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Dr. Bonnie Libhart

Copyright 2010, Revised 2011 Dr. Bonnie Libhart,

All rights reserved.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0182-9

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.



During her days as a talk show host in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Bonnie Libhart became the first woman ever to obtain a press pass to the pits of the Indianapolis 500. But just as the race began, the Indy pace car went out of control, skidding through the crew area. It toppled the press box, dumping she and her husband Tony and the other reporters and cameramen onto its hood in a splintering, head-cracking crash...

Bonnie's panic built as the emergency medical helicopter carried Tony in the direction of the hospital. Her eyes lifted heavenward as the whop, whop, whop of the helicopter's rotor blades carried him away.

His body would mend slowly over the next few months. But the damage they had done to each other in their race for happiness and security would have a longer lasting effect. It would nearly destroy their marriage.

When there seemed no hope left for them, Bonnie turned her eyes heavenward again. And this time it was to a source of help and healing more powerful than the surgeon's skillful hands. Her eyes looked to God...


I'd like to offer my thanks and appreciation to the following people for their help in editing, advising, typing, and the other various chores it took to get A Survivor’s Secret into your hands:

Sharon Mayhugh

Harry and Sharon Senn

Dr. Loyal could of Baylor University

Kay King

Betty Snyder

Kay Miller

Jeff Hensley

Rocky & Don Pettit

Summer Danielson

Sandra Fitzgerald-Pickens

And especially to my husband Tony and our children Emily Dawn, Deana, and Anthony.

Bonnie Taylor-Libhart

Huntsville, Alabama


Lyrics from the song "Would You?"

by Grace Hawthorne and Buryl Red

appearing on pp. 90 and 91

© Copyright 1972 by Word Music, Inc.

in Sing and Celebrate II

All Rights Reserved

International Copyright Secured

Used by Permission

Materials quoted from Heart Gifts

by Helen Steiner Rice

are used by permission.

Born-Again Marriage

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