Читать книгу The Wheat Belly 10-Day Detox: The effortless health and weight-loss solution - Dr Davis William - Страница 6



WHAT IF I could provide you with a miraculous pill that caused dramatic weight loss without limiting calories or requiring exercise? What if this pill reduced appetite, shrunk belly fat, dropped your dress size into the single digits, and accomplished all this while sparing you from a Biggest Loser sobfest? What if that same pill freed you from acid reflux, heartburn, bowel urgency, and diarrhea, but also improved mood, increased energy, deepened sleep, and reduced or eliminated joint pain? What if this pill also reversed skin conditions such as seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and dandruff and earned you compliments on the smoothness of your skin? What if chronic sinus congestion, sinus infections, and asthma were brought to a halt and you were freed from the repeated need for antibiotics and inhalers? What if that same little pill, taken every day, reversed serious inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis, while causing your teenage children to put down their cell phones, be respectful, bathe without asking every day, and pick up their own clothes?

Okay, forget the part about teenagers. But what if this single pill could also replace cholesterol drugs, blood pressure drugs, diabetes drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, and acid reflux drugs while reducing cholesterol values, blood sugars, and inflammation—packing the power of dozens of prescription medications into one pill but with none of the side effects? And what if this same powerful pill not only made you feel better than you have in years but also had the potential to achieve a physical makeover that made you look 10, even 20, years younger without Botox, filler injections, or marriage to Kanye West, without unwanted health consequences but still the unmitigated envy at your 20-, 30-, or 40-year high school reunion?

And, unlike a fistful of daily pills costing hundreds of dollars every month, often adding up to more than your grocery bill, this one pill is inexpensive, even yielding cost savings—money you can put toward a new wardrobe.

Does such a miraculous pill exist that accomplishes this entire list of health and weight benefits at virtually no cost?

No, it does not. If someone told you it did, it would be a blatant instance of “too good to be true.” There is certainly no such magical pill among the thousands of prescription drugs available. Prescription weight-loss drugs that yield billions of dollars per year for the drug industry come with a long list of potential side effects, from diarrhea to damaged heart valves, not to mention the return of the weight when you stop taking the drugs. Anti-inflammatory drugs commonly cause bleeding stomach ulcers, fluid retention, hypertension, and weight gain. Cholesterol-reducing drugs increase risk for diabetes, impair memory, and can cause muscle aches and weakness, making it difficult to even get in or out of a car. Drugs for erectile dysfunction can cause blindness, and in my view an unjustifiable dent in the wallet, and bad TV commercials.

A perfect drug to achieve even one of the benefits listed—let alone the entire list—simply does not exist, despite the extraordinary sums spent to promote them. Likewise, nutritional supplements: As much as I adore nutritional supplements for their power to achieve goals in health, there is no single supplement (nor list of supplements) that can achieve this entire list of benefits. Not even close.

But it does exist, not as a pill, but as a change in lifestyle, a simple collection of health strategies that can achieve all the benefits in the above list. Too good to be true? Hardly.

By far the most powerful factor in this lifestyle that gets the entire process started is to eliminate all foods made of wheat and grains—yes, the foods you were told to eat more of, told should dominate all meals from breakfast and lunch to dinner and snacks. The foods you were told to consume many times per day every day, the widest part of the food pyramid, the largest slice of the food plate, the darling of all conventional dietary advice and agribusiness. These are the foods that most weigh you down and ravage your health, worse than the “friend” who booby-traps your every move.

The worst dietary advice ever conceived tells you to reduce fat, eat more “healthy whole grains,” and eat everything in moderation. Following this advice does not make you thinner and does not reverse health conditions, but only causes them or makes them worse. Removing wheat and grains from your life yields such outsized and unexpected health and weight benefits that it seems impossible, until you witness it day after day and experience it yourself.

The Wheat Belly 10-Day Detox is unlike all other detox programs. It does not involve cleansing your body with various juices or a magical concoction of supplements purported to remove body “toxins,” nor is it a timetable of daily enemas that complicate your meeting schedule. It is a detoxification process from the toxic effects of wheat and grains, a detoxification in the truest sense of the term. But it is not just a matter of not eating wheat and grains or of eating “gluten-free” (as critics often perceive it). Once the toxic effects of wheat and grains have been removed, additional steps are necessary to undo the entire range of ill effects accumulated from their consumption.

This 10-day detox distills all the wisdom of the original Wheat Belly books and the lessons learned by the millions of people who have adopted this approach—incorporating the most insightful, cutting-edge, and effective strategies, and sharing them with you so that you can begin your path to weight and health success in a short 10 days. This lightning-fast approach has never been detailed in any previous Wheat Belly book.

I start with an overview of the program, give you specific how-tos on shopping and restocking your kitchen, and provide a detailed 10-Day Menu Plan. I also provide you with additional recipes to create little snack morsels that can be used to subdue cravings that crop up during your detox, as well as “Secret Weapon” recipes to help deal with family misgivings. I will also discuss the nutritional supplements we add to take your health even higher and help you feel even better—probably the best you’ve felt in a good long time. I will also share many of the comments and experiences provided by a courageous group of Wheat Belly 10-Day Detox panelists who blazed the path for you and engaged in the detox to help illustrate what you can expect. They will tell you why they engaged in this program, what they felt along the way, and the results they experienced even within these 10 days. While they reported some pretty impressive results, I believe they will tell you that the process was not all fun and games, but serious results require some serious methods!

