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Example 2.8 The Shelf-Stocking Data


The time required for a merchandiser to stock a grocery store shelf with a soft drink product as well as the number of cases of product stocked is shown in Table 2.10. The scatter diagram shown in Figure 2.14 suggests that a straight line passing through the origin could be used to express the relationship between time and the number of cases stocked. Furthermore, since if the number of cases x = 0, then shelf stocking time y = 0, this model seems intuitively reasonable. Note also that the range of x is close to the origin.

The slope in the no-intercept model is computed from Eq. (2.50) as

Therefore, the fitted equation is

This regression line is shown in Figure 2.15. The residual mean square for this model is MSRes = 0.0893 and . Furthermore, the t statistic for testing H0: β1 = 0 is t0 = 91.13, for which the P value is 8.02 × 10−21. These summary statistics do not reveal any startling inadequacy in the no-intercept model.

We may also fit the intercept model to the data for comparative purposes. This results in

The t statistic for testing H0: β0 = 0 is t0 = −0.65, which is not significant, implying that the no-intercept model may provide a superior fit. The residual mean square for the intercept model is MSRes = 0.0931 and R2 = 0.9997. Since MSRes for the no-intercept model is smaller than MSRes for the intercept model, we conclude that the no-intercept model is superior. As noted previously, the R2 statistics are not directly comparable.

TABLE 2.10 Shelf-Stocking Data for Example 2.8

Times, y (minutes) Cases Stocked, x
10.15 25
2.96 6
3.00 8
6.88 17
0.28 2
5.06 13
9.14 23
11.86 30
11.69 28
6.04 14
7.57 19
1.74 4
9.38 24
0.16 1
1.84 5

Figure 2.14 Scatter diagram of shelf-stocking data.

Figure 2.15 The confidence and prediction bands for the shelf-stocing data.

Figure 2.15 also shows the 95% confidence interval or E(y|x0) computed from Eq. (2.54) and the 95% prediction interval on a single future observation y0 at x = x0 computed from Eq. (2.55). Notice that the length of the confidence interval at x0 = 0 is zero.

SAS handles the no-intercept case. For this situation, the model statement follows:

model time = cases/noint

Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis

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