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1. Richard Doyle, The Tournament, or The Days of Chivalry Revived, 1840, p. 2

2. Richard Doyle, The Christening Procession of Prince Taffy, 1842, p. 1

3. Richard Doyle, “Celestial Guards,” from The Brother to the Moon’s Visit to the Court of Queen Vic, 1842

4. Richard Doyle, page from Illustrated Manuscript of the Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane, ca. 1840

5. Henry Doyle, ALS, March 12, 1842

6. Paul Falconer Poole, Solomon Eagle Exhorting the People to Repentance, during the Plague of the Year 1665, 1843

7. Richard Doyle, illustration for Charles Dickens, The Chimes, 1845

8. Henry Doyle, ALS, Sunday, June 25, 1843


1. Letter no. 8, p. 1

2. Letter no. 8, p. 2

3. Letter no. 28, p. 1

4. Letter no. 34, p. 1

5. Letter no. 34, p. 2

6. Letter no. 34, p. 3

7. Letter no. 52, p. 1

8. Letter no. 52, p. 2

9. Letter no. 52, p. 3

10. Letter no. 53, p. 1

11. Front page of 1850 Royal Academy exhibition catalogue with Richard Doyle’s drawings, recto

12. Front page of 1850 Royal Academy exhibition catalogue with Richard Doyle’s drawings, verso

13. “The Progress of Punch,” Punch 8, no. 182 (January 1845): 13

14. Henry Doyle, ALS, “Sunday August the something,” p. 3

15. Henry Doyle, ALS, “Sunday August the something,” p. 4

The Illustrated Letters of Richard Doyle to His Father, 1842–1843

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