers

John O. Burgess, DDS, MS

John M. Powers, PhD

Richard Price, BDS, DDS, MS, PhD

Susana B. Paoloski, DDS

Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD, Dr med dent habil

Scientific Reviewers and Contributors

Irfan Ahmad, BDS

Maciej Zarow, DDS, PhD

Norman Hicks

Clinical and Laboratory Contributors

Abdelrahman Awadin, BDS

August Bruguera, CDT

Victor Castro, CDT

Ruhani Cheema, BDS, MDS, MS

Jungo Endo, RDT

Manish Garala, BDS, MS

Kim S. Gee, DDS, MS

Gamid Nasuev, DDS, PhD

Wesam Salha, DDS, MSD

Alex H. Schuerger, CDT

Ritu Sharma, BDS, MDS

Riccardo Tonini, MD, DDS

Olivier Tric, MDT

Islam S. Zakzouk, BDS

Truth is expressed in different languages around the world.

The Pursuit of the Truth

“What is truth” is a question that has been asked by philosophers, scientists, and religious prophets for centuries.

Truth can be defined as that which conforms to facts, reality, and actuality. But this definition has a broad latitude of interpretation and application. If we say truth can be relative or absolute, this may differentiate and lead to a better understanding and application. Relative truth conforms to logic and reality and can be interpreted differently by every person based upon their culture, religion, and life experiences. However, absolute truth requires each of us to search and discover something greater than ourselves.

God is the true essence of being and the absolute truth. The Bible describes the ultimate expression of truth in John 14:6: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

Restoring the Intraradicular Space

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