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More About the t Test


We noted in Section 2.3.2 that the t statistic


could be used for testing for significance of regression. However, note that on squaring both sides of Eq. (2.37), we obtain


Thus, in Eq. (2.38) is identical to F0 of the analysis-of-variance approach in Eq. (2.36). For example; in the rocket propellant example t0 = −12.5, so . In general, the square of a t random variable with f degrees of freedom is an F random variable with one and f degrees of freedom in the numerator and denominator, respectively. Although the t test for H0: β1 = 0 is equivalent to the F test in simple linear regression, the t test is somewhat more adaptable, as it could be used for one-sided alternative hypotheses (either H1: β1 < 0 or H1: β1 > 0), while the F test considers only the two-sided alternative. Regression computer programs routinely produce both the analysis of variance in Table 2.4 and the t statistic. Refer to the Minitab output in Table 2.3.

TABLE 2.5 Analysis-of-Variance Table for the Rocket Propellant Regression Model

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F 0 P value
Regression 1,527,334.95 1 1,527,334.95 165.21 1.66 × 10−10
Residual 166,402.65 18 9,244.59
Total 1,693,737.60 19

The real usefulness of the analysis of variance is in multiple regression models. We discuss multiple regression in the next chapter.

Finally, remember that deciding that β1 = 0 is a very important conclusion that is only aided by the t or F test. The inability to show that the slope is not statistically different from zero may not necessarily mean that y and x are unrelated. It may mean that our ability to detect this relationship has been obscured by the variance of the measurement process or that the range of values of x is inappropriate. A great deal of nonstatistical evidence and knowledge of the subject matter in the field is required to conclude that β1 = 0.

Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis

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