You are going to learn that the grain detoxification process begins with enduring a genuine withdrawal syndrome similar to that experienced with stopping any narcotic. We will discuss this in some detail so that you don’t misinterpret its meaning and tell yourself that you must need wheat and grains to avoid such unpleasant effects. I will also discuss how we can smooth over (though not entirely eliminate) the withdrawal process, making it less difficult to endure. The first few days of the grain detoxification process are therefore crucial. Only after getting this process behind you will it be possible to take steps to reverse the organ damage incurred and begin the process of healing.

The science and rationale behind this powerful approach was discussed at length in the original book, Wheat Belly, and its follow-up, Wheat Belly Total Health. This book, Wheat Belly 10-Day Detox, is designed for both newcomers as well as those of you who have strayed from the Wheat Belly lifestyle but wish to make a comeback. If you are among those who strayed—and you reacquired all the health and weight problems that come with resuming wheat and grain consumption—this book will get you back on track as fast and efficiently as possible without bogging you down with another discussion of the science and rationale.

The 10-Day Menu Plan, never before used in any other Wheat Belly book, provides a detailed day-by-day road map to keep you on course—or get you back on course—with plenty of delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes. They are all consistent with the Wheat Belly lifestyle and tasty enough to be served to your family, whether or not they are engaging in this lifestyle with you.

This hard-hitting how-to has only the most essential tools required to get you started and take you from zero to 60 miles per hour and on the road back to slenderness and health with breathtaking speed. Though I’m leaving out most of the science that validates this approach, suffice it to say that wheat and grains impair health in so many ways that most people never even suspect that the high-fiber cereal in their breakfast bowl every morning created the “muffin top” they’re trying to conceal under baggy tops and multilayered one-piece bathing suits, as well as their knee pain, migraines, and asthma. Most people never suspect that the annoying, itchy, embarrassing rash they’ve endured for the past 10 years; the crippling joint pain in their hands that complicates the simplest tasks like brushing teeth or writing a check; the need to run to the toilet for an uninvited loose bowel movement; or the constant struggle with constipation, anxiety, depression, headaches, and sinus congestion can all be due to “healthy whole grain” bread, bran muffins, or licorice (yes, licorice is a grain-containing food). People are shocked to learn that fatty liver and high blood sugars, the infertility of polycystic ovarian syndrome, and the embarrassment of man breasts and erectile dysfunction are not due to moral weakness, lack of discipline, or lack of access to better health care, but are grain induced.

Grains have posed a host of health problems for as long as humans have consumed them. But it became much more obvious when agribusiness genetically altered the favorite of all conventional “healthy foods,” wheat, creating modern 18-inch-tall semi-dwarf strains for increased yield that replaced the 5-foot-tall “amber waves of grain” we all remember. Its destructive health effects were compounded by conventional dietary advice to eat more of it, while food manufacturers put wheat, corn, and other grains into virtually every processed food on store shelves, taking the “eat more healthy whole grains” message to an absurd extreme.

One of the reasons why it was so difficult for people to draw cause-effect relationships between wheat and grains and this long list of health problems is that most of the effects are delayed and only show themselves over the long term. A stack of waffles eaten on May 1 may not yield, for instance, the swollen joints and pain of rheumatoid arthritis until September 30 or later, so it’s tough to connect the dots. But the dots do indeed connect.

So the Wheat Belly 10-Day Detox is not only the nutritional equivalent of a magical pill that can achieve all the above benefits, but also a rejection of the “eat more healthy whole grains” and other dietary advice we hear repeated over and over again. We are going to thumb our noses at the food pyramid and plate, turn a deaf ear to the advice of organizations like the American Diabetes and American Heart Associations, and snicker at the marketing antics of Big Food eager to sell us their cellophane-wrapped, processed foods packed with grains and sugar—all while you get closer and closer to fitting into size 8 jeans, pitching most, if not all, of your prescription drugs into the trash, and feeling the best you have in decades.

Yes, many of the prescription drugs that your doctor advised you to take are really efforts to treat the consequences of eating a diet centered on “healthy whole grains” and the grain-tainted products that fill processed supermarket foods. Being released from these effects does not involve cutting calories, reducing fat, prolonged periods of denial, restraint, or exercise. Get rid of the cause, reverse the effect: The start of this process is really that simple.

Ten days—a week and a half, a third of a month, the time it takes to order and receive a new pair of shoes online—and you can chart a new course for your life and enjoy the wonderful benefits of reprogramming your body along an entirely new design. Once you have gotten through the next 10 days and emerge thinner, faster, stronger, smarter, and healthier for less than the cost of a pair of new shoes, you will wonder what you were thinking over the preceding 30, 40, or 50 years. Your health and your appearance are likely to draw gasps from anyone who witnesses the “after” who lived with your “before.”

So let’s begin!

The Wheat Belly 10-Day Detox: The effortless health and weight-loss solution

